Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 604 Huaxia Family Banquet, Ye Qingmeng's Thesis Proposition

Chapter 604 Huaxia Family Banquet, Ye Qingmeng's Thesis Proposition
Smith, although the shortcomings are obvious, but the advantages are also very obvious.

It's not that He Jincheng bothers him, the main reason is that this foreigner is really good at asking questions.

After hanging out with Smith for a long time, he also realized his problem, shut his mouth immediately, and occasionally asked questions, but not as much as before.

After get off work in the evening, He Jincheng was about to go home, and Smith followed He Jincheng, looking pitiful.

"Smith, I'm going home for dinner, will you follow?"

He Jincheng said a little speechlessly.

"Doctor He, I have never attended the dinner party of your Chinese people, can I attend?"

Smith said expectantly.

"What's the point of participating? My family is eating dumplings tonight, but there is nothing good to entertain you!"

He Jincheng frowned slightly.

Eating dumplings is a big event in this day and age, and most people only eat them once during the Chinese New Year. However, He Jincheng's income is very good, and his family conditions are good. His parents would make dumplings every now and then. Today happened to be dumplings, and yesterday Ye Qingmeng had already told He Jincheng that night.

"Dumplings? That's great. I've eaten them too. It's delicious. Can you take me there with you?"

Smith was very excited.

"It's up to you if you want to go, but we can't stay there, our family is very small!"

Taking Smith home for dinner is the bottom line that He Jincheng can accept at present. If it weren't for the fact that this kid invested in medical school, He Jincheng wouldn't even bother to talk to him!
"It's okay, I'll go back after dinner!"

Smith said quickly, for fear that He Jincheng would regret it.

"Okay, then it's settled, I'll go back after dinner, just this time!"

He Jincheng didn't want Smith to go to his home for dinner every day.

After work, Smith got into He Jincheng's Crown car and arrived at He Mansion all the way.

"Doctor He, are you kidding me? Your home is very small. Isn't this a palace?"

When Smith saw the place where He Jincheng lived, he was a little dumbfounded.

Their family is indeed rich, and they have several villas, but they are definitely not as grand as He Jincheng's mansion.

"Is it big? I don't have any idea, anyway, it's a gift from someone, and it doesn't cost money!"

He Jincheng shrugged his shoulders. Of course he knew that the He Mansion was an extremely luxurious and magnificent place for ordinary people, and it was not accessible to ordinary people.

But the house he lived in in his previous life was much more grand than this, so he has already gotten used to it.

"After you go in, don't be too casual, my parents are more traditional!"

He Jincheng glanced at Smith, this guy will probably make a fuss, so don't scare his parents anymore.

"Don't worry, Dr. He, I'm very honest, let's go in quickly, I can even smell the aroma of dumplings."

Smith rubbed his hands together excitedly.

Seeing Smith like this, even today, He Jincheng, nine times out of ten, this guy really wants to rely on him.

I had no choice but to pray that the dumplings didn't suit Smith's taste, and if he took two bites, he'd be gone.

"Mom, I'm back."

He Jincheng opened the door and walked in, then shouted.

Guo Lan and Wang Huixin were chatting in the living room at the moment, they turned their heads and looked at He Jincheng, just waved his hands, and then muttered something.

He Jincheng has long been used to these two old ladies often chatting with self-forgetfulness, and even forgot about his son.

What do you mean? I feel that I still need to say hello to Dr. He's family when I arrive at Dr. He's house.

So Smith walked behind Guo Lan and Wang Huixin and called people very respectfully.

"Hello, two aunts."

Guo Lan and Wang Huixin were taken aback for a moment, then turned their heads to see what they meant.

"Oh my god, ghost!"

Guo Lan exclaimed, jumping up from the sofa in fright, backing up again and again and almost falling down.

Wang Huixin had met some foreigners in Chaoyang City before, so she didn't feel particularly frightened, but took a long breath.

Seeing that he had frightened the two aunts, Smith suddenly showed a look of panic, and looked helplessly at He Jincheng.

He Jincheng was a little speechless. This guy was still so reckless. It was just the beginning, and he scared the two old ladies.

"Mom, this is a friend of mine. His name is Smith. He wants to come to our house for a meal today. Didn't we make dumplings yesterday? Hurry up and get him some dumplings."

He Jincheng's purpose was to send Smith away casually, so he was more casual, and he didn't think about receiving him graciously.

"Oh my god, it really scared me to death. It turned out to be a friend from Jincheng. Come on, come on, sit down quickly, you are really interesting as a foreigner, and the surname Shi is quite rare. .”

Guo Lan is not a person who can't accept new things, mainly because she turned her head suddenly and saw a blond face just now, so she was shocked.

"I'm really sorry, Auntie, I look different from you, so I scared you."

Smith said with some embarrassment.

"You are quite honest, kid. That's right, you almost scared us to death. You two bother to make some noise when you walk, so that we don't feel your presence at all. It will really scare people to death. .”

Wang Huixin Elena said helplessly.

"Since you're all here, sit down quickly, the dumplings will be ready soon, I promise you can eat enough!"

Smith felt that He Jincheng's family members were much more enthusiastic than He Jincheng.

He Jincheng was polite to him, but he was more polite to him, and He Jincheng's beautiful woman was really enthusiastic about him, probably because he had never had contact with foreigners.

Then He Jincheng discovered that Smith was even more popular than himself at the dinner table. The four old people entertained Smith very warmly. Even the good girl Tingting was curious and ran to Smith to ask this and that.

Ye Qingmeng was in charge of receiving Smith at school. Now that Smith was around He Jincheng every day, Ye Qingmeng didn't bother to take care of these things. Recently, she was also doing work related to her thesis. If you can publish a thesis at this time, you can graduate without a thesis in your senior year.

Of course, He Jincheng supported Ye Qingmeng's idea, and would discuss the thesis with her when he was free.

"Jincheng, the topic of my thesis is on the difference between Chinese and Western medicine. Which aspect do you think I should write about?"

Ye Qingmeng asked with a smile.

"You're not a medical student, why did you write a paper on this?"

He Jincheng was a little stunned and didn't understand why Ye Qingmeng chose this proposition.

(End of this chapter)

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