Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 528 Mr. Wang is kind, but he is splashed with dirty water

Chapter 528 Mr. Wang is kind, but he is splashed with dirty water

What's more, now this kid is hugging Mr. Wang's thigh again.

Even if Qi Donglai had a hundred guts, he wouldn't dare to deal with Mr. Wang's disciples in front of Mr. Wang.

Wang Lao has always been a relatively close person, although he is a little dissatisfied with this Qi Donglai, but it is not enough to say that he is putting people to death.

"Young people, it's normal to make a bet. How about this, Xiao He, you can put forward a simpler condition. Don't go too far, so that everyone will not be embarrassed to step down!"

Elder Wang stood up at this time and even said something kind to Qi Dong.

He Jincheng had expected that Mr. Wang would say this, and he said to himself, teacher, in two years you will have a big setback with such a kind character.

In He Jincheng's memory, something will happen to Mr. Wang in two years.

It was a knife-throwing mission in the provinces.

The so-called flying knife means that other hospitals invite doctors from other places to come to help.

For example, Wang Laoben is an expert from the health care committee of Chaoyang City, so if he receives a doctor at the Central Hospital, it is not considered a flying knife.

But like this kind of help from other provinces, Mr. Wang brought his team to the treatment, which is equivalent to throwing a knife.

This kind of thing is against the rules in terms of medical regulations.

But this is the kind of unspoken rule that everyone tacitly agrees to.

First of all, it is because of the unreasonable or unbalanced distribution of medical resources.

Rich provinces and cities have stronger medical capital and more famous doctors and experts.

But for some cities or provinces without money, their requirements are lower.

Sometimes they encounter some difficult and miscellaneous diseases, of course they have to invite doctors from outside to treat them.

Once they invite people to come for treatment, the hospital itself can also learn from these brilliant doctors.

Secondly, doctors with good medical skills will also have an extra income if they accept the task of throwing knives.

The third point is that patients get better treatment.

It can be said that this is a good thing for the three parties.

Therefore, the government doesn't care much about this kind of thing. As long as there is no medical accident, basically nothing will happen.

But forgot, more or less unlucky.

Originally, he didn't want to take up the mission of throwing knives in other provinces, but because a leader at that time came forward to intercede, Mr. Wang had no choice but to take his two apprentices with him.

It was originally agreed upon how much the knife-throwing fee would be, and both the patient and the other hospital agreed.

As a result, after Mr. Wang arrived at the place, he found that the condition was not that serious, so he communicated with the patient and the hospital again, and even offered to reduce the knife fee by half.

Originally, all of these are good flying knife fees, and the hospital and patients are of course very happy when they are reduced.

As a result, because the treatment process was too simple, even before the patient and the hospital could react, Mr. Wang cured the patient.

After a brief surprise, the patients and the hospital were a little unhappy.

They felt that it was a shame that such a simple treatment required such a high cost of throwing knives.

The hospital is okay, although I feel a little dissatisfied, but due to the identity and status of the network, I dare not speak out.

But, the patient and his family didn't care about Mr. Wang's identity, so they reported the matter to the relevant department.

Although it is said that Mr. Wang did not receive any substantive punishment in the end, and even the tunnel fee was not refunded to the other party, the blow this incident brought to Mr. Wang was indeed immeasurable.

From that day on, Mr. Wang never went out to see patients anymore, and even the number of out-patient visits became less and less, and he was more inclined to write books.

He Jincheng later asked Mr. Wang about his mood and thoughts on this matter.

Elder Wang just said one thing, and he didn't say anything more because people's hearts are unpredictable, and he seemed unwilling to mention these things again.

But He Jincheng also knew that Mr. Wang must have been heartbroken by this incident.

It is said that it is for the layman to watch the excitement and the insider to watch the doorway. In fact, no matter which line of work this thing is used in, it is very practical.

The most common thing we do now is lockpicking.

Unlocking a lock is a craft, and it is very difficult for us ordinary people to open a security door lock first.

So when our keys are locked at home during the peak season, we need to ask a master lock picker to come to serve us.

Generally, a regular lockpicker will confirm the various expenses for you before coming, and he will come after you have no meaning.

Then you will see that the master who unlocked it took only a few minutes to open your door, and then he will charge you two or three hundred yuan.

When you see how easy it is to open a lock, you only charge two or three hundred. If you calculate it based on hourly wages, you can earn thousands of dollars per hour.

As a result, many people are extremely unbalanced about this. Now they are unwilling to pay for the unlocking fee, and finally they have to call the police.

The knife-throwing mission Mr. Wang encountered was basically the same.

When the patient's condition is serious, he thinks in his heart that no matter what, no matter what the cost, the disease must be cured.

Therefore, when talking about the cost of the flying knife, the patients and their families agreed without hesitation.

After Mr. Wang cured the patient, the patient and the family members of the patient felt relaxed, and then recalled the whole process. It took only three to five minutes to cure the disease. Of course they felt that the three to five minutes It just solved a little bit of ailment, and even thought that it must be because the hospital was unwilling to cure it, but deliberately let the old man come over, and the two sides cooperated to play a scene together.

The reason why Wang Lao is so disheartened is precisely because of this.

Later, Wang Lao lived for about eight years, and before he died, he took He Jincheng's hand and talked about it, but he still had an unshakable resentment in his heart.

Of course, since He Jincheng already knew about this matter, he would definitely not let it happen.

In the future, He Jincheng will definitely follow Wang Lao to carry out a flying knife mission.

But these are later stories.

Wang Lao was naturally very happy to get a beloved apprentice, and even personally paid for the feast for everyone.

Today, Mr. Wang originally had an urgent consultation at night. I heard that the leader's level is not low, but because of He Jincheng, Mr. Wang actually postponed this consultation.

I had a lot of medicine in the evening, and I drank two cups, and I felt very happy.

Naturally, He Jincheng would not lie, he would not refuse anyone who came, and he drank for a night.

In the end, he didn't know how he got back to the hotel.

But the next morning, He Jincheng was woken up by a knock on the door. He opened the door and saw that it was Mr. Wang's assistant, Xiao Mao.

"Brother Mao, is there something wrong? The teacher is looking for me?"

He Jincheng stretched and asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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