Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 486 Three-step therapy, Xiao Mao can run

Chapter 486 Three-step therapy, Xiao Mao can run
"Then I'll trouble you, fat brother!"

He Jincheng nodded slightly towards the fat man.

"Then what's the trouble? Be quick with your hands and feet and finish your work quickly. Sister-in-law Mei Lan will have to see a doctor later!"

The fat man gave instructions to several other people, and then hurried home to get the bucket.

He Jincheng's prescription was taken by another person, and he hurriedly went to the medical clinic to get the medicine.

It didn't take long for the kang to be ready, but it still needs to wait a day before it can be used.

The fat man and the person grabbing the medicine also rushed back.

"Let's put the bucket in the house. It's time to heat up the kang later, so that the house will be warmer. Just give me the medicine, and I'll make it up again!"

Under He Jincheng's order, everyone was busy. After the bathtub and hot water were ready, He Jincheng's medicine was almost ready.

The medicine for oral administration was made into pills by He Jincheng, and the medicine for the medicinal bath was ground into powder and sprinkled directly into the tub.

"Sister-in-law, you put this medicine in your mouth and put it under your tongue. Don't swallow it right away, just wait for it to melt slowly and take it. The medicine is not bitter, it may be a little sour, you should be able to bear it!"

He Jincheng handed the pill to Mei Lan.

After Mei Lan thanked her, she took the pill directly in her mouth without any hesitation. Her brows frowned slightly, obviously it was indeed a little sour, and even she could hardly bear it.

"I will prick three needles in each of your arms, and then you will immediately go into the house for a medicated bath! Brother Liu, sister-in-law's medicated bath time will take at least an hour, and you can prepare hot water at any time. Add some hot water!"

He Jincheng ordered again.

Both Mei Lan and Liu Long nodded repeatedly, anyway, they would do whatever He Jincheng arranged.

So, He Jincheng took out the needle bag, and used a three-inch needle to prick Mei Lan's arms three times.

In fact, He Jincheng was deliberately conservative. If he could use needles on the chest and abdomen, it would be more effective for Mei Lan's disease. However, Liu Long is still here. He Jincheng is so embarrassed!

The next best thing is to use acupuncture on both arms, although the effect is slightly worse, but it is not bad, at most two more courses of treatment are needed.

After He Jincheng got the needles, Mei Lan felt her body suddenly lighten a little. With the pills in her mouth, it was as if her body was connected through the six needle holes, and something was slowly coming out.

"Okay, Brother Liu, hurry up and send your sister-in-law to take a medicinal bath!"

He Jincheng got up and said, and then he called Fatty and the others to leave the house, and at the same time took Xiaomao away.

Everyone came out one after another, Liu Long didn't dare to delay, he quickly helped Mei Lan into the room, and then helped her take a medicinal bath.

Sitting in the bathtub, Mei Lan couldn't help but let out a comfortable groan as the potion soaked.

"What's the matter, are you not feeling well?"

Liu Long said quickly, his face was full of worry.

Mei Lan's pretty face flushed slightly, she lowered her head and shook her head slightly, indicating that she was fine, and Liu Long heaved a sigh of relief.

"Honey, you're soaking here, I'll come in and heat the water for you later!"

After coming out of the house, only He Jincheng and Xiao Mao were left in the yard.

"Mr. He, thank you so much!"

Liu Long said gratefully.

After He Jincheng's treatment, he could clearly feel that his wife's expression has improved a lot. Let alone whether she can be cured, at least it can be relieved.

"You're here again, and I really can't continue to treat you like this!"

He Jincheng said helplessly.

"Okay, okay, I won't say anymore! By the way, what about Fatty and the others, I even said that I would invite them to dinner!"

Liu Long found out that Fatty and the others had left, so he asked.

"I went back to take a shower. After working all day, my body is covered in mud!"

He Jincheng smiled, then put Xiao Mao on the ground, and patted his little head.

"Xiao Mao, can you run a few more steps to show uncle?"

Liu Long was stunned, and then he noticed that his son seemed to look much better, not as listless as usual, not to mention running two steps, even walking, Xiao Mao didn't have much strength.

But now Xiao Mao is standing there, looking a little eager to try.

"Little Mao, come on, run up and show Dad!"

Liu Long also squatted down, clapped his hands towards Xiao Mao, and said encouragingly.


Xiaomao nodded vigorously, and finally took the first step. His body swayed slightly, but he was still steady. Then came the second step. After his body was completely stabilized, the next few steps would be steady. It was too much, and he really ran up and threw himself into Liu Long's arms.

"Dad, I did it!"

Xiao Mao blushed with excitement and said happily.

"Hahaha, my Xiaomao is the best, you are really amazing!"

Liu Long hugged Xiao Mao and said happily.

Xiaomao is three years old this year, but because of his extremely weak body, it is very difficult for him to walk, let alone run. Today is really the first time he has run!
"Just now I took Xiaomao's pulse. His problem is not very serious. I made a few pills for him. If you take one pill a day, he will be back to normal in up to seven days! In the future, we need to give the child more nutrition. Otherwise, there may still be problems!"

He Jincheng smiled, and then gave Liu Long something wrapped in letter paper, which contained six pills, specially for Xiaomao.

"Okay, I will give it to Xiaomao every day!"

Liu Long nodded again and again. His wife and son are the two most important people in his life.

But He Jincheng saved the lives of both of them, which made Liu Long secretly determined that he would repay He Jincheng's kindness in his life and do what he could for him.

"Okay, Xiao Mao and I will go out to play together, after my sister-in-law finishes taking the medicine bath, let her lie down and rest first, don't worry about waking her up, I think my sister-in-law can sleep until tomorrow morning! "

He Jincheng said with a smile, "You will have to cook later, we will come over to eat your big meal tonight!"

"Okay, okay, don't worry, I have absolutely nothing to say about my craft!"

Liu Long smiled and rubbed his hands. The excitement at this moment cannot be expressed in words.

He Jincheng hugged Xiao Mao and went out to play. He Jincheng liked the child very much, and he hated children to suffer, so He Jincheng would definitely cure Xiao Mao's illness completely.

In the evening, after the sun went down, He Jincheng returned to Liu Long's residence with Fatty and the others.

Before entering the door, they could smell the aroma of food coming from inside, which made everyone's eyes drooling involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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