Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 451 Talking about Zhang Art, Cheng Lu's Personnel Request

Chapter 451 The Art of Speaking, Cheng Lu's Personnel Request
"Okay, okay, I will take the medicine seriously according to the doctor's advice. Xiao He, what you said is simply amazing. Don't worry, I will definitely introduce you to business."

Jiang Hai smiled and said that his face was full of appreciation.

He Jincheng smiled, nodded slightly and didn't say much. He knew that Jiang Hai's so-called business introduction was not as simple as introducing one or two patients.

You must know that with Jiang Hai's current status, the friends he knows are definitely not ordinary people, and they all have certain powers to some extent.

This is the art of speaking as a leader. If you are kind to yourself in everything, you must repay the kindness.

It's just that this kind of return method is often not very clear. It only needs one sentence, and there may be a lot of information hidden behind this sentence. Time can't react, what is the meaning of what the other party wants to express.

The two drank wine for a while at the restaurant, chatted for a while, and saw that the time was almost up, and it was over.

"Xiao He, look at my body, it's definitely not suitable for me to work hard recently, and the matter of the clothing fair will need your attention."

Jiang Hai patted He Jincheng on the shoulder and said.

"Uncle Jiang, don't worry, everything is almost ready, and I guarantee that this clothing fair will go on smoothly."

He Jincheng promised with a smile.

"Okay, okay, I don't worry about your work, and I will definitely bring some big shots to shake up the place for you."

Jiang Hai laughed and said.

The current economic policy still has some obstacles to some extent, especially for private companies like the He Group, the land search is still relatively strict.

Although the scale of the clothing fair held this time is very large, it still makes some companies who come to participate have concerns from various aspects.

If the government can appoint a few people who have the right to speak, then it can greatly reduce the degree of concern of private enterprises about future development.

Therefore, Jiang Hai's guarantee is not just a casual statement, but it can add a bit of confidence to the He Group's development.

After sending Jiang Hai away, He Jincheng was also drunk, so he asked someone to drive him back home.

The next day, He Jincheng came to the company to work, and then saw Cheng Lu, standing at the door of the office, as if waiting for him.

"Mr. He, you are here!"

Seeing He Jincheng approaching, Cheng Lu hurried up to say hello.

"Is there anything wrong with Cheng Lu? Come in and talk."

He Jincheng nodded slightly towards Cheng Lu, then pushed open the office door.

After the two sat down, Cheng Lu looked at He Jincheng hesitantly, as if he had something to do, but he couldn't speak.

"What's the matter? What happened? Just tell me if you have anything to say."

He Jincheng poured Cheng Lu a glass of water, then took out another cigarette butt and went over.

"Thank you Mr. He, then I'll just say it straight. There may be something that needs to be approved by Mr. He."

Cheng Lu took the cigarette, thought for a while, and then spoke.

"Tell me, as long as it doesn't violate the principle, I can agree."

Du Fei was punished for his poor performance before, which obviously made Cheng Lu feel a little stressed.

So this time he said things a little cautiously.

Regarding this situation, He Jincheng did not correct it. After all, it is impossible for a company to develop and grow, and it is impossible to only talk about brotherhood.

If you make a mistake, you will stand at attention and be beaten, and if you make a performance, you will be rewarded for your merit. If this point is linked to the so-called brotherhood, it will not be implemented at all.

Of course, in terms of life, brotherhood is still the main thing. If Du Fei and Cheng Lu have any difficulties in their families, He Jincheng can help them with money without hesitation.

But if it comes to the company, He Jincheng will not be so tolerant.

"Mr. He, do you still remember the time when we went to the racetrack to trouble Zou Feilong?"

Cheng Lu thought for a while and said.

"Of course I remember, but you showed your might. You won eight games in a row, and you directly let the second leader of the Feilong Gang end the game with you, but in the end, you still made the other party lose their temper!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, thinking of the scene at that time, it seems that he still vividly remembers it.

"At that time, Wang Zihao, who played against me in the first match, I don't know if He always had a little impression. This guy is quite nice, and he also contacted me several times afterwards, and the two of us had dinner together a few times. He has My younger sister is called Wang Zimei, she is pretty, but unfortunately she got a strange disease and was hospitalized all the time. At that time, the reason why Wang Zihao went to participate in the racing competition was to raise medical expenses for his sister."

Cheng Lu said the matter slowly.

"Recently, his sister's condition has improved, so he also wants to find a more stable job. Yesterday Wang Zihao found me, hoping to do something in our company, I thought in my heart, this Wang Zihao is also Personal talent, so I wanted to take him in as my assistant, so I wanted to ask Mr. He for your opinion."

After hearing Cheng Lu's words, He Jincheng was a little stunned.

"That's all?"

He Jincheng looked at Cheng Lu and said.

"It's not me. I'm a boss now. If I have an assistant, the assistant's rank is not too low. If I don't get your approval, Mr. He, I'm embarrassed to arrange someone to come here."

Cheng Lu said with a wry smile.

"I have no objection, as long as you can ensure that the character is reliable and capable of doing things. Our company does not support idlers, and I think you should be aware that nepotism is also strictly prohibited."

He Jincheng thought about it and said.

"Don't worry, Mr. He, I'm quite accurate in judging people. This Wang Zihao is really a talent, otherwise I wouldn't make friends with him."

Cheng Lu quickly nodded and assured.

"Then there is no problem, but you are also the referrer. If something goes wrong, you will be responsible. The assistant rank of the director is also equivalent to the supervisor. Do you understand what I mean?"

He Jincheng nodded and said.

"Understood, thank you, Mr. He, I can vouch for Wang Zihao, he is definitely a talent, and maybe he will make your eyes shine when the time comes."

Seeing that He Jincheng agreed, Cheng Lu was very happy and said again and again.

"Okay, this kind of thing will basically be decided by you in the future, but the introduction of this personnel also needs to be reported to the personnel department."

He Jincheng didn't say much, just reminded him about the process.

(End of this chapter)

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