Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 535 Liu Yan is sick, facial paralysis

Chapter 535 Liu Yan is sick, facial paralysis
After waiting patiently for more than ten minutes, He Jincheng suddenly saw a familiar figure, looking around beside the auditorium, his face was full of anxiety, as if he was looking for someone.

This person is none other than Ye Qingmeng's roommate Wang Juan.

"Wang Juan!"

He Jincheng yelled, and at the same time stood up and waved to her.

When Wang Juan saw He Jincheng, she immediately showed great joy on her face, and quickly waved to him, signaling him to go over.

He Jincheng didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly walked towards Wang Juan.

Wang Juan ran out to find herself, could it be that something happened to Ye Qingmeng?

"What's wrong, Wang Juan, did something happen to Qing Meng?"

He Jincheng asked anxiously.

I was really careless, I went out for several days and didn't care about Ye Qingmeng, now I don't know what happened.

"It's not Qingmeng, it's Liu Yan. I can't tell. Come with me. You'll know when you arrive!"

Wang Juan said with a wry smile, and then urged He Jincheng to go backstage.

He Jincheng heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that Ye Qingmeng was fine.

But Liu Yan is also Ye Qingmeng's best friend, and He Jincheng also remembers that this girl is relatively quiet. At the last gathering, the three of them were harassed by hooligans, and Liu Yan was quite frightened.

After a while, He Jincheng followed Wang Juan to the dressing room backstage.

From a distance, He Jincheng saw Ye Qingmeng, who seemed to be comforting Liu Yan.

Today, Ye Qingmeng is wearing a long red down jacket, which is the latest model of Qingmeng Clothing this year. Ye Qingmeng likes this style very much. He ordered five colors from the factory at once, saying that he would wear it in a different color every day.

As a woman whose family owns a factory, Ye Qingmeng certainly has this qualification and ability.

"Jincheng, come here quickly, and see what's going on with Dayan!"

Ye Qingmeng waved to He Jincheng anxiously, urging him to come over quickly.

Besides Ye Qingmeng and Liu Yan, there were many other students around, discussing in low voices, and when they heard Ye Qingmeng waving to someone, everyone's eyes were immediately attracted.

Ye Qingmeng is a flower of Nandu Normal University.

There were quite a few rich and young men who had pursued Ye Qingmeng before, but they were all rejected, and those who wanted to continue pestering were all warned or taught a lesson.

Ye Qingmeng claimed that she was married, so please don't have any illusions.

There were various rumors about Ye Qingmeng on campus.

Some people said that Ye Qingmeng's husband was a mysterious rich man with a net worth of hundreds of millions, that's why the rich second generations in the school didn't dare to continue to provoke Ye Qingmeng.

Some people also said that Ye Qingmeng actually fell in love with a rich man. Her husband was 60 or [-] years old this year, and he was a bald and ugly man.

Anyway, generally speaking, everyone didn't have a particularly good impression of the husband Ye Qingmeng was talking about, and the only ones who had actually met He Jincheng were Ye Qingmeng's two girlfriends and roommates.

Miss Ye was so enthusiastic about a young man today, seeing her demeanor clearly, she seemed to see her lover, everyone guessed, could this person be Ye Qingmeng's husband?

Many people looked at He Jincheng, wanting to see if there was any difference in this little girl, who was able to attract Ye Qingmeng, the number one beauty of Nandu Normal University.

How should I put it, He Jincheng's appearance can be considered a bit handsome, but it's not the kind of handsome that makes people surprised at first glance.

However, there was an inexplicable aura exuding from He Jincheng's body, which made it hard to tell what it was like.

It seemed that there was a trace of calmness and a trace of aloofness, more of a sense of mystery, it seemed that no one could see through this person.

"What's going on? Is Liu Yan sick?"

He Jincheng walked over and held Ye Qingmeng's hand in the eyes of everyone.

If Ye Qingmeng was held by He Jincheng in the past, he would definitely blush.

But now the eyes are not used to it long ago, so even in front of so many people, I don't feel the slightest bit of embarrassment.

Everyone was sure now that He Jincheng was Ye Qingmeng's husband.

In an instant, many boys' hearts were full of mixed feelings. No matter how you look at it, Ye Qingmeng's husband is just an ordinary person. Why did he have such good luck and took away the first golden flower of our Nandu Normal University? .

"Liu Yan doesn't know what's going on. Two days ago, he felt a tingling pain on his face. Today, he suddenly felt his whole face was stiff. Look at him, he can't even smile now."

Ye Qingmeng hurriedly introduced Liu Yan's situation to He Jincheng.

He Jincheng turned to look at Liu Yan, and sure enough, he saw his face was stiff, with tears in his eyes, but his whole face was like a piece of wood, very rigid.

"Brother He, help me quickly. I really don't know what's wrong with me. Could it be that my face is paralyzed?"

Liu Yan's voice was very excited, but there was really no subtle movement on the face, not even that kind of very slight nerve activity.

This symptom was indeed very similar to facial paralysis, but He Jincheng quickly determined that it was not facial paralysis.

"Liu Yan, don't be nervous, give me your hand first, and I'll feel your pulse."

He Jincheng said with a smile, and then sat beside Liu Yan.

Liu Yan stretched out her left hand to feel He Jincheng's pulse.

He Jincheng held it for about 1 minute, then switched to Liu Yan's right hand and held it for another 1 minute.

"Put out your tongue and let me see your tongue coating."

He Jincheng said that Liu Yan did as he was told, and was very obedient.

After some inspections, He Jincheng came to a conclusion.

"It's not facial paralysis, it's just short-term facial nerve paralysis. It's not a big problem. Don't be too nervous."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"Then how can I be today? I'm going to perform on stage with Qing Meng later. If I show my face, I have to scare the audience to death."

After listening to He Jincheng's words, Liu Yan also relaxed a lot. At least it's not Mian Tai, so it must be cured.

"I can temporarily restore you to normal, but the time limit can only last about an hour. Can your show be completed within an hour?"

He Jincheng thought for a while and said.

Like Liu Yan's symptoms, He Jincheng has seen similar cases in medical books.

It is said that a man in his early twenties suddenly felt uncomfortable on the left side of his face one day. The man didn't pay attention at first, but the symptoms suddenly started to worsen the next day.

First of all, the left eye can't be completely closed, and at the same time, I can't help crying, drooling, and sometimes my speech is slurred suddenly, just like a stroke.

This frightened the man, so he rushed to the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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