Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 481 Moving to Lotus, the pride of the village chief

Chapter 481 Moving to Lotus, the pride of the village chief
It was getting late at this point, and it was somewhat troublesome for He Jincheng to go to Liu Long's house to treat his wife and children.

After pondering for a moment, He Jincheng took out two more pills from the drawer.

"I made these two medicines myself. I will give your wife and children a blessing after I go back today. It can help them calm down and sleep well at night."

Hearing that He Jincheng said that his wife and children were able to sleep well once, Liu Long respectfully put the two pills carefully in the palm of his hand. After looking at them for a while, he carefully put them into his pocket again. .

"Thank you, Mr. He. I'll let my wife and children try it when I get back."

Liu Long said very gratefully.

After so many years, he knows how far his wife and children are now. If there is no way to treat them, they may really not survive this year.

It's just that I didn't expect my boss to know medical skills, and he didn't even look at it. Looking at his wife and children, he dared to say that he could be cured. Let's not talk about He Jincheng. It can be seen that Qi'er is sick, and Liu Long believes half of it.

"Okay, it's getting late today, so go back and clean up. I'll ask Xiaoqiang to drive you to Lianhua Village. It's not that I was in a hurry, but the air quality in Lianhua Village is indeed better. Your wife and son are training there."

He Jincheng waved his hand and said with a small smile.

"I understand Mr. He, I'll do it now."

Liu Long nodded quickly, and then hurriedly left the He Group.

After Liu Long left, He Jincheng called Gao Ziqiang and the village head successively, and told them about the incident.

The village chief definitely has no opinion, and it would be okay for him to preside over the road construction, but when it comes to the planning of residential buildings and how to build the future drug research center, he really dare not give blind instructions.

Gao Ziqiang is very happy that the person he recommended seems to have been reused by the boss, which also shows that the boss still trusts him very much.

Gao Ziqiang personally drove Liu Long's family of three to Lianhua Village. After arriving there, the village head was waiting at the entrance of the village.

"Oh, your name is Xiaolong, right? Welcome. Our village is in a bit of a mess right now, so please take care of yourself. After this road is repaired, everything will be fine. Come, come, follow me, I'll give you I picked a pretty good yard, with all the furniture and everything, a little bit old, but the bedding and everything are new, make sure it is clean!"

The village chief, as he spoke, he brought Liu Long and his family of three to the yard that had been prepared earlier.

"You guys don't look very well, are you malnourished? I'll bring you some eggs or something later. Don't cook at night. I'll bring you the food."

The village head also saw that Liu Long's child had a bad complexion, and said with some concern.

"Thank you very much, the village chief. But you don't have to worry about my child being sick, but Mr. He will come over tomorrow and say he will show the child."

Liu Long quickly said that he was also worried that his wife and children's health would make others think too much.

After all, they are all outsiders, and they came here with all kinds of diseases. If they get infected, the villagers will definitely be angry.

Unexpectedly, when the village chief heard that He Jincheng had seen it, he was indeed not angry at all, but smiled anyway.

"Since that kid He Jincheng has seen it, it means that there is nothing serious about them, so just take it to heart."

Liu Long and his wife were a little surprised by the village chief's reaction.

"Village chief, you know our boss, what do you think of his medical skills?"

Liu Long asked quickly, although he said he was willing to believe that He Jincheng's medical skills were good and he could cure his wife and children.

But after all, I still haven't seen He Jincheng take action to save lives, so of course I still have some doubts.

"How is medicine?"

The village chief looked Liu Long up and down like a monster, as if he had heard the most incredible joke in the world.

"I said Xiaolong, who doesn't know that He Jincheng's clothes are unmatched in the world in a fifty-mile radius? Let me tell you this, in the past two or three years, no one who has come to He Jincheng for medical treatment can't be cured. .”

As soon as He Jincheng's medical skills were mentioned, the village head became even more enthusiastic, with a look of fascination on his face, as if he was the one with superb medical skills.

"Really so powerful?"

Liu Long's expression was incredible, he really couldn't imagine that the owner of a garment factory is actually a miracle doctor!
These two professions seem to have nothing in common. If I have to say that the two professions have something in common, it is that the boss can wear the clothes produced by himself to speak on stage.

"Looking at you like this, you don't really trust your boss. Let me tell you, that is, He Jincheng is a kind-hearted kid. He wants to help the world. Look, he doesn't want to give us such a big medicinal material processing factory in our village. I only have [-]% of the equity, and I don’t participate in the company’s operations on weekdays, but I will make some suggestions at critical moments, and these suggestions are often relatively good.”

The village head talked eloquently, saying that He Jincheng was miraculous, like a character in a legend.

Liu Long was shocked when he heard this.

"Okay, He Jincheng is very capable. If you follow him to work, he will definitely not treat you badly. Work hard, young man."

The village chief smiled and patted Liu Long on the shoulder, then walked out with his hands behind his back.

Liu Long was stunned for a long time, and then he remembered that he wanted to send the village chief off, and quickly ran after him.

"Okay, okay, don't send it away, this is also my village, I can touch home with my eyes closed."

The village head smiled and waved his hands, telling Liu Long to come in and clean up.

Liu Long was so happy that he ran home and told his wife some of the information he got from the village chief.

Liu Long's wife was named Mei Lan.

It turned out that Mei Lan was also an educated youth who went to the countryside to jump in the queue.

Later, because of her beauty, some gangsters in the village fell in love with her and came to harass her all day long.

At the critical moment, Liu Long stood up and beat those gangsters away.

Although Liu Long was considered a bastard at the time, he never bullied the weak, on the contrary, he had the demeanor of a chivalrous man!
So Mei Lan fell in love with Liu Long naturally. Later, after the policy was relaxed, Mei Lan did not choose to go back, but followed Mr. Liu, became a virtuous wife, and gave birth to a son for him. His name is Liu Xiaobao.

Originally, this family of three was definitely a happy family, plus Liu Long was willing to quit the arena for his wife and children, came to a strange city, and started life again.

Just when everything was moving in a good direction, the illness of his wife and children suddenly arrived as scheduled, and Liu Long was caught off guard.

(End of this chapter)

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