Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 565 Exchange Activities, Exchange Location of Traditional Chinese Medicine Museum

Chapter 565 Exchange Activities, Exchange Location of Traditional Chinese Medicine Museum
What exactly He Jincheng was doing, the grandparents of the Lin family couldn't guess.

However, now Lin Zhen's condition has recovered a lot. According to He Jincheng's instructions, he still needs to go to the hospital for a follow-up visit on Friday. Anyway, he will know what's going on by then.

In the past few days, He Jincheng spent the rest of his time in the company handling affairs, except for the one-day consultation at the People's Hospital on Monday.

Fortunately, people like Zhou Qingyuan, Cheng Lu and Du Fei have become more proficient in their professional abilities. He Jincheng has set a general direction before, and they can do things according to the direction. He Jincheng doesn't need to worry too much.

In addition, the eldest brother He Jinshan has also gradually participated in the management of the headquarters, and he can also help He Jincheng share some of the burden. Except for some relatively important decisions that need to be made by He Jincheng, there are actually not many things that He Jincheng needs to ask.

Ye Qingmeng is busy with her studies. Now that she is in the second semester of her junior year, there are many courses, and various homework topics require a lot of energy, especially on the side of Professor Zheng, who also organized an exchange activity with overseas universities. Because Ye Qingmeng's English is the best, Ye Qingmeng has been participating in this communication activity these days.

That night, when Ye Qingmeng came back, she rarely complained about how tired she was.

After asking, I found out that it was because of this university exchange activity.

There are about seven or eight foreign students who come to exchange, including foreigners and Chinese.

Foreigners are fine on the contrary, they are very interested in some communication content, on the contrary, those few Chinese, who have always been superior and look down upon by everyone, are very indifferent and even contemptuous of some communication content provided by Nandu Normal University. .

Ye Qingmeng is the leader of this communication group, the other party's attitude makes Ye Qingmeng a little embarrassed.

It is said that this exchange activity is related to the future cooperation between the two schools.

Nandu Normal University is considered a first-rate university in this province, but it can only be regarded as a second-rate university in the whole country. As for the whole world, it can only be regarded as a third-rate university or even lower.

The other party is a branch school of Pukins University. Although it is only a branch school, its international ranking is still much higher than that of Nandu Normal University. Therefore, Nandu Normal University really wants to reach a cooperation with Pukins University.

Because all the people who came were students, so Nandu Normal University also had students here to receive them.

However, Professor Zheng has already issued an order that Ye Qingmeng must treat these exchange students well and let them return with a rewarding experience. This exchange activity will have a great impact on future cooperation.

"Then what are you guys talking about?"

He Jincheng asked with a smile, he was quite familiar with this kind of thing.

After some Chinese people go out, they feel that everything in the country is not good, and then they feel that they are superior to others.

But they are the ones who are discriminated against abroad. They would rather be grandchildren abroad than masters at home.

If you are in a normal relationship, everyone welcomes you, but if you treat yourself as a master and come here to show off your might, I'm sorry, then you are overthinking.

He Jincheng usually doesn't care when he meets such a person, unless the other party is too much, He Jincheng doesn't mind educating him.

"It's the exchange of some traditional cultures, such as history, calligraphy and painting, and national quintessence, such as opera and Chinese medicine... Hey, by the way, husband, can I organize them to go to the medical center? Then you can show us well. Chinese medicine practitioner, I see what those two devils have to say!"

Only then did Ye Qingmeng think of He Jincheng's side.

My husband is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine with superb medical skills, how could I forget about this!
"Haha, of course there is no problem. I just happen to be fine tomorrow, so come over tomorrow!"

He Jincheng laughed.

"Husband, you are so nice!"

Ye Qingmeng hugged He Jincheng's neck, gave He Jincheng a sweet kiss, and then the two rolled onto the bed.

The next day, He Jincheng sent Ye Qingmeng to school first, and then went to the Xinsheng Medical Center.

Ye Qingmeng needs to go to school to bring her classmates and exchange students over.

He Jincheng also needs to go to the medical hall to prepare first, otherwise, if Lao Xue, Qin Shun and Chen Dong don't know about it, it will be bad if something goes wrong.

After arriving at the hospital, He Jincheng told Xue Zhengxin and the others about the matter.

Xue Zhengxin was very pleasantly surprised when he heard that a foreigner was going to study and inspect the medical center.

"I really didn't expect that there are international friends coming to our place to exchange and study. What if the foreigner wants to worship me as a teacher? Do you think we should give them the quintessence of our Chinese culture?"

Learning these half-jokingly said, it made everyone laugh.

In fact, foreigners have been relatively rare in China since ancient times.

For example, in ancient times we called them barbarians, with blonde hair and blue eyes, walking on the street, the rate of turning heads was absolutely [-]%.

Everyone is more curious about foreigners, because the difference in appearance they give us is particularly obvious and huge.

Now that the degree of openness is increasing, more and more foreigners come to China. Xue Zhengxin has been a Chinese medicine doctor for half his life. To be honest, he has never seen a doctor for foreigners.

So although Xue Zhengxin was quite old, when he heard that a boss was coming, he was quite looking forward to it.

It is said that all these foreigners look like monkeys. After learning this, I really want to see if the pulse of monkeys is different from that of humans.

"Okay, you don't need to be too concerned, it's just a few students. But, after all, we are guests from afar, as long as they don't go too far, we will treat them nicely."

In any case, this exchange event was hosted by his wife, so it is impossible for He Jincheng not to give this little face.

Of course, if the other party is really too much, He Jincheng is not used to being a master.

Everyone tidied up briefly at the medical center, and then began normal consultations.

With He Jincheng here, the speed of receiving patients is naturally very fast.

The four of them saw more than 200 patients together in one morning.

This is still He Jincheng, because he is quite famous here, so most of the people who come to see the doctor here come to He Jincheng.

As early as two days ago, I informed you that Xue Zhengxin himself was going to come by car today, and Xue Yongxin also hung the sign outside early, so not many people came to see a doctor in the hospital two days ago, could it be It must have come out today, so many people rushed over all at once.

Of the more than 200 patients, He Jincheng saw a hundred of them, and the rest came from Xue Zhengqing, Qin Shun and Chen Dong.

(End of this chapter)

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