Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 602 Controversy continues, the real cause of the illness

Chapter 602 Controversy continues, the real cause of the illness
The pediatrician just thought that the persistent fever must be some kind of viral cold, so he insisted on another blood test. As long as he can find out what the virus is and prescribe the right medicine, the child's illness will naturally be cured.

"Viral cold is also possible, but this child must have pneumonia. Can't you hear that his lung sounds are very wrong?"

Smith's stubborn energy also came up at this time, insisting that his judgment was not wrong.

He Jincheng shook his head helplessly, thinking that this is a girl, is it like this for everything?
In fact, this kind of inquisitive spirit is still very good, but this guy Smith used it in the wrong place.

Because Smith is not a doctor at all, but asks a real professional doctor what to do, which in itself is an outsider guiding an insider.

Ordinary people think that things should be done in such a way, but in the eyes of real industry insiders, doing so is completely ridiculous and impossible.

"You two don't want to fight. What do you mean? Let me ask you first, do you have a professional qualification certificate for doctors?"

He Jincheng looked at Smith and asked with a smile.

"Uh, I didn't take this test."

Smith shook his head in amazement.

He Jincheng laughed immediately, this guy also said that he didn't take the exam, you are not a doctor at all, okay?

"Then I would like to ask if you have participated in medical work before? Do you know clinical medicine?"

He Jincheng asked again.

"No, I don't understand."

What's the meaning?It was honest, his face was a little hot at the moment, and he shook his head and said.

"Since you don't have a doctor's license, you haven't participated in medical work, and you don't know clinical medicine, then how do you judge that this child has pneumonia? Can't we hear the voice you heard?"

He Jincheng continued to ask.

"I... I'm just skeptical, that's why I asked the child to be checked."

Smith didn't know what to say, but he still insisted on his own ideas.

"I'm just skeptical about your sentence, which will make our work repeated. In our opinion, this is an unnecessary inspection at all. It has no meaning other than wasting time and money of the patient's family. And you Just use your doubts to doubt our certainty, do you think it's right to do so?"

He Jincheng continued to ask.

This time Smith was a little speechless.

After thinking about it, he asked: "Then you heard Dr. He's child's breathing, why is he like this?"

That's right, since you said it wasn't pneumonia, why is such a young child breathing so heavily?
The pediatrician on the side also pricked up his ears, wanting to know the answer.

Of course he could hear the child's heavy breathing, but he could only be sure that it wasn't caused by lung inflammation, but he didn't know the exact reason, maybe it was just hereditary.

"It might be something to ask the child's parents."

He Jincheng turned his head and looked at the child's parents.

The two young parents were a little stunned. They didn't understand why He Jincheng asked them both.

"Neither of us have asthma or snore, so it can't be hereditary?"

The child's mother said quickly.

They thought that He Jincheng meant that the children inherited their faults.

"It's not a matter of genetics. If I'm not mistaken, you usually take good care of your children."

He Jincheng said with a smile.

"That's right, the two of us are just this one child, and the whole family treats it like a baby. It's true that we hold it in our hands for fear of falling, and hold it in our mouth for fear of melting. It doesn't matter if our daily life is a little bit tiring. But we must let the children enjoy the best we can do."

The child's parents nodded repeatedly.

"Then what kind of quilt do you use to quilt your child at night?"

He Jincheng continued to ask.

"It's a very thick quilt covered by the child's grandma with cotton. We both only use eight catties of quilts, but the one for the child is ten catties, which is very warm."

The child's parents said quickly.

The face of the pediatrician next to him changed a little.

"Nonsense, you are just messing around, the child is only two or three months old, how much does he weigh, but you cover him with a quilt weighing more than 100 catties. You are more than 100 catties, why don't you cover him with a quilt weighing more than [-] catties?" Quilt?"

The pediatrician scolded angrily.

He also finally figured out why the child's breathing sound was so heavy.

Babies who have just been born are growing rapidly almost every day.

This is their fastest growing cycle, and at the same time the most vulnerable cycle, especially the limbs, internal organs, and bones have not grown up and are very fragile.

They may spend two-thirds of their day sleeping, but if you put something that weighs almost the same as theirs on them, how can they be comfortable?

The child's breathing sound is heavy, and it is very likely that some internal organs have been damaged due to the oppression of the heavy quilt.

If it continues like this, the child may even cause organ dysplasia, or even organ failure, which may be life-threatening.

The child's parents were also shocked when they heard the words. They only wanted to give their child the best. The weather is relatively cold now, so they were afraid that the child would freeze, so they took out the warmest quilt to cover the child. It hurt the child.

"Tell me why you don't have any common sense as parents. The child is covered with such a thick quilt every day. His body temperature can't escape. Can he not have a fever all the time?"

"In this case, you must tell us the doctor truthfully, so that we can better judge how the child's illness came from?"

The pediatrician was really angry, and he reprimanded the child's parents.

"Also, your swaddling clothes are too tightly wrapped. I also felt that something was wrong at first, but I didn't think about what it was. Now it seems that you take care of your children too much."

The child's parents bowed their heads in guilt. They didn't know that they cared so much about their children, but would actually harm them.

"Okay, I believe that parents in the world don't really want to harm their children, it's just because they take care of them too much. Everything is done in moderation, and moderation is the best. Be careful in the future, and don't want to be swaddled. It's so tightly wrapped, it took me a long time to get the pulse out of the child's hand just now, think about it, can the child be comfortable in such a tight wrap?"

(End of this chapter)

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