Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 533 Back to Nandu, Zhou Qingyuan reports to work

Chapter 533 Returning to Nandu, Zhou Qingyuan reports to work
"Brother He, you have money, and you earned it yourself. You have helped me so much. If I don't express it again, how can I feel sorry for it? These are two different things. You have to keep it. Otherwise, how could I have the nerve to ask you for help in the future!"

Xiang Jin said seriously with a straight face.

He Jincheng had no choice but to accept the passbook.

"Well, I will stop being disrespectful to you, brother. By the way, brother Xiang, Qi Donglai is in trouble now. The position of the future dean should belong to you!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"It's hard to say, maybe the superior will parachute a big boss down, but I also saw it, I was lucky, I lost my life, if I can really become the dean, brother He and our hospital Cooperation, I will fully support!"

Xiang Qianjin also knew about the agreement reached between He Jincheng and Cui Hao. The cooperation project between the two parties will officially start in the last month or so of the year.

After bidding farewell to Xiang Qianjin, He Jincheng finally finished everything and returned to Nandu again.

The end of the year is approaching, and the company is also preparing for a holiday.

There were too many things to do, and the people under him were so busy that they were dizzy. As soon as He Jincheng came back, Zhou Qingyuan immediately came to the office to report to He Jincheng.

Zhou Qingyuan's working ability is very good. At the beginning, He Jincheng wanted to expand the production line, and he helped a lot, so He Jincheng has always regarded Zhou Qingyuan as his deputy to train.

On weekdays, if he was not in the company, Zhou Qingyuan would be in charge of all matters, large and small.

"Dr. He, during your absence, as long as there are a few things that require your approval, the first is the construction approval of our office building. The design draft of the building has been drawn up and needs your final confirmation!"

That's right, after the staff dormitory, the He Group also started to promote the office building.

In the future, the He Group will go public. If there is no office building that represents the company's image, it is naturally inappropriate.

He Jincheng's requirements are not too high, two buildings, the design of Gemini, each building has 32 floors.

In 85, the 32-story building was already the tallest building in Nandu City. Once this project was launched, several design institutes rushed to draw pictures for the He Group.

In the end, Zhou Qingyuan selected the city, province, and other provinces, and the three design institutes worked together to design. The results submitted today are the joint design of these three design institutes.

"That's right, it's in line with my expectations. It seems that these three design institutes have really put in a lot of effort!"

He Jincheng looked at the drawing and nodded in praise.

The tallest building in Southern Metropolis, let alone who built it, as long as you participate in this project, you can definitely make a very strong endorsement in the industry, which is a real bonus item.

"Yeah, they changed it more than a dozen times, and it took more than a month to finish it!"

Zhou Qingyuan had direct contact with the design institute and knew that their work attitude was indeed very sincere.

"Well, yes, then let them complete it in the end. You can increase them appropriately for the design fee, but you can't break the rules, understand!"

He Jincheng nodded and settled the matter.

Zhou Qingyuan said that he understood, and then started to talk about the second thing.

"The main body of our group's employee building will be capped soon, but because the end of the year is approaching, it is up to you to decide whether this capping ceremony will be held before or after the year!"

"Capping the roof is a big event. There may not be time before the year, so let's arrange it in the next year. The construction team has also worked hard. They have been keeping up with the progress so fast, so there is no problem with the quality!"

He Jincheng asked.

"There is no problem. We have checked every batch of building materials, and all of them meet the standards. Moreover, the employees I arranged to supervise are all assigned houses. The houses they live in must be higher than anyone else's." Heart!"

Zhou Qingyuan laughed.

He Jincheng nodded. Zhou Qingyuan had more ideas. Let the owner supervise the construction of the house. The quality must be guaranteed. No one would be so stupid as to make a joke of his own life.

"The third thing is the road in Lianhua Village. It has been repaired to connect with the Pingyao Town Line Road. It will be completed in a few days. At that time, the completion ribbon-cutting ceremony, Mr. He, do you want to participate?"

The construction of this road started more than a month ago. With the vigorous promotion of the village environmental protection department, the speed of road construction was particularly fast. The road of more than ten kilometers was basically completed in more than a month.

This should be placed in a normal project, and it should not be repaired slowly for you for a year or a half.

There is definitely no need to worry about the quality of the road. Huang Baofu is more attentive than anyone else.

"It's a good thing that the road has been repaired, but this matter is not particularly important to our entire company, so you can send a representative to participate. We will establish a drug research and development in Lianhua Village next. Center, you should know these things, I have already selected the site, you arranged the construction team before the year, and we will start construction after the year, and build it in the shortest time."

He Jincheng thought about it and made a decision.

This R&D center does not require a particularly complicated construction. The high probability is that the price will be a nine-story building, and then a few more buildings will be built, as well as some workshops for experiments, etc.

If it is just a preliminary construction of an experimental building for personnel to participate in the experiment, if we go all out, it will definitely be built within three months.

Moreover, the R&D center does not require special decoration, it only needs a simple, clean and dry environment.

He Jincheng's plan is to officially start construction after the next year, and then strive to complete the construction within three months, and complete the settlement of the R&D center within half a year.

"Okay, Director He, I will arrange it immediately."

Zhou Qingyuan is already familiar with the construction, and he is even more familiar with the bidding of various projects on the construction site.

"The last thing is our group's annual meeting. I don't know how to carry it out this year?"

Zhou Qingyuan said the fourth thing.

Before the annual meeting, according to He Jincheng's request, it was held once a year, and it was more lively every time.

According to the record of the group owner this year, the number of factory and office staff has exceeded 1000.

If this is done, it will definitely be more lively than the previous two years.

"Semi-naturally, we still have to do it, but this year I think we can reduce work reports. We can mainly report on a few main businesses, and give employees some time for communication and entertainment for the rest. I took a look at the group's financial statements this year, and the profits are very considerable, and we can use some of them to make some special incentives."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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