Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 569 The method of acupuncture and moxibustion, the focus of Chinese and Western medicine

Chapter 569 The method of acupuncture and moxibustion, the focus of Chinese and Western medicine
Although it is said that Smith's family assets far exceed that of the He Group, He Jincheng doesn't care much about it.

In the end, he is just a doctor of Chinese medicine, and what he wants to do is to promote Chinese medicine and earn some money to support his family so that they can live a good life.

As soon as Smith and the others came to the consulting room, they saw Xue Zhengxin giving acupuncture to a patient.

Originally, Xue Zhengxin could only use the five-inch needle. With his five-inch needle technique, it can be said that it is difficult to find an opponent in Nandu.

However, after coming to the Xinsheng Medical Center, Xue Zhengxin knew what it means to be a real expert.

He Jincheng had shown them the technique of the nine-inch needle before.

The length of nine inches is nearly [-] centimeters, and the silver needle itself is relatively thin and soft, so it will not cause great pain to the patient when pierced on the human skin. Bit like that.

Therefore, the longer the length of the silver needle, the more difficult it will be to use it. Generally, the more famous doctors can use a five-inch needle. As for the six-inch needle, maybe they can practice it for five or ten years. do it.

If you want to reach the level of using the seven-inch needle, you can hardly figure it out by yourself, and you still need the guidance of senior experts.

As for the eight-inch needle, Xue Zhengxin had only heard of it before, and never believed that anyone could really do it.

And He Jincheng directly showed him how to use the nine-inch needle at that time. From that moment on, Xue Zhengxin really calmed down and stayed at the Xinsheng Medical Center in a down-to-earth manner, practicing medicine, curing diseases and saving lives, and at the same time following He Jincheng study.

Under normal circumstances, he still only uses five-inch needles for acupuncture on patients.

However, for more than a year, Xue Zhengxin has practiced the six-inch needle almost every day. Now he can use the six-inch needle, but out of respect for the patient, he does not use the patient as an experimental product. A six-inch needle is needed, and he usually just uses his more proficient five-inch needle.

Even so, Xue Zhengxin's acupuncture techniques left Smith and the others dumbfounded.

Western medicine also has needles, but they are used for injections. How can there be silver needles used in traditional Chinese medicine to pierce various parts of the human body.

Those who have never been in contact with traditional Chinese medicine cannot imagine using needles like this. Will it really work?

In fact, this kind of thing is very normal in foreign countries.

There is a movie about Gua Sha.

The general content is that an old man from Huaxia went to the beautiful country to take care of his grandson.

During that time, my grandson was not feeling well. The old man knew a little about Chinese medicine and was good at scraping, so he gave his grandson a scraping.

The grandson's health has improved a lot, but scraping will stimulate the capillaries of the skin, and then there will be patches of redness, and even if the scraping is severe, it will look like bruises.

So the grandson of the old man was inadvertently seen by other people to see the marks left by the scraping treatment on his body.

Then they took the old man to court, saying that the old man abused children.

The old man didn't understand it very much, because he was helping his grandson to comb his body. It might indeed look like bruises, which are not harmful to the body at all, and everything has a lot of benefits.

Besides, my grandson just scraped himself, so it's no big deal.

But those who live beautifully don't think so, because they don't want to believe that shaving their skin like this can cure diseases.

But if these foreigners come to China and experience some traditional methods of traditional Chinese medicine such as scraping and cupping, acupuncture and moxibustion, many people will fall in love with them.

So, it’s definitely not enough to just look at it, and you still need to experience it yourself, so that you can truly recognize a culture that is different from your own.

Xue Zhengxin is currently treating a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. This patient will have leg pain and back pain when it is cloudy and rainy. The pain is also very high. Basically, he cannot do other things throughout the day.

He Jincheng made a diagnosis for the patient before, and the result of the diagnosis was to use acupuncture and moxibustion for treatment.

He Jincheng specifically demonstrated the acupuncture points that the patient needed, and at the same time explained clearly to Xue Zhenxing the effects of these acupuncture points when combined.

So Xue Zhengxin basically treated the patients by himself.

After a week of continuous acupuncture, the patient obviously felt that his arthritis had been relieved a lot today. Although it was still a bit painful when it was cloudy yesterday, the pain has reached a tolerable level.

So this patient had a special trust in the Xinsheng Medical Center. Although he came late today, he would rather wait here for more than four hours, and let Xue Zhengxin give him two injections.

"The back of your leg doesn't need to be pierced so frequently. Next, I suggest that it be done once every three days. After persisting for a period of time, I believe that the pain will get lighter and lighter, and it is not impossible to eradicate it."

Xue Zhengxin instructed the patient gently while giving the patient an injection.

"Good Doctor Xue, I can also clearly feel my improvement. Thank you so much."

The patient looked excited.

This arthritis has been tormenting for more than ten years, during which he would go to the hospital basically every year, but the effect was minimal.

He also came to Xinsheng Hospital by accident. That day, an acquaintance happened to be shopping in Qiangu Street, and that acquaintance recommended the patient to come to Xinsheng Hospital to have a look.

At the beginning, the patient also had the attitude of giving it a try and didn't have much hope. After all, he had been watching it for more than ten years, and there was no effect at all. He was even desperate.

When I went to the hospital for the last time, the doctor said that the arthritis was already very serious, and so many medicines did not have any effect, which meant that the body had already developed certain antibodies to those medicines, and it would be useless to take them again.

All in all, what the doctor meant was to recommend the patient for joint replacement surgery.

Joint replacement surgery is actually not a big surgery, especially in the 21st century, it is a very common surgery, and it is very mature.

But in this day and age, joint replacement surgery is a major operation that requires skill and luck.

The patient learned about joint replacement surgery after inquiring about it. Although he said that joint replacement surgery does not cause much harm to the human body, and it can relieve pain very quickly and effectively, and even avoid pain, it can be said that the effect is good.

(End of this chapter)

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