Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 548 Please punish Chenglu, let the king of soldiers take care of the children

Chapter 548 Please punish Chenglu, let the king of soldiers take care of the children
In his opinion, your project progress can be slow, but human life is at stake, and you must not joke about human life.

"There is no problem with Director He, we are willing to accept punishment."

Haozi and Lao Liu nodded quickly.

They are well aware of He Jincheng's current strength, and it is an absolute dream to be able to work in the He Group.

Needless to say, Haozi's future is already a small person in charge of this project, and he can earn [-] to [-] a year.

Lao Liu's engineering team took over one hundred thousand yuan of small projects from He Jincheng's side, and when they finished, they could also pay three to fifty thousand to fifty thousand yuan.

And they all know He Jincheng's nature, as long as you work hard and do a good job, then He Jincheng will never treat anyone badly.

"Okay, you all go back. You must reflect on this matter and be vigilant at all times. I hope it won't happen again."

Although he was very angry, He Jincheng didn't say anything, and he didn't give them a chance at all.

After Haozi and Lao Liu left, Cheng Lu knocked on the door and walked in.

"He Dong, I am also responsible for this matter, you should punish me too."

As soon as he enters the door, he asks for punishment.

Cheng Lu is now mainly responsible for supervising the construction of the staff building and the office building.

Now that there is an accident on the construction site, he is naturally duty-bound.

Although He Jincheng didn't talk to him, Cheng Lu always felt sorry. How could such a thing happen, and how could she not have any responsibility in such a supervisory position?

"A little thing is not inevitable. You can just do what you want to do now with peace of mind. There is no need. You have to take responsibility for everything. But you really need to be more attentive, and go to the construction site for a while if you have nothing to do. , Emphasize the knowledge of safety."

He Jincheng also knew that Cheng Lu had always been serious about his work.

Compared with Du Fei, Cheng Lu also has obvious advantages.

Now Xiao Hong is the vice president of the production department of the He Group, and He Jincheng was appointed just a few years ago.

If a newly appointed cadre is punished the next day, it will still cause great damage to Cheng Lu's gastritis, so He Jincheng does not intend to hold Cheng Lu responsible.

"He Dong, you should punish me. I always feel that if I really don't take responsibility at all, I will always pass this hurdle in my heart."

Cheng Lu still insisted and asked for punishment.

He Jincheng thought about it and knew that Cheng Lu's personality was more persistent, so he just gave him a punishment.

"Since this is the case, then I will give you a punishment. I heard that the injured worker is actually our local, but the family lives in the village in the city, and the family conditions are very poor. The worker's wife is giving birth to a child. Then he ran away with another man. Now his leg is injured, and there is no one to take care of the child at home. You are responsible for taking care of the worker’s child, until the manufacturing worker can be discharged from the hospital, how about it?”

He Jincheng looked at Cheng Lu and said with a smile.

Cheng Lu was a little stunned. He is a retired soldier king, so he can fight a war. He knows all kinds of battlefield skills, and he can even do a box of headshots a thousand meters away.

But Cheng Lu alone did not have this experience of raising children.

Let alone raising children, Cheng Lu is now in his twenties, and he has never even touched the hands of a woman who is not his relative.

It can be said that Cheng Lu has been single for more than 20 years.

Suddenly asking him to take care of a child, this punishment can be said to be negligible financially and materially, but it is an extremely heavy punishment for Cheng Lu.

"Mr. He, are you kidding me? I'm going to take care of the child, so why don't I spoil the child?"

Cheng Lu looked normal with a wry smile, and there was a bit of pleading in his eyes.

According to his thinking, he would rather He Jincheng give himself two knives directly than take care of the child.

Creatures like children are simply monsters to Cheng Lu.

"Look at you, I won't punish you after I said it. You didn't like it when you went, but you didn't like it when I punished you. It seems that there is no such good thing that pleases both sides in the world, right?"

He Jincheng still didn't say much, just such a simple sentence, but Cheng Lu was a little speechless.

I really asked for it myself.

He Dong didn't think about punishing himself at all, he came here every day to ask for punishment, now it's all right, I'll give you a small punishment, but you still don't accept it, if this kind of thing happens in the army, That's disciplinary. "

"Okay Director He, I am willing to accept this matter, and I will take care of the children from tomorrow on."

Gritting his teeth, Cheng Lu still agreed. After all, even if he didn't agree to this kind of thing, there must be no other way.

"Okay, how about this, I'll let someone take you to the vacation of the elder brother of the worker, you go to get acquainted with it today, if the child at home has no place to live, you can take him to live with you."

Seeing that Cheng Lu agreed, He Jincheng was secretly happy, and then asked someone to take Cheng Lu to the home of the injured worker.

Cheng Lu has to go now if he doesn't go, his mouth is already open, and the elders are spitting and nailing each other, how can they go back on their words?
Then that afternoon, Cheng Lu followed the people to the village in the city, where the injured worker lived.

Nandu has developed extremely rapidly in recent years.

In particular, some companies dominated by the Ho Group have begun to build staff buildings and office buildings.

With the high-rise buildings, the original low houses and cramped roads look a little dilapidated.

This also formed the so-called urban village in the population.

There are no more than two types of people living in urban villages.

One is that the locals have lived here for generations.

The other type is migrant workers. It is actually very cost-effective for them to spend a few dollars to rent a house here, but the living environment is a little worse.

If we make an overall evaluation, the people living in the villages in the city are basically people who live at the bottom.

At this time, the concept of demolition and relocation to get rich has not yet been formed. Basically, demolishing your house and paying a little money is enough.

And people nowadays don't particularly care about saying that their rights and interests have been violated, so they haven't called the police.

Thus formed the present situation.

The urban village in Nandu City is also the largest urban village in the area.

After Cheng Lu waited for the personnel to arrive here, he plunged into the village in the city, and finally found the home of the injured worker after many turns and detours.

As soon as the worker was injured, Haozi had already arranged for people to go to the worker's home to give condolences.

It turned out that there was only a four or five-year-old girl who asked you to take care of the family.

(End of this chapter)

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