Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 556 The Accident is Over, Invited to the People's Hospital

Chapter 556 The Accident is Over, Invited to the People's Hospital

Sun Youzhu's recovery was relatively fast, especially with the help of He Jincheng's personal conditioning medicine. It took only a week and he was able to barely get out of bed. However, just to be on the safe side, He Jincheng still asked Sun Youzhu to stay in bed for at least half a month .

Sun Youzhu is an honest worker, with a child alone, his life is very miserable.

This time when the accident happened, Sun Youzhu didn't think about how much money Lao Liu and the construction site should pay. He just thought that his leg was broken, and he didn't know if he would be able to work and how to support his family in the future!
Therefore, when Sun Youzhu regained consciousness at the beginning, his face was really ashen, and there was no light in his eyes.

It was only after Lao Liu and Haozi's persuasion that Sun Youzhu learned that the big boss He Jincheng sent someone to take care of his daughter, and at the same time took a sum of money to compensate Sun Youzhu.

In addition, Lao Liu and Sun Youzhu also took out some money, which was almost 1 yuan.

Moreover, under the operation of He Jincheng, the medical expenses were not collected directly. After all, He Jincheng was about to go to the hospital for further studies, and the hospital still had to give it some face.

Knowing that the medical expenses were exempted, he still had some compensation, and more importantly, his leg recovered very well, Sun Youzhu was so excited that he was about to cry.

After Sun Youzhu's injury stabilized, He Jincheng asked Cheng Lu to bring the child to the hospital, and asked the child to accompany Sun Youzhu every day.

This matter is over now.

He Jincheng once again paid more attention to the safety of the construction site.

Sun Youzhu's injury this time was largely due to an accident, but it also exposed the mistake of not paying special attention to the weather on the construction site, so He Jincheng asked Cheng Lu to hurry up and hold a safety production meeting, waiting for all the construction site leaders They were all really aware of the problem, and after thorough rectification, the construction site started.

In this way, the He Group and related cooperative companies have completely rectified for half a month before restarting construction. With this safety rectification, the speed is getting faster and faster, and the efficiency is also visible to the naked eye. , which made He Jincheng very satisfied.

A very important event in the field of Chinese medicine happened a few years ago. The first Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion clinic in China was established in Huizhou.

This also means that the country is also consciously protecting Chinese medicine, which is definitely a good thing.

After the group's affairs were arranged properly, He Jincheng was invited to Nandu People's Hospital.

Because He Jincheng only has a medical qualification certificate, and it is a Chinese medicine practitioner qualification certificate. As for the professional title, he has no title, so he can only come to the People's Hospital in the name of further study.

He Jincheng didn't care too much about this. If you have experienced the peak, when you return to the world, you won't take many things to heart. For example, He Jincheng now, what kind of titles, titles, etc., don't care at all.

Whether my medical skills are good or not cannot be represented by a simple title.

Sun Zixiang greeted He Jincheng in person, and also brought along the heads of several major departments of the hospital, and asked He Jincheng to choose a department at will.

Without hesitation, He Jincheng directly chose the Chinese medicine department.

The People's Hospital is no different from his own small clinic. He Jincheng does not have a Western medicine qualification certificate, so it would be inconvenient to go to other Western medicine departments to see a doctor.

"Hahaha, then we officially welcome Dr. He to our hospital to guide the work!"

Sun Tzu took the lead in applauding with a smile.

The people in charge of each department, except those who met He Jincheng last time, were all surprised, wondering where did this young man come from, the second generation of rich people or the second generation of officials?It's appalling for such a young man to ask his grandson to talk about his work in detail!

Dean Sun applauded, and the other responsible persons could only applaud along with him.

The faces with the ugliest faces were the two Chinese medicine practitioners in the Chinese medicine department.

Because the TCM department at the People's Hospital is relatively small, there are only two of them at present.

One of them is called Li Chao, and the other is called Wang Feng.

Among them, Li Chao, 36, is the deputy director of the Chinese medicine department, and Wang Feng, 42, is the director of the Chinese medicine department.

There are only two doctors of Chinese medicine in the whole department, one is the director and the other is the deputy director. Typically, there are only leaders but no soldiers.

Of course, there are other auxiliary staff like nurses in the department.

However, those nurses are not full-time in the Chinese medicine department, because the efficiency of the Chinese medicine department is not good, so basically everyone does not like to work in the Chinese medicine department.

Basically, those nurses are on duty in rotation.

Fortunately, the Chinese medicine department also has an advantage, that is, the work is relatively leisurely, and there are basically no people who come to the department.

Sometimes you can meet some old people who have retired from high positions.

Although Li Chao and Wang Feng have mediocre medical skills, they are very good at pension and health care.

They are very satisfied with the services of the elderly who have spent the money on health care.

He Jincheng was coming to the Chinese medicine department, and Sun Zixiang had also greeted Wang Feng and Li Chao before.

After all, He Jincheng's homepage is Chinese medicine, so he naturally needs to go to the Chinese medicine department to study.

As for whether He Jincheng will go to other departments in the future, it is unknown.

For this kind of idle yamen, the arrival of newcomers is considered a good thing under normal circumstances.

But Wang Feng and Li Chao were used to that kind of stable life, so they were very dissatisfied with He Jincheng's arrival, thinking that his coming would definitely break the balance of the department.

Coupled with today's formal welcome ceremony, Li Chao and Wang Feng were even more displeased.

After everyone left, Sun Zixiang brought He Jincheng to the front of Wang Feng and Li Chao, and introduced He Jincheng to them.

"Director Wang, Director Li, starting from today, Xiao He will work here two days a week. I have already agreed with other leaders that Xiao He will open an outpatient clinic in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Please cooperate with us at that time , Of course, in the future, you will still do what you need to do in your work, and there won't be too many changes."

The grandson said with a detailed smile.

This made Wang Feng and Li Chao a little speechless.

What on earth does this mean?The Chinese medicine department has not opened an outpatient clinic for many years, and we are basically equivalent to a health care department.

Your grandson Xiang suddenly brought a young man over to study in our department. As a result, you opened an outpatient clinic directly and asked this kid to do an outpatient clinic!Is this a study?How do you feel that this is opening a clinic for him?

(End of this chapter)

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