Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 501 Direct rebuttal, Cai Ziming of Rainbow Group

Chapter 501 Direct rebuttal, Cai Ziming of Rainbow Group
"As far as I know, Mr. Zhao Mingkun, a traditional Chinese medicine doctor who is known as the king of Northwest medicine today, doesn't even have a primary school diploma, but he has always been ranked among the top three in the domestic Chinese medicine rankings. Mr. Liu, do you also say that? Mr. Zhao Mingkun is not qualified to become a Chinese medicine doctor?"

He Jincheng just glanced at Liu Shan indifferently, and Qingmao said casually.

"You... I don't mean that, how can you be compared with the old genius doctor Zhao? You kid is messing around!"

Liu Shan blushed when he was told, and shouted loudly.

Hua Jingu frowned slightly. As an out-and-out Chinese medicine doctor, he naturally knew that many doctors of Chinese medicine were not highly educated. After all, there were many schools of western medicine in China, but there were very few schools of Chinese medicine. Even Hua Jingu himself Later, he went to night university and got a college diploma. The English and mathematics exams made him stumped.

Generally speaking, the really well-known old Chinese doctors in this world are basically not very educated, and some people even went to private schools for a few years in the early years, and their own medical skills are apprentices in old medical clinics, following the old Chinese doctors. Yes, where can I get a diploma here?

Although a diploma can tell a person's background or strength to a certain extent, but if this kind of thing is used to run on people, it is Liu Shan's fault. It is really unwise for him to use this to suppress He Jincheng.

"Mr. Liu's words, if there is an opportunity in the future, I will pass it on to my peers to learn from. I can't control whether Mr. Liu recognizes me as a Chinese medicine doctor, but some friends I know still recognize my medical skills!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly, this sentence made Liu Shan feel extremely regretful, and he was blocked for a while and didn't know what to say.

Xiang Qianjin on the side cursed in his heart that he deserved it, Liu Shan, a snobbish villain, you still have today!
Liu Shan opened his mouth and wanted to refute something, but suddenly he heard the door being pushed open, and a group of people pushed the door and walked in.

The leader was an extraordinary person, dressed in a neat suit, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and looked about thirty years old. Behind him, followed by two people, one of whom was obviously a secretary or assistant, and the other had sharp eyes. It should be a personal bodyguard.

"Mr. Cai, you are here!"

When Liu Shan saw the person coming, he seemed to have forgotten the embarrassment just now, and walked towards that person with a smile on his face.

He Jincheng looked over and knew who this Mr. Cai was. It was Cai Ziming, the eldest son of Cai Caihong, the chairman of Caihong Group.

Cai Caihong’s husband’s name is Qian Linhai. Because Cai Caihong is an only daughter, and the background of Cai’s family is much older than her husband’s, the eldest son takes Cai Caihong’s surname. In addition, they have a son and a daughter, and the second son Qian Ziyu, daughter Qian Shanshan.

Cai Ziming is currently serving as the general manager and executive president of Caihong Group. Because of Cai Caihong's physical problems, Cai Ziming is currently handling all the affairs of the group.

"Mr. Liu, is the doctor here today?"

Cai Ziming asked directly, with a calm tone.

"Here we come, this is the genius doctor Huajin Guhua specially invited by our group!"

Liu Shan immediately introduced, but he just ignored He Jincheng, and he didn't mean to introduce at all.

"Hua Miracle Doctor, I have admired her name for a long time, my mother's illness, this time I have to get rid of Hua Miracle Doctor more!"

Cai Ziming stepped forward and shook Hua Jingu's hand vigorously.

"Ah, it should be, Mr. Cai, don't worry, I will definitely do my best!"

Hua Jingu said with a smile.

Being able to explain to the current actual power holders of the Rainbow Group, this is another chapter that can add a lot of money to the endorsement of one's network.

After exchanging words with Huajingu Commercial, Cai Ziming looked at Xiang Qianjin and He Jincheng again.

"Dean Xiang? Dean Xiang invited two famous doctors before, and I will always remember it. This time, it is too troublesome to ask Dean Xiang for help. This should be the doctor you personally came for!"

Cai Ziming's ability to deal with people and things is going to beat Liu Shan by a thousand miles.

For a person of Xiang Jin's level, he can also remember at a glance. He deserves to be able to serve as the executive president and general manager of the Rainbow Group in his thirties. It seems that it will not be long before the entire Rainbow Group will be handed over to Cai Zi Ming!

"Mr. Cai, you are welcome. Rainbow Group has donated a lot of medical equipment to our hospital these days. We should do these things. It's a pity that we couldn't help Mr. Cai before! This is Dr. He Jincheng, Nandu famous doctor!"

Xiang Qianjin quickly introduced.

He didn't expect that Cai Ziming would greet him personally today, but he had never been treated like this before.

"It turned out to be Dr. He, lucky to meet you!"

Although Cai Ziming was surprised by He Jincheng's youth, he didn't show any contempt on his expression. He also warmly extended his hand and shook He Jincheng's hand firmly.

"Hello Mr. Cai! Actually, I have also done some business. I wonder if Mr. Cai has heard of the He Group?"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.

"Oh? I remember that Qingmeng Clothing, which has expanded greatly in the past two years, seems to belong to the He Group. Could it be that Dr. He is a member of the He Group?"

Cai Ziming said in surprise.

In this era, a lot of information is not so easy to find, such as corporate legal persons, shareholders, actual controllers, etc. In the future 21st century, you can use relevant software to search online to find out everything.

The rise of the He Group is indeed a noticeable thing for other companies, but the current main business of the Rainbow Group does not involve the clothing industry, so it does not pay too much attention. It's just a company, and it's not clear who the boss of the company is.

"Yes, this is my business card!"

He Jincheng smiled and took out a business card, and handed it to Cai Ziming.

He knew that Cai Ziming was a loyal, refined, trustworthy, and filial person, so he wanted to draw Cai Ziming into the game and build a drug research and development center together.

This is a good thing that will benefit the people for thousands of years, and it is impossible for Cai Ziming to refuse.

Seeing He Jincheng's business card, Cai Ziming frowned slightly, but soon relaxed.

"It turned out to be Mr. He. I didn't expect Mr. He to not only do business, but also see a doctor!"

Cai Ziming's words were obviously dissatisfied.

Let a businessman go to see a doctor, under normal circumstances, most people would disagree.

This had to make Cai Ziming suspect He Jincheng's intentions for coming here, which made him very uncomfortable, but Cai Ziming still tried his best to hold back the anger in his heart. No matter what, his mother's illness is the most important thing now.

"Haha, Mr. Cai thinks that I have no intention of coming here. Please rest assured Mr. Cai. If I say anything that has nothing to do with medical treatment, you can drive me away at any time!"

He Jincheng saw Cai Ziming's concerns and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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