Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 561 On-site pharmacy, if the listener is interested

Chapter 561 On-site pharmacy, if the listener is interested

"Don't worry, sit down first!"

He Jincheng signaled Lin Keke to sit down, and after seeing her calm down a little, he said with a slightly serious face.

"It's like this. I took your grandfather's pulse and found that the evil cold in his body is quite troublesome. Now he feels weak in his legs and feet, which is a sign of a stroke. If you don't treat it in time, your grandfather will have a stroke at most three days. First I lost feeling in my legs, and then my whole body..."

"Ah, how could this be, my grandfather is obviously still healthy!"

Lin Keke couldn't accept what He Jincheng said, and said emotionally.

"I understand your emotions, but as a doctor, I need to seek truth from facts and must tell you the truth. It is a good thing to find this disease early, but don't let the old man know in the end, otherwise if he is as emotional as you, it will exacerbate the condition. At that time, it will be even more difficult to treat.”

He Jincheng said calmly.

"But, doctor, I really can't believe it, and my parents have gone to the south to do business, and they won't be able to come back for a while, what should I do!"

After all, Lin Keke was only a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, so when she encountered such a big event, she would certainly be at a loss.

"You don't have to worry too much. In fact, this disease is still easy to treat. The key is not to let your grandpa find out suddenly, otherwise it will be very dangerous. How about this, little sister, if you believe me, follow my prescription and go to the hospital. Grab the medicine, then bring the medicine over, I will make a pill for you, and then you put it in the water your grandfather drinks, remember not to let him drink tea, you can make some brown sugar water, the pill will melt after it is put in come out!"

There was no other way, in order not to disturb the patient, He Jincheng could only come up with this method.

"I trust your doctor. I have also learned a little medical knowledge. Please write me a prescription!"

Lin Keke nodded vigorously. Although he didn't know why grandpa was at risk of stroke, as an outpatient doctor at the People's Hospital, He Jincheng probably wouldn't joke about the patient's illness, and as long as He Jincheng prescribed the medicine, he would stay With the evidence, He Jincheng will definitely not be able to escape the responsibility if something really happens at that time.

Of course, He Jincheng didn't think too much about it. He just wanted to save Lin Zhen. Seeing that Lin Keke agreed, he took out a sticky note and wrote down a prescription. To remove the bitter taste and make it more suitable for drinking, He Jincheng made adjustments to the corresponding medicine.

"You grab three medicines, and then come to me, I will make six pills, you take it to your grandfather three times a day, remember, don't let him know what the pills are for, it is best not to Discover the pills, three times a day, after two days, your grandfather's condition will be greatly improved, and when the time comes to explain, there will not be so many dangers!"

He Jincheng handed the prescription to Lin Keke and said seriously.

"Alright Dr. He, I'll go grab the medicine right away!"

Lin Keke quickly took the prescription, first looked at it, and knew a lot of medicinal ingredients on it, and seeing that there were no strange medicinal ingredients on it, he felt relieved, and quickly took the prescription to grab the medicine.

According to He Jincheng's instructions, Lin Keke bought three sets of medicines, then returned to the outpatient room and handed them to He Jincheng.

He Jincheng also prepared a medicine pounder for grinding medicinal materials, which is similar to a garlic pounder, but made of stone. He Jincheng asked the little nurse to help buy it, and it is relatively small and convenient.

After receiving the medicinal materials, He Jincheng began to make pills. The whole process was not complicated. He just crushed the medicinal materials into powder one by one, then put them together according to a certain proportion, added some water and kneaded them into a ball. A pill was about the size of two soybeans. , a total of six capsules, except for adding some water, there is nothing else.

Lin Keke was even more relieved, explaining that He Jincheng did not come here randomly, and these medicinal materials would indeed not cause any harm to the human body, otherwise, Lin Keke was still hesitant to give it to his grandfather.

"Okay, take the pill and give it to the old man according to the method I said. After two days, the old man will definitely be more flexible in his actions. When the time comes, he will come to the hospital for reexamination, so he doesn't have to worry about getting emotional!"

He Jincheng wrapped the pills in paper and handed them to Lin Keke.

"Thank you Doctor He, I will find a way to let my grandfather take it when I go back!"

Lin Keke said gratefully.

Taking the pills and leaving the hospital, Lin Keke didn't hesitate, got into the car quickly, and asked the driver to take him home.

The Lin family is definitely a low-key wealthy family in Nandu. They usually don't show off their mountains and dews, but their family's assets are definitely no less than the Liu family.

Lin Keke and Lin Zhen's grandfather and grandson live in a private villa in the northern suburbs.

When he went back, Lin Zhenzheng was sitting in the living room and drinking tea by the stove. At this time, he was watching the news, but he still beat his legs from time to time, as if his legs and feet were still a little uncomfortable.

Lin Keke thought of what He Jincheng said today, and she became more and more affirmed of He Jincheng's statement. She was very nervous, for fear that if she accidentally exposed herself and let her grandfather know, it would be bad.

"Oh, my good granddaughter is back? It's so cold, don't run around, sit with grandpa and watch the news!"

Lin Zhen laughed.

Lin Keke didn't know what was going on, her nose was sore, and she almost didn't cry. She lived with her grandfather Lin Zhen since she was a child, but she rarely saw her parents, so Lin Zhen is the closest person in the world to her.

Thinking that Lin Zhen might suffer a stroke and become paralyzed, Lin Keke couldn't control her emotions. Fortunately, she held back in time and didn't let herself cry.

"Grandpa, I see why you are still beating your legs, is it uncomfortable?"

Lin Keke walked over, squatted beside Lin Zhen and asked.

"Oh, I don't know what's going on. Before, I only needed two needles and two massages to feel comfortable. Today, the effect seems to be much worse. After I came back, I still feel a little uncomfortable! It's okay, maybe it's because grandpa is getting old. The legs and feet are rusty, but it must be very painful!"

Lin Zhen sighed, but said optimistically.

The speaker didn't mean it, but the listener meant it. Lin Keke really confirmed that what He Jincheng said to him was true.

"Grandpa, then don't drink tea. I heard that drinking too much tea is not good. You are getting old now. It is best to drink some honey water to nourish your body! I will change it for you. There's a lot of wild honey!"

Without any explanation, Lin Keke took Lin Zhen's water cup away, poured out the tea leaves in it, then refilled a cup of honey water, and finally put in a pill made by He Jincheng himself.

(End of this chapter)

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