Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 513 A humble elder, He Jincheng is half a master

Chapter 513 A humble elder, He Jincheng is half a master

Before he had time to think about it, Xiang Qianjin led the crowd and ran towards the car.

Halfway through the run, Xiang Qianjin noticed that the cyclist seemed familiar.

If you take a closer look, you will feel bad in your heart, isn't he just He Jincheng and his brother?
How could it be him? It was a coincidence that he ran into Mr. Wang's car. This is really a plot that can't be written in a novel!

He Jincheng was also a little depressed. Today he rode a bicycle from the hotel to the hospital.

Originally, he was about to go to the hospital, but when he reached the intersection, he found a kitten and jumped out from under his feet.

In order to avoid the kitten, He Jincheng lost control and almost collided with the car.

Although He Jincheng's skills are also good, he is just a mortal after all, and he is not a god who will be injured if he gets hit by a car accident.

So, he was also taken aback.

Fortunately, the driver of this car was skilled, calm and calm at the critical moment, and stepped on the brakes in time, but the front of the car still collided with the bicycle.

The wheels of the bicycle were deformed, and the front of the car was scratched.

After the car stopped, the driver got out of the car with an uneasy expression on his face.

"Why are you riding a bicycle on a rampage? If I hadn't stopped in time, you would have been knocked into the air, you know?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention to a cat just now, so it suddenly lost control. Well, this matter is my fault, and I will be responsible for how much your car needs to be repaired."

He Jincheng said quickly.

He is a reasonable person, and he did something wrong. If he hadn't been distracted and was frightened by a cat, he wouldn't have caused the accident.

Fortunately, the accident was not serious and no one was injured.

"Forget it, Xiao Wang, I don't think this young man did it on purpose, so let it be."

At this time, the rear window of the car was rolled down, and an old man waved to the driver Xiao Wang.

"Old Wang, look what our car is called. I just did maintenance on this car yesterday."

Xiao Wang felt a little wronged on his face. Although he was just a driver, he really regarded this car as his most beloved treasure.

When it is not open, Xiao Huang has to wash it twice a day.

If Mr. Wang went out to do errands, Xiao Wang would usually gently wipe every stain on the car when he was waiting by the car.

After driving Mr. Wang for two or three years, Xiao Wang has never had any accidents, not even a single scratch on the whole car.

In the end, it was scratched by a bicycle out of nowhere. It seemed like a knife had been stabbed in Xiao Wang's heart, but I felt so sorry for him.

"There's nothing we can't fix. Just touch up the paint later. Our time is precious, and there are still patients in the hospital waiting for us to consult."

Wang Lao waved his hand to express that he really didn't need to care too much.

This car was equipped by the unit for Mr. Wang. Of course, Xiao Wang had no right to decide, so he could only give He Jincheng a hard look, and then told him to get out of the way quickly, and then sat in the driver's seat.

At this time, Xiang Qianjin and the others also ran over, as soon as he was young, he stepped forward and pulled He Jincheng aside, and at the same time gave him a wink, then walked carefully to the rear window of the car and bowed slightly.

"Mr. Wang is really sorry to surprise you. I am the vice president of our Chaoyang Central Hospital, Xiang Qianjin. I will be in charge of receiving you today."

Xiang Qianjin said quickly, with the utmost respect, his heart was also beating nervously.

"Oh, Dean Xiang, hello, hello. Don't be nervous. It's just a small accident. It's fine. Don't wait here, everyone. Let's go to the hospital and see the patient's condition. .”

Mr. Wang is very magnanimous, and he has no intention of blaming the central hospital.

Hearing what Mr. Wang said about Xiang Qianjin, he was relieved. What is Mr. Wang's identity? Since he said it was nothing serious, it meant that he didn't want to pursue this kind of matter any more.

So, surrounded by everyone, the car of the network slowly drove into the compound of Chaoyang Central Hospital.

Xiang Qianjin deliberately walked two steps slowly, came to He Jincheng's side and said with a low wry smile: "Brother He, you said that the old man who caused this incident is a great expert in the field of Chinese medicine, Mr. Wang Dingshan. At the time, someone said that Mr. Wang was nearby, so he invited Mr. Wang over here? I hope you don't mind!"

Doctors in the medical field are very taboo, that is, you invite another doctor without telling the other party, and the key is to go to treat the disease at the same time, which makes the doctors unhappy this time.

Since you don't believe in my medical skills, why invite others directly, why invite me again?

If you really want to avoid embarrassment, you can also ask different doctors for diagnosis at different time periods, so as to compare the diagnosis results. However, if you invite different doctors at the same time period, the key point has not been informed to the other party. Then this matter is really unreasonable.

But any doctor with a little temper and a little ability may turn around and leave.

He Jincheng smiled and waved his hands, expressing that he didn't care.

First of all, his relationship with Xiang Qianjin is not bad, it is impossible to get into trouble with each other because of such a small matter, it is not worth it at all.

Secondly, He Jincheng was quite surprised when he saw Wang Dingshan.

Because he also knew Wang Lingshan. He Jincheng visited Wangdingshan in his last life, and learned a lot of pulse diagnosis skills from him.

It can be said that Wang Dingshan can be regarded as half of He Jincheng's master.

He Jincheng was also extremely grateful to Wang Dingshan, and he kept it in his heart.

It's just that I didn't expect to meet Mr. Wang today.

He originally wanted to have a few words with Wang Lao, but according to the current development, Wang Lao doesn't know himself at all, so it's somewhat inappropriate for him to talk to him so rashly.

"Brother Xiang, don't mind too much that I am more casual. But I have a small request. If you can promise me this matter, let's pretend it never happened."

He Jincheng thought for a while, then said with a smile.

"Okay, just say it, as long as I can do it, I will promise you."

Xiang Qian nodded and said.

Although, from Xiangqianjin's point of view, He Jincheng's weight is definitely not as important as Wang Lao.

But He Jincheng's potential is absolutely unlimited. If he can continue to maintain a good relationship, it will be of great benefit to himself, so why not do it?

(End of this chapter)

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