Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 469 Enthusiastic mobilization, road construction on the 3rd day of the first month

Chapter 469 Enthusiasm to mobilize, go to build roads on the third day of the first lunar month
After working in Lianhua Village for so long, Huang Baofu is still somewhat capable. He just finished chatting with He Jincheng, and brought a few people to look for He Jincheng in the afternoon.

They came here to express their opinion to He Jincheng, and secondly to consult He Jincheng about the specific situation, including time, place and so on.

He Jincheng said that development must be done, and when to start, it still needs to be determined by professionals.

However, in order to reassure the village chief and the others, He Jincheng directly paid 10 yuan for the goods.

"Uncle Baofu, the money is for buying yellow sand. This is the phone number of that person. You can call him and just give me my name!"

He Jincheng introduced Huang Baofu with a smile.

"Alright Jincheng, no problem, just leave it to me!"

Huang Baofu immediately patted his chest and promised.

Generally speaking, although Huang Baofu eats a lot and grows fat, he still has a good vision. He won't just trap his own vision in the small lotus village. He Jincheng glanced at Huang Baofu with a smile. This Uncle Baofu can have a career in the future!

After reaching the initial construction funds from He Jincheng, Huang Baofu couldn't sit still.

The next day was the third day of the first lunar month, so Huang Baofu called together some well-spoken men in the village, and decided to put the road construction on the agenda first.

Although it is still during the Chinese New Year, many workers have gone home to celebrate the New Year, so it is impossible to recruit workers to repair this road.

Since this is the case, Huang Baofu plans to let the male laborers in the village who have nothing to do to work together to level the road together.

Now the roads in Lianhua Village are all dirt roads, which will become muddy when it rains.

And the width of this road is only about three meters.

When a truck comes in, no one can walk on the opposite side except one person.

This has had a great impact on the daily shipments of medicinal material processing plants, and sometimes they simply cannot keep up with the production speed.

Some cooperative dealers came here especially, but they bumped all the way from the town to Lianhua Village, and almost vomited when they got there.

The dealer of others is hospitalized directly when they arrive at the place, so how could they still talk about cooperation with you.

So, road construction must be done, and it must be done as soon as possible.

"Jincheng, we people really have nothing to do, even if we say a word, we immediately throw away our arms and do it."

Huang Baofu's prestige in Lianhua Village is still good, and several male laborers who can talk have expressed their approval.

Then after Huang Baofu broadcast the incident on the loudspeaker, all the villagers spontaneously ran out to help with work.

It is very common for people to come out for a walk on the third day of the first lunar month to visit relatives.

However, Lianhua Village is different. They did not go to this Spring Festival according to the traditional festival. Could it be that each of them held a shovel and walked towards the entrance of the village mightily.

If people who don't know really think that there is a conflict between Lianhua Village and other villages, there will be a huge scale fighting.

But soon they discovered that the village chief and his followers immediately greeted them when they arrived at the entrance of the village.

Everyone is in full swing.

It's just that the use of tools and machinery is not as detailed as He Jincheng's, but it's still a bit embarrassing to ask He Jincheng and them more or less at this time.

After a whole day of work, the road has been widened by nearly 15 meters, and more than 300 meters have been completed.

Every piece of land is doing quite well, and it can even be called excellent.

It's a pity that everyone is not a professional road builder after all, and all the tools are only shovels and hammers.

So, although more than 300 meters have been completed, there is only one appearance. As long as it rains, the road will definitely not be able to walk.

He Jincheng dared to be surprised when he learned that the villagers had started to build the road, and hurried to the village entrance to have a look, with a dumbfounding look on his face.

Seeing He Jinchenghong approaching, Wang Baofu approached with a smile, and then pointed to the villagers who were in full swing in front of them.

"How is it? No one in our village is lazy, and when they start working, they all seem desperate."

Huang Baofu said with a smile.

"You look good. Your spirit is worthy of recognition. I'll contact you in two days to see if there are any engineering vehicles that can come. In addition, we still need to find a professional road repair team."

He Jincheng knelt down and looked at Wang Baofu and the others who had gone this way, and said a little dumbfounded.

The ground of this road is too loose, and it is not compacted at all. Even if cement and yellow sand are poured at that time, it is impossible to repair this road.

A [-]-meter-high building still has to rely on the foundation to support it. If the foundation is not done well, it is strange that this high-rise building will collapse.

So the same is true for road construction. If the foundation is not done well, the road will collapse soon.

"Hey, we are not in a hurry. It happens that there is nothing wrong now, so everyone spontaneously ran over to build the road. If we don't want to do anything else, we will first widen the road and wait until the official road construction later. After the team comes over, let's do it together."

Huang Baofu explained with a smile, and there was a look of embarrassment on his face, which was very difficult to see on Huang Baofu's face.

"Fine, you can do it if you want. How about it, all the villagers involved in the road construction are paid two yuan per day. Although it is not much, I hope everyone will not feel that they are working for nothing."

He Jincheng said.

"Two yuan is enough, that's enough. Don't worry, He Jincheng, I will supervise this matter carefully and ensure that everyone completes the work on time and according to the quantity."

Huang Baofu is in charge of the medicinal material processing factory, and he still has some airs of growth, and he still speaks in a different way, and he doesn't know who he learned from.

However, Huang Baofu himself had no culture, and even some of the characters he knew now were taught by He Jincheng before.

So it's pretty good for him to be able to say those words.

Even in the future, it is still necessary to strengthen the intensive training of the company's top and middle management. "

"Okay, everyone take it easy, don't be too tired, from tomorrow we will send you the company, and then you will be in charge of this matter, Uncle Baofu, it should not conflict with other things!"

"If there is no problem, just leave it to me. Our village chief for so many years is not for nothing."

Huang Baofu nodded vigorously.

"Okay, then I don't worry. After the road is repaired, we will immediately start the project of building a small villa. Before that, Uncle Bao, you still need to keep it a secret, otherwise everyone will be thinking about the house. It's easy to affect our road construction process!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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