Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 471 Appointment with Mr. Wang, the method of purchasing the machine

Chapter 471 Appointment with Mr. Wang, the method of purchasing the machine

"Okay, I'll contact Manager Wu now!"

Zhou Qingyuan saw He Jincheng's anxiety and said immediately.

After Zhou Qingyuan left, He Jincheng thought about it and made another call.

The phone rang three or four times before it was connected.

"Old Wang, how are you doing recently? If it's convenient in the near future, I'd like to pay a visit!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Oh, hahaha, you can still ring me, boy, why don't you come on, I've been very busy recently, and I'm raising birds at home!"

Wang Qianyun said happily when he received a call from He Jincheng.

"Well, I'll go there early tomorrow morning. I haven't been able to give you New Year's greetings during the Chinese New Year. Please don't blame Wang Laomo!"

He Jincheng nodded.

"Forget it, this Chinese New Year, I can't stop people who come to me to give gifts. It's only after the Lantern Festival. It's really annoying. You can come and see it if you want, but you can't Bring something!"

Wang Qianyun is really tired of people who come to give gifts during the Chinese New Year. Basically, few are really good friends. They are completely out of polite smiles and greetings, which makes Wang Qianyun very uncomfortable.

So he simply pretended to be sick, and then he couldn't get out of the wheelchair.

Even so, many people still came to give gifts, but Wang Qianyun didn't show up, so he was a little more clean.

Wang Qianyun was quite surprised that He Jincheng took the initiative to call today.

Wang Qianyun has a deep affection for He Jincheng, and this young man seems to have good medical skills. He also learned some information from several old friends.

It just so happened that if this little guy came to the door, let him feel his own pulse.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wang, the gift must be brought, and it is also something you don't have. It is guaranteed to be unique!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, how could he go empty-handed when he came to visit.

He was going to give some pills he made himself. These are He Jincheng's exclusive secret recipes, which can save his life at critical moments. If they are sold, they will be snatched up by rich people as magic medicines!
"Hahaha, okay, then I'll be waiting for your gift, and I won't be disappointed!"

Wang Qianyun laughed loudly.

Not long after He Jincheng hung up the phone, Zhou Qingyuan walked in.

"Mr. He, I've got in touch. I'm in room 888 of the Qingjiang Hotel tonight. You can do it here!"

Zhou Qingyuan said.

"Okay, then you can go with me!"

He Jincheng nodded.

After six o'clock in the evening, He Jincheng went to Qingjiang Hotel with Zhou Qingyuan.

As old acquaintances of Qingjiang Hotel, the two of them came to Box 888 with ease. After waiting for a few minutes, Manager Wu Yusheng and Wu arrived.

Manager Wu put on a suit and looked glamorous, but his expression was obviously a bit deeply tired, especially his complexion was not very good-looking, and the dark circles under his eyes were even more obvious, which was obviously caused by insomnia.

"Oh, Manager Wu, what's the matter, this is, I haven't seen you for a few days, you look a little haggard!"

Zhou Qingyuan quickly stood up and greeted him, also feeling a little surprised.

Wu Yusheng, as the person in charge of the Southern Metropolis of the Dix Movement, his salary is not low, so he would definitely not have any problems living here, but why is he so haggard? Could it be that he encountered some kind of problem?
"Oh, Mr. Zhou, I really can't do it anymore!"

Wu Yusheng said with a wry smile. After sitting down, he drank two big sips of tea before recovering and continued.

"Your Qingmeng clothing has firmly occupied the market in Nandu City. More than 50.00% of the consumers buy your clothes, and the remaining 50.00% of the consumers buy clothes from other stores, but these In the store, 80.00% of the goods are obtained from your factory. It can be said that your Qingmeng Clothing has formed an absolute monopoly in Nandu, and even a few nearby cities are similar to here! Those of us The so-called big brands have completely lost their market after they came to your side, and these days, I have lost all my hair in worry!"

"This...isn't that serious. You Dicks Sports is also one of the largest companies in the world. How can there be a market? Manager Wu, don't worry, maybe you can wait for two days!"

Zhou Qingyuan spoke comforting words on the surface, but in his heart he felt a little gloating.

Just kidding, the competitor's life is relatively miserable, of course I am happy!

"Hey, let's not talk about this, hey, who is this?"

Wu Yusheng waved his hand, and his eyes fell on He Jincheng. He looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he saw him.

"Manager Wu is such a noble person who forgets things. We met at the trade fair before. My name is He Jincheng, and I am the owner of Qingmeng Clothing!"

He Jincheng smiled and held out his hand to Wu Yusheng.

Wu Yusheng was stunned for a moment, then stood up quickly, holding He Jincheng's hand with both hands, with a bit of respect.

"It turned out to be Mr. He, what a disrespect. To be honest, Mr. He, although I work in a foreign company, my boss, I am really disappointed. During this time, I was thinking about whether to resign!"

Wu Yusheng's words are a bit interesting. Although he didn't flatter He Jincheng, he belittled his boss and proposed his plan to resign. This is to see He Jincheng's reaction. I hope He Jincheng can Hire him with a high salary.

"In fact, every company has its own difficulties and shortcomings. Dix Sports is indeed a big brand abroad, but it has no sales experience in China. It has just settled in, and it is inevitable to encounter some obstacles. As long as it overcomes this difficulty, I believe you The company will definitely get better!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, but his answer made Wu Yusheng a little confused.

He didn't understand what He Jincheng meant, didn't he want to hire his own?So what's the matter with asking yourself to meet today?

"Mr. He's remarks made me suddenly enlightened, and I will think about it carefully. By the way, Mr. He invited me out to meet this time. It should not just be for a meal, let's chat. I don't know if Mr. He has something to ask me Woolen cloth?"

The anticipation on Wu Yusheng's face disappeared, and turned into a businesslike look.

"That's right. I heard that you, Dix, have a new batch of machines that haven't been used. I wonder if Manager Wu can set up a line to sell those machines to Qingmeng Clothing?"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Mr. He, you think too highly of me. Those machines are worth at least a million dollars. I don't have the power to take responsibility. I think you should find someone else!"

Wu Yusheng raised his wrist and looked at his watch.

"Oh, it's getting late, I still have something to do, let's stop here today, we'll talk another day!"

Forgive me, Wu Yusheng stood up, turned around and was about to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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