Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 558 Relationship between doctors and nurses, there are no patients in the Chinese medicine c

Chapter 558 Relationship between doctors and nurses, there are no patients in the Chinese medicine clinic
Zhang Lili looked at He Jincheng suspiciously, thinking that this doctor is too young!
You must know that the medical skills of the two directors of the Chinese medicine department are not very good, and the age of the two directors is not young, and the youngest is over 35 years old.

However, these two directors have always been reluctant to do outpatient clinics.

Zhang Lili has also been in the hospital for a long time, and she knows the Chinese medicine department very well.

The reason why Wang Feng and Li Chao were unwilling to go to outpatient clinics was because they were too complacent about the status quo on the one hand, and on the other hand, their medical skills had dropped to a very low level in the peaceful environment of the department on Monday.

Such a young doctor came suddenly, and he came to do outpatient clinics, which had to make the two hosts disagree.

Obviously, this is the upper management of the hospital wanting to change. Perhaps what this young Dr. He is doing now is what the hospital will do in the TCM department in the future.

"Doctor He, hello, I'm Zhang Lili, the head nurse. How about this, I'll arrange for someone to clean your display immediately, you can wait here for a while, and I will call someone to call you after the cleaning is finished. "

Zhang Lili looked at He Jincheng and said with a smile.

Regardless of what this young doctor is here for, even if the TCM department changes, it doesn't have much to do with their nurses.

Most people think that nurses are subordinates to doctors, but they are not.

Nurses have a system of nurses, and doctors have a system of doctors.

Nurses are to assist doctors in their work, but they are definitely not subordinates to doctors.

Some older nurses, such as head nurses, and even some chief physicians dare not provoke them easily.

Sometimes, if a doctor bullies a little nurse, as long as the nurse really wants to be a health school or uphold justice, even that doctor will have to be punished.

Nurses have what nurses need to do, and doctors also have their own responsibilities.

The two are just performing their duties, and there is no distinction between high and low. If there is a difference, it may be the entry threshold.

It's just like a normal job. You don't need a diploma or know how to read and write when you go to a construction site to move bricks. You only need a handful of strength to work and make money.

But if you want to study rocket launches and don't know a word, it's definitely impossible.

However, migrant workers and rocket engineers, these two professions, you can never say which one is more noble and which one is more humble.

Of course, this is just an extreme comparison, and I just want to express that there is no high or low profession, as long as you work hard and take your profession seriously, then you are the most beautiful worker.

"Thank you, Sister Li, why don't we go clean together."

He Jincheng naturally had no airs.

Although there are no nurses in the clinic, there are also some apprentices who basically do odd jobs for doctors.

However, He Jincheng also took care of them. He never felt sorry for those apprentices. Even when they made mistakes, He Jincheng never scolded them. How to do it.

Soon, two nurses called Zhang Lili over, and they all helped to clean up He Jincheng's consulting room, and finally moved a table and two chairs. Such a simple consulting room became .

This busy work lasted for two hours, and it was ten o'clock in the morning in the blink of an eye.

In order to thank the nurses for their help, He Jincheng went to the hospital's cooperative to buy soda and biscuits.

There are not many snacks in the store in this era, soda and biscuits are already very good. If it is placed in the 21st century, store manager He will definitely order a few cups of milk tea for the nurses.

After everything was tidied up, He Jincheng felt quite comfortable trying to do it, and then he borrowed a sign from the nurse and wrote the four characters of Chinese medicine clinic and hung it at the door of the consulting room.

When the nurses saw what He Jincheng wrote, their eyes lit up.

"Doctor He not only wants to be an outpatient clinic at such a young age, but also writes it very beautifully."

A little nurse said with a smile.

"Yes, although we don't know calligraphy, but I don't know why, but I feel that Doctor He's calligraphy is very unique."

Another nurse nodded in agreement.

"You two young ladies, please help me and tell the guidance desk that I can also receive consultations here."

He Jincheng smiled and greeted the two nurses.

The two young nurses, who were called Miss Sister, blushed slightly in their pretty faces.

This age is not as open as the future.

However, the word "Miss Sister" sounds a little light, but there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

At least it's more polite than calling them little sisters.

"Okay, Doctor He, let's go down and talk right away."

The nurses quickly agreed and left in a hurry.

This era is not like the future, where a mobile phone can complete registration and payment.

Manual registration is required here.

He Jincheng poured a glass of water and sat in the consultation room waiting for the patient to come up.

As a result, I drank three cups of water, and it seemed that it was twelve o'clock at noon, but not a single patient came.

He Jincheng was a little depressed, wondering if the two little nurses didn't help him?

But it was already time for dinner, and He Jincheng didn't have any point in waiting any longer, so he decided to go to have a meal first and wait until the afternoon.

He Jincheng has been to the hospital canteen before, so He Jincheng is quite familiar with it.

The two directors of the department, Wang Feng and Li Chao, didn't want to talk to He Jincheng, so they didn't have dinner with him.

He Jincheng went to the hospital cafeteria alone to order some food, and ate some casually.

I have to say that although I ate in the cafeteria lobby under the ancient request last time, the taste of the food that day was still very different from the taste of today.

How should I put it, it is obvious that the food that I ate that day was specially processed by the kitchen, but the food I ate today is relatively poor.

After eating a little, He Jincheng made another cup of tea and returned to the consultation room with the cup in hand.

There is a hospital bed at the side of the consultation room, and no one came to register to drink it anyway, so he just lay on the bed for half an hour.

After squinting for a while, I was bored and sleepy all the time, and I recovered.

He Jincheng got up and went out for a walk with his hands behind his back.

He didn't doubt that the two little nurses didn't tell him about the consultation desk.

He just wanted to see how many people were seeing a doctor in the hospital. It's impossible that everyone didn't want to see Chinese medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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