Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 588 The most painful in history, kindly treat it as a donkey liver and lung

Chapter 588 The most painful in history, kindly treat it as a donkey liver and lung

For another example, sometimes we can't help laughing when we watch some funny videos.

Laughter is often unbearable. If I want to watch some funny videos, movies, TV series, or even novels, etc., I will laugh involuntarily so that I can express my emotions.

When someone tickles us, we can't help laughing. If we don't laugh, we will hold it in our hearts, which is very uncomfortable.

Now Jack Ma is enduring a pain that is more painful than giving birth to a child, but he can't even groan. One can imagine how painful Jack Ma is at this moment.

"Mr. Jack Ma's disease has actually been accumulated for a long time, so our treatment process may seem cruel, but in fact, it is not particularly painful."

He Jincheng slowly inserted the needle while explaining to everyone.

"To be honest, I have to admire Mr. Jack Ma's willpower. Usually, when I use this method to treat people, the patients scream like slaughtered pigs, because the needles I stick are very painful. , most people simply can’t stand it.”

"But now it seems that I still think highly of my own formation. Look at Mr. Jack Ma, even under such severe pain, he still doesn't change his face, as if he is enjoying it. I have to say Jack, Mr. Ma is the most pain-free patient I have ever seen in my life, and I admire him so much."

While talking, He Jincheng stuck another needle.

At this moment, the health bar has no ability to resist at all, and I want to cry but have no tears.

Not afraid of pain?Why don't you try it out?I swear that I will never do acupuncture again in my life, and I will never have conflicts with doctors of traditional Chinese medicine again. This will really cause death.

"Huh? What's wrong with you, Jack Ma? Why are you crying?"

At this time, Smith seemed to have noticed that something was wrong with Jackman. Everyone followed Smith's words and looked at Jack, only to find that there were two lines of tears on Jackman's face.

"No, you are too powerful, mother, you are crying in pain, my dear, you didn't make a sound, the cow is so awesome, you are the real man."

It hurts enough to cry, for boys, it is really heart-wrenching pain.

Generally speaking, if you cut the skin with a knife, scratch the skin, etc., the pain is actually very small, and most boys can bear it.

In daily life, we may encounter some severe pains, first of all, in our fingers or toes.

Sometimes I accidentally hit some finger cover, and the toe cover turned over. I believe many people still remember the pain.

It's just that everyone present didn't understand that Jack Ma was experiencing severe pain that forced the fingernails to turn over at the moment, and the pain was ten times more painful.

He was indeed crying and crying, he was crying in pain, but his body was out of control, and he couldn't even make a sound, so he could only shed two lines of tears.

But when he heard his classmates say that, Jack Ma almost fainted out of breath.

If it wasn't because He Jincheng was firmly grasping him now, he would definitely jump up, point at this group of classmates and yell at the [-]th generation of ancestors to greet him.

But there is no way, the only way to end this pain is to wait for He Jincheng's acupuncture to end.

Then there were more than a dozen stitches, and now Jack Ma seemed to have some wrong judgments about his endurance.

He seemed to have gone numb and stabbed He Jincheng back and forth so hard, as if he really didn't feel anything anymore.

As a result, He Jincheng's two fingers suddenly loosened. Jack Ma was stunned for a moment, and then wanted to stand up.

In the end, before he raised his head, He Jincheng held down the back of his neck again, and fell down weakly.

"Mr. Jack Ma, don't worry. The silver needle needs to be kept on the body for 10 minutes and cannot be moved. Otherwise, some very incalculable consequences may be found."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Jack Ma cried again, because just now He Jincheng suddenly let go, allowing his body to suddenly regain control, so the sharp pain came again as if his body had been activated again.

Then He Jincheng had a lightning speed, and once again controlled him.

So now Jack Ma is equivalent to experiencing the pain at the beginning again.

For a moment just now, Jack Ma wanted to jump up and fuck He Jincheng, but He Jincheng made a fuss about it.

Now Jack Ma's mind is full of thoughts that He Jincheng should let him go quickly, he will never dare again, and he will definitely not fight against He Jincheng again.

If He Jincheng is willing to let him go, he will immediately flee from the Xinsheng Medical Center.

"Now my first course of treatment is over, and I used a total of eighteen needles. These are eight needles, which are equivalent to reactivating most of the functions of Mr. Jack Ma's kidney. The next step is to It is necessary to carry out the treatment of repair needles, that is, to use 36 more needles to reactivate and use Mr. Jack Ma's kidney function."

He Jincheng smiled and explained to the onlookers.

Everyone nodded one after another. It seems that Jack Ma's mental state is still pretty good. He almost stood up just now, but fortunately, Dr. He pressed it down quickly with his eyesight.

This Jack Ma is also real. Didn't you see that you have eighteen silver needles pierced in your waist?If you move around casually, if the acupuncture point and depth of the silver needle are wrong, the result, can't Jack Ma bear it by himself?
"Jackma, don't mess around. Doctor He didn't tell you to get up, so don't get up, and lie down honestly. If something happens, it won't do you any good."

Someone leaned over to persuade him, for fear that Jack Ma would not listen to the doctor and move around at will.

Xiao Hou wanted to kill this classmate, but he couldn't shake his head or nod, so he could only roll his eyes desperately at him.

His classmates were very displeased. Let me talk about you first, kid. I said this for your own good. You even rolled your eyes at me with contempt.

Well, I can't afford to offend you, we can afford to hide from you.

Since you don't want to see us, there is no need for us to rush to curry favor with you.

How kind to treat it as the liver and lungs of a donkey!
Thinking of this, that classmate didn't say anything more, and quietly retreated out.

So after He Jincheng's very slow and rhythmic narration, everyone present must have a little common sense about acupuncture and moxibustion in traditional Chinese medicine!

Smith became more and more interested in Chinese medicine, and even offered to ask Dai He Jincheng as his teacher to become He Jincheng's apprentice.

This surprised He Jincheng. Smith seemed to be in his twenties, and with a strong background, how could he be willing to condescend to be his apprentice.

(End of this chapter)

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