Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 522 A small gamble, the ability to observe words and emotions

Chapter 522 A small gamble, the ability to observe words and emotions

Elder Wang said so, how could anyone in the hospital dare to raise any opinions.

The leader of the hospital hurriedly asked Mr. Wang to accompany him, and at the same time ordered him to make arrangements according to He Jincheng's instructions.

The specific arrangement is actually relatively simple. You just need to figure out the scene before and after Ms. Li Fengjiao's fall that day, what she did, what she ate, what kind of road she walked, what she did after she fell, and so on.

Xiang Qianjin personally communicated with Li Fengjiao about this matter, and the information he got was naturally very detailed. After getting confirmation from He Jincheng, he also gave orders immediately.

Not long after, everyone came to a relatively empty restaurant that had been prepared. There was only one table and one chair. There were a lot of meals on the table, which were specially arranged by the hospital canteen. Chicken, duck, fish, all of them Li Fengjiao likes to eat.

The doctors stood not far away, looking at the big table of dishes, with strange expressions on their faces.

Many doctors don't understand what to do now, should we invite everyone to sit down and eat together?

But this is just a chair. Everyone has something, so they can't eat standing up!
However, what Wang Lao said was so serious just now, but no one dared to say anything at this time. If Wang Lao really remembered it, his career would stop here.

Seeing that Mr. Wang was also standing, Cui Hao quickly asked someone to bring a chair and put it behind Mr. Wang.

"Old Wang, don't stand still, if this makes you tired here, I can't bear the responsibility!"

Cui Hao said with a smile.

Elder Wang was the oldest at the scene. Originally, Elder Wang just stopped by to take a look, but he didn’t expect that it took him two hours to take a look. If Elder Wang was really exhausted, Cui Hao couldn’t afford it responsibility.

"Haha, well, I won't be polite to you anymore, old man, I am getting older, so I am more likely to get tired!"

Old Wang sat down with a smile. He is already in his seventies this year, and it is not easy to come out to practice medicine for others, let alone standing like this all the time, it is indeed a bit tiring.

"Old Wang, I'm really sorry, but you must have a good idea of ​​how to treat this disease!"

He Jincheng said apologetically.

I proposed the scene reappearance method to treat Li Fengjiao. With Wang Lao's eyesight and medical skills, he must have figured out the mystery, but Wang Lao didn't say it. The weight in the hearts of these doctors and doctors.

In other words, Mr. Wang is obviously supporting He Jincheng.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about me, if you cure the patient's illness well, then you are making a face for our Chinese medicine practitioners!"

Elder Wang patted the back of He Jincheng's hand and said with a smile.

"Haha, Mr. Wang values ​​little Doctor He so much. It seems that this method will definitely open our eyes. Colleagues, please study hard!"

Qi Donglai said with a smile on the side, but this guy's brain is really not very bright. I really didn't feel that Wang Lao was very dissatisfied with him just now?How dare he continue to target He Jincheng again.

He Jincheng is only 23 or 30 years old. In Chaoyang Central Hospital, the youngest doctor who can independently treat patients must be over 35 years old, and those who are in the box at the moment are the mainstay of the Central Hospital. They also have to be deputy chief physicians, and all of them are over [-] years old.

In front of so many seniors, Qi Dong said that everyone should think about He Jincheng and study hard, isn't that just spreading hatred!
This happened again and again, which made He Jincheng very upset.

"Dean Qi, it seems that you don't really believe that I can cure Ms. Li Fengjiao's illness!"

He Jincheng felt that he couldn't be bullied like a fool all the time. When it was time to fight back, he should also fight back. If Qi Donglai still refused to change, He Jincheng didn't mind giving him two slaps. Let the vice president no longer have the face to stay in the central hospital.

Although Qi Donglai thought so in his heart, he couldn't say it out of his mouth.

Seeing that He Jincheng seemed to realize that he was targeting him, Qi Donglai waved his hands again and again.

"Doctor He, you have misunderstood me. I have always supported you to treat Ms. Li Fengjiao. It is your treatment method. We have not seen it much, so I want everyone to learn from you. Well, this is nothing to embarrass you."

Qi Donglai had a harmless smile on his face.

"Principal Qi, we are smart people who don't speak in secret. Some things are too blunt. It's really not good. I think it's better to be like this. Since you feel a little unhappy with me, let's make a bet, how about it?"

He Jincheng knew what Qi Donglai was thinking.

There is no benefit in really tearing the face off, it is better to convince the other party to lose.

"Okay, I don't know what kind of bet Dr. He wants to bet? Of course, let's bet small to enjoy ourselves, but big bets will hurt our health. I don't gamble for real money."

Although Qi Donglai is a bit cautious, he is not bad in dealing with people, at least he doesn't have any bad habits of eating, drinking, whoring and gambling.

"Of course I don't want to gamble with money. Let's see it this way. We are all doctors, so let's gamble on whether I can cure Ms. Li Fengjiao this time. If Ms. Li Fengjiang can quickly return to normal as I said, then I will win. If not According to the recovery I said, what if Dean Qi wins?"

He Jincheng smiled and proposed such a condition.

"Okay, no problem, what if I win?"

Qi Donglai immediately agreed without hesitation, for fear that He Jincheng would regret it.

"Then let's bet on a condition, no matter who wins or loses, we must agree to a condition that is within the feasible range."

He Jincheng thought about it and said, in fact, he had already thought about this bet, but he was just thinking of a way to get Qi Donglai to agree.

"Okay. But, this is our first bet, and I hope Dr. He will not play tricks."

Qi Donglai thought for a while, then smiled and agreed.

In his opinion, even if Mr. Wang wanted to cure Ms. Li Fengjiao, it would take at least three days.

He Jincheng dared to say that it would be effective if he appeared on the stage. Isn't that nonsense?

Of course, He Jincheng dared to bet himself on this matter, which shows that he is indeed a little bit sure.

But who is Qi Donglai?Over the years, he has also worked in the management position of the hospital for a long time, and his ability to observe words and emotions is definitely much better than ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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