Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 574 Sign the letter of guarantee and start making pills on the spot

Chapter 574 Sign the letter of guarantee and start making pills on the spot
"Mr. Jack Ma, what I said is very clear. I do have a way to treat you and I am willing to treat you, but my method is really unacceptable to you. Even if you are willing now, wait until After I give you treatment, you are saying that I am actually abusing you and playing tricks on you on purpose, then I will be completely speechless."

What He Jincheng meant was so obvious that it couldn't be more obvious.

In other words, what Jack said was unsubstantiated. If you write a guarantee and let everyone come to witness, then He Jincheng is still willing to treat him.

This is to prevent Jack Ma from biting back and saying that he is angry with the patient.

Jack Ma is not an idiot either. After thinking about it for a while, he can understand what He Jincheng is going to do?

He had to give a written guarantee before he was willing to take action for treatment.

After careful consideration in his mind, the horse decided that no matter what, he must let He Jincheng treat him today.

First of all, if He Jincheng really has the ability to cure his kidney deficiency, it will definitely be a great thing for him, and he will be even more invincible when he gallops on the battlefield in the future.

In fact, even if the result is not good, He Jincheng cured his illness, so he has reason to get mad at He Jincheng.

At that time, whether it is to clean up He Jincheng himself or close his Chinese medicine clinic, it will not be a matter of his own words.

If someone came, I was a friend from overseas. As long as I talked to the embassy, ​​someone would definitely come to protect my rights.

Thinking of this, Jack Ma smiled at He Jincheng.

"I didn't expect Dr. He to be so careful in doing things. You just don't trust me, Jack Ma's character. How about it, then I will write a guarantee on the spot. The general content is that no matter what method Dr. He uses, he will be cured." I will not pursue or blame Dr. He in any way for my illness. Of course, I also hope that Dr. He's treatment methods will not be insulting."

I have to say that Jack Ma is really a little smart. What he said, first of all, he guaranteed his character and would not be questioned.

Secondly, he made it clear that He Jincheng's treatment methods should not be insulting, that is to say, even if He Jincheng uses indiscriminate means to target himself, as long as the words are insulting, he can go crazy at any time.

"I can assure you that there is absolutely no insulting method of treatment. My method is mainly more painful. I'm afraid Mr. Jack Ma, you can't bear it."

After drinking some tea, he quickly waved his hands, with a very kind expression on his face.

"Then there's no problem. I'm so anxious. I'm so old, I really don't know what pain is."

Jack Ma patted his chest and said confidently.

"Then I want to ask one last time, Mr. Jack Ma, are you really willing to accept my treatment method? My method is very painful, and it may even exceed the pain limit that normal people can bear. Are you really willing to accept it?" My cure? Confirm again."

He Jincheng's expression became a little more serious, and then he wrote a promise on a piece of paper, and randomly pushed it in front of Jack Madi.

"Okay, then I'll make sure."

Jack Ma looked at the content written on the guarantee letter, and then looked at He Jincheng again. A successful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he added his name under the guarantee letter in a chic manner.

He didn't believe that He Jincheng would use any method that made him feel unbearable pain to cure his kidney deficiency.

If it's really that kind of incredible method, it won't have any effect at all, okay?

"Okay, now I have signed the guarantee letter. I don't know when Dr. He will start treating me, and what method will he use?"

Jack Ma pushed the letter of guarantee to He Jincheng with a smile.

"Actually, the method is relatively simple, mainly medicine and acupuncture. I believe the combination of the two will have a very good effect."

He Jincheng nodded with a smile, and then introduced his method.

While talking, He Jincheng wrote another prescription. First, he gave it to Jack's mother to have a look. After he felt that there was nothing wrong, He Jincheng asked Xiao Wang to grab the medicine, and he took it over to make pills on the spot.

Everyone looked curiously at how He Jincheng treated Jack Ma.

I saw that Xiao Wang brought more than a dozen medicinal materials, large and small, and then He Jincheng began to grind the medicinal materials in front of everyone.

After more than 20 minutes of tinkering like this, a black pill about the size of a glass marble was produced.

"The thing to play here is to swallow it. The so-called Hanbok is to put the pill under the tip of the tongue, and then use saliva to slowly dilute the pill and send it into the abdomen. Mr. Ma, you must pay attention to this, this pill cannot be swallowed directly. If you swallow it directly, there may be more serious side effects, so I will not bear the consequences."

He Jincheng explained the method of using this pill very clearly, and instructed him repeatedly.

This made Jack Ma frowned slightly. I heard that such a pill should be taken seriously?Can it only be swallowed, not swallowed directly?

"Okay, I'll do as you say."

Well, although I was very dissatisfied in my heart, I still took the pill that He Jincheng made in front of me.

"Mr. Jack Ma explained in advance that this pill is very bitter. If you can't stand it, just spit it out, and our treatment will stop immediately."

He Jincheng kindly persuaded him again.

"Hehe, a small pill can bring me a lot of pain? To be honest, the pain I have experienced since I was a child is unimaginable to you people. There is no way, this is what rich people do. Life is also very stressful.”

Jack Ma looked indifferent, then added the pill and held it under the tip of his tongue.

At the beginning, the saliva has not been secreted, and this pill has no special feeling or taste.

As a result, Jack Ma's complexion changed very quickly. Gradually, it was a little ugly at the beginning, then it became distorted at random, and finally it even proved itself.

What is this pill made of? It’s too bitter!

If you compare bitter gourd with this bitter taste, a hundred bitter gourds added together can't compare to the taste of this small pill.

In just ten seconds, Jack Ma's face underwent countless changes, which were extremely exciting.

(End of this chapter)

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