Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 586 It’s just kidney deficiency, it can be cured but you don’t want to

Chapter 586 It’s just kidney deficiency, it can be cured but you don’t want to
Jack Ma felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said.

This is an antique street, people who come here are all buying antiques, who would come here to see a doctor!
And because the shops here are all inclined to the ancient architectural style, the ground is paved with bluestone roads, and the entrance of the street is blocked by stone piers. Unless there are special circumstances, vehicles are not allowed to enter, at most it is only feet. Riding tricycles, small cars and small trucks are absolutely not allowed to enter, otherwise it will cause damage to the buildings on the reception side, especially the bluestone road.

Although it is said that more than [-]% of the Qingshiban Road here is repaired later, but there are still a small part of it that was preserved in ancient times, which is more precious, so the person in charge of the street here, and even the Nandu City officials, are concerned about this. very important.

"Mr. Jack Ma is not sure about where the clinic is located, but Mr. Jack Ma, there seems to be something wrong with your pulse!"

He Jincheng said lightly that He Jincheng didn't take Jack Ma's arrogance and feeling that he was always superior to others at all.

For this kind of person, if you really respond to him, you will actually fulfill his wish, so ignoring this is the best way to respond.

"Is there a problem with the pulse condition? What's the problem?"

Jack Ma became interested immediately, and he was waiting for He Jincheng to say this.

Jack Ma's family is relatively rich, otherwise it would be impossible to immigrate to live overseas, and even obtained a green card from the beautiful country.

On weekdays, Jack Ma's family also pays more attention to health, so every year the family will have a regular physical examination, and the items of the physical examination are relatively complete.

I borrowed the number before coming to Huaxia to communicate, and I just had a physical examination. There is nothing wrong with my whole body from beginning to end. Of course, I can’t say that it is complete. There is nothing wrong with it. For example, polyps and nodules, but they are just small. They are all relatively small, which is also a situation that often occurs in normal human beings, and the disease is not considered a disease.

In addition, because Jack Ma prefers to stay up late, drink and pick up girls, he often doesn't return home, and sometimes even goes to play all night long, so there are some problems with his waist.

But this small problem is not a problem for Jackman at all. There are many foreign Viagra drugs, and they are cheap, and I have enough money to afford them.

Of course, Jack Ma also wanted to keep his majesty, but unfortunately he couldn't help but like to play, so although the doctor often reminded him to pay attention to this aspect, Jack Ma still didn't take it seriously.

In the eyes of people like them, there is no problem in this world that money can't solve. If you are really sick, you can spend money to cure it.

"Mr. Jack Ma, your illness is more or less difficult to talk about. I'm afraid you won't be happy after talking about it."

He Jincheng pursed his lips and shook his head slightly, looking very embarrassed.

Jack Ma was slightly taken aback, thinking that this kid is really capable, could it be that he saw that he has a little kidney deficiency?

But, it's just kidney deficiency, and it's not a serious illness. This kid's embarrassing appearance is completely playing with himself.

Thinking of this, Jack Ma's face darkened slightly.

"Doctor He, I know what you want to say, don't you just want to say that I have a little kidney deficiency? That's right, I do have this disease, because too many girls abroad like me, usually all those girls have headaches Don't hesitate, I can't refuse even if I think about it. There is no way, people are too good and that's it, there will always be good beauties by my side."

Jack Ma said proudly instead of ashamed.

Although the students next to me felt very uncomfortable listening to Jack Ma's words, they couldn't say anything.

Everyone has their own way of life, some people just want to be a flirtatious playboy, and there are beauties who take the initiative to post it, so what can you do?

You can't stop people from saying that this person is a scumbag, you have to know it yourself, so why do you still post it?
Of course the beauties are willing to post it, because what they want is not love.

"It's the first time I've heard someone talk about kidney deficiency in such a fresh and refined way, Mr. Jack Ma, it seems that your mind is really very open. It's just that everything is too much. Now you can only rely on drugs to maintain your normal exercise. You must know that no matter what kind of medicine it is, it will produce certain antibodies in the body after a long time. If you take it for a long time, maybe the medicine you think is particularly effective will gradually become ineffective."

He Jincheng smiled faintly, then shook his head slightly.

"If you wait until the medicine has no effect on you, it may be difficult to think about treatment."

Hearing what He Jincheng said, although Jack Ma had a look of disdain on his face, he did feel a little flustered in his heart.

To be honest, Jack Ma is just a dandy rich second generation with no skills, and he can have such a good time only by relying on his parents.

If you say that you usually use Viagra for fun, it’s fine, but if He Jincheng really said that he took Viagra for a long time and there was no effect at that time, wouldn’t he really be useless?

After much deliberation, Jack Ma felt that what He Jincheng said was reasonable. Since he had already come, he would let this kid take a look and grab some medicine or acupuncture.

This kid can't cheat himself in front of so many people. If he cures himself, then he won't be able to destroy his clinic.

"Doctor He, since what you said is so serious, there must be a way to cure me. I wonder if you would like to prescribe a prescription or give me some injections?"

Jack Ma took it for granted that He Jincheng must heal himself.

Unexpectedly, He Jincheng shook his head slightly.

"Mr. Jack Ma, it's not that I don't want to treat you. It's just that you may not be able to accept my treatment method. In the end, you still feel that I'm trying to trick you on purpose. So, I suggest you go to a bigger hospital for treatment." Check, the most important thing is that you must exercise restraint!"

Hearing what He Jincheng said about Jack, Ma suddenly became a little unhappy, so he said that this kid must have a way to cure himself, but he deliberately said that this method was not good, so he didn't want to cure himself.

"Doctor He, since there is a way, how can you know that I can't accept it if you don't try it?"

Jack Ma would not let He Jincheng go just like that, he must let He Jincheng take action to heal himself today no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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