Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 460 A lot of harvest, the pressure of factory production capacity

Chapter 460 A lot of harvest, the pressure of factory production capacity
"Our Dicks Sports is the largest sports brand in the United States. Your style is completely a replica of our new style today. If you didn't copy it, could you still make it yourself?"

Manager Wu said angrily.

As the person in charge of Dix Movement Nandu, of course he has to protect the interests of his company.

Manager Wu has also seen the Qingmeng Clothing that Dix pointed out, so he is sure that Qingmeng Clothing is copying Dix's movement.

"It's not on the market yet? Is it because you don't do it, and what others do copy yours? This dress has been on the market for a year, and it is a hot item of our Qingmeng clothing. When we designed it , we don't even know where you dicks are!"

Du Fei sneered.

"Nonsense, this is a new model we just designed this year, how could you have launched it a year ago!"

After listening to Manager Wu's translation, Dix flew into a rage, pointed at Du Fei and yelled angrily.

Du Fei's face gradually darkened.

I have given Dix some face to some extent, but the other party is so ignorant, do I really think I am cowardly?

"I warn you, don't point fingers at me, and if you keep messing around, be careful that I'm rude to you!"

Du Fei said in a cold voice, and several security guards also started walking towards this side.

When Manager Wu saw this, he panicked.

In any case, this is the booth of Qingmeng Clothing. If you really try to do it, you will definitely suffer.

"Mr. Dix, let's stop talking to them. Let's complain to them directly. We, Dix, are a investment attraction project that the local officials in Nandu attach great importance to. As long as we make a complaint, we will definitely attract attention!"

Manager Wu persuaded Dix and forcibly pulled him away.

"Hmph, complain, you go, you can be lawless if you have a foreigner's face?"

Du Fei snorted coldly, not paying attention to Dix's threat at all.

When Jiang Hai heard that Dix was coming again, he hurried over to try to explain, but when he arrived, Dix and the others had already left.

"Mr. Du, what's going on? Why are they here again? Didn't there be any trouble?"

Jiang Hai asked with some concern.

"Leader Jiang, it's nothing but a bunch of jumping clowns. All our products are designed by ourselves. I have never heard of their dix movement before. They suddenly popped up. If they want to complain, let them go. In the end, I can only lose my own people!"

Du Fei said with a smile.

"Oh, it's not that simple. You'd better tell Mr. He about it and see what Mr. He says!"

Jiang Hai thought for a while and said.

"I've already told Mr. He, don't worry!"

Du Fei said confidently.

He notified He Jincheng of this matter immediately, and He Jincheng's reaction was very flat, and there was no big reaction to this, so naturally Du Fei didn't have to worry about anything.

"That's good, I still believe in Mr. He's vision!"

Jiang Hai breathed a sigh of relief, as long as He Jincheng knew about it, since he didn't come forward, it meant that this matter was really not that troublesome.

If the superiors ask you, you have to prepare your own arguments. At least this infringement and plagiarism needs to be firmly vetoed!

For the time being, there is no follow-up to this matter.

In the next two days, the fair came to a successful conclusion. In the end, Qingmeng Clothing won a full order of [-] million yuan, and the companies in the whole fair won a total of nearly one billion orders, which can be said to have created the Southern Metropolis The largest sale ever recorded.

The successful holding of the Nandu Fair immediately attracted the attention of other cities and enterprises, especially the organizer He Group, which made a big splash in this fair, which was originally only a little famous in recent provinces. This directly made the He Group a well-known enterprise in the country.

A company that started out by making clothing, in just three days, actually got an order of [-] million yuan, which can be called a myth in the business world.

He Jincheng didn't pay too much attention to these things.

Because the effect of the exhibition far exceeded expectations, the skyrocketing order volume put a lot of pressure on the company's production side.

Originally, the Ho Group also planned the production line early to prepare for the pressure on production capacity brought about by the surge in orders at the exhibition.

However, the planned production line can only meet one-third of the demand, leaving a huge gap of two-thirds.

There is no other way. Since the order received exceeds expectations, we must bite the bullet and do it.

He Jincheng made a decisive decision. First of all, during the completion of the order, the piece rate wages of all workers increased by 12%, and a three-shift production method was implemented, that is, all workers took a 12-hour cycle and rotated every 24 hours. With a [-]-hour break, the garment factory runs non-stop.

Originally, the piece-rate wages offered by the factory were higher than those of the peers, but now it has been increased by [-]%. In this way, if you work full time for a month, you can earn at least ten yuan more.

This is absolutely acceptable to the workers.

For a while, the workers in the two factories were working in full swing, and the output on the first day increased by 20.00%. With the investment of new production lines, there is still room for this capacity to increase.

Even so, there is still no way to meet the demand.

He Jincheng did some calculations, at the very least, five production lines must be built within a month, plus workers must be recruited and trained well. At least within one and a half months, these five production lines can operate normally before the fair can be completed. orders placed by the company.

In addition, there is another way, that is to introduce semi-automatic production machines.

He Jincheng has learned that there is a machine that can directly produce the various parts of the clothes, and the final stitching can be done manually, and the production speed can be increased by at least three times.

As long as five such machines can be introduced, they can be equivalent to five of the most proficient production lines at the moment.

It's a pity that this kind of machine does not exist in China at present. If you want to introduce it, you must buy it from abroad.

"Mr. He, you asked me to inquire about the machine, and I have a clue!"

Cheng Cheng quickly collected information about this semi-automatic machine, and immediately found He Jincheng to report the matter.

"Great, do you know where it is? No matter how much it costs, we must buy it!"

He Jincheng was overjoyed immediately, he thought it would be difficult to find him, but he didn't expect to find him so soon.

(End of this chapter)

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