Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 612 1984, Human Traffickers Take Action

Chapter 612 In [-], the traffickers took action
After He Jinshan finished speaking, he directly drank a glass of white wine.

"Brother, let us brothers stop talking about these things. We will work together to make the He Group bigger and stronger."

With a sincere smile on He Jincheng's face, he raised his neck and downed a glass of white wine.

Ye Chunlin also talked about some of his ideals.

His main goal is to build the largest antique store in the country. If there is an opportunity, he can go shopping overseas and bring back all the national treasures that have been stolen by foreign invaders.

"Your goal is really not good enough. There is a long way to go, but it is good for you to have such a heart. As long as you want to do it, I will definitely support you with all my strength."

He Jincheng agrees with Ye Chunlin's idea very much, but if he really wants to achieve this, the money and manpower will not be consumed at all.

It's better to have an idea than no idea.

There is a line that is well said, if a person has no dreams, what is the difference from a salted fish?

"I just want to graduate as soon as possible, and then help Jincheng do a good job in the company. At the same time, I also hope that parents will live a long and healthy life, and their children will grow up happily."

Ye Qingmeng's wish was very simple and sincere.

He is such a person who only thinks about others and does not seek any benefits for himself.

After everyone finished speaking, all eyes fell on He Jincheng.

"It's my turn to say it, so let me just say it briefly."

He Jincheng sat upright, looking at everyone.

"First of all, I still want to apologize to everyone for the asshole thing I did."

Speaking of which, He Jincheng stood up and bowed deeply to everyone.

"Okay, I don't need to talk about the previous things. Everyone is in harmony now, talking about what they have and what they don't do. It's better to live a good life in the future than anything else."

He waved his hand easily and said.

"Yeah, what happened in the past is in the past, and it doesn't make much sense to talk about it anymore. As long as you can stick to it now, no one will say anything."

Ye Shanhe nodded.

The things He Jincheng did in the past were indeed not bad, but fortunately, this kid stepped back from the brink, realized his mistakes in time, and truly changed his ways.

In just two years, He Jincheng turned a poor family into a wealthy family worth millions. Everyone has a little understanding of the hardships and hardships he has experienced.

Especially Ye Shanhe and Guo Lan, they watched He Jincheng change from bad to good.

"Thank you for your tolerance. I, He Jincheng, swear that I will never act like a bastard again. If I break this oath, I will be struck by lightning!"

Although everyone said that He Jincheng had been forgiven, He Jincheng still made a poisonous oath to show his determination.

"Look at what you child is doing with such a poisonous oath, you say these useless words every day during the Chinese New Year."

I couldn't stand it anymore when I came here, I glared at He Jincheng and said in displeasure.

"Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore, then I will talk about some of my thoughts next."

"Actually, I don't want to do business. My biggest goal is to revitalize traditional Chinese medicine and become a master of traditional Chinese medicine. I have also said before that all the companies and enterprises I am working on will be handed over to my big brother in the end. Or Qingmeng will be responsible. So I hope you will learn some relevant knowledge and help me take over this burden in the future."

He Jincheng shook his head with a wry smile, and said hastily.

"Don't worry, brother, I will never let your hard work go to waste."

He Jincheng had already told him about this matter before, so He Jinshan was not surprised. "Husband, just do what you want to do. Leave the company's affairs to me and my brothers and sisters. We will definitely help you keep it safe."

Ye Qingmeng nodded vigorously.

"Of course I believe that my wife and my elder brother are still alive, so let's do this today. Let's have a toast together and wish everyone a happy new year!"

He Jincheng raised his glass with a smile and everyone stood up one after another. After clinking a glass, they closed their eyes and walked in.

The bell rang in the early morning, and [-] in the lunar calendar finally arrived.

He Jincheng took Tingting to the yard and lit the fireworks.

The custom in Nandu is to set off cannons at twelve o'clock to bid farewell to the old and welcome the new.

For a time, the whole city was filled with fireworks and the sound of firecrackers. The whole city seemed to be boiling up and looked very lively.

The next day He Jincheng took his family back to Lianhua Village.

Lianhua Village is their hometown, and if many relatives and friends are here to pay New Year's greetings, they will naturally come here.

Because of the company's affairs and the incident of being trafficked before, He Jincheng never pulled away and returned to Lianhua Village.

So I had to come here during the Chinese New Year.

The arrival of He Jincheng's family was warmly welcomed by the villagers.

Now the pharmaceutical factory in Lianhua Village has been handed over to the village collective.

Coupled with He Jincheng's fixed acquisition channels, the medicinal material factory's business is getting better and better. Taking advantage of your income naturally rising, you can get dividends every year. Everyone is naturally grateful to He Jincheng.

Village head Huang Baofu warmly received He Jincheng and his family.

He Jincheng walked around the whole village, and gave each family a red envelope to someone who took good care of him in the past. He Jincheng even specially prepared a few big red envelopes!
After turning around, it was already evening when we returned to the difficulty level.

After returning home to rest, it wasn't long before Du Fei came looking for him.

As soon as he saw Du Fei coming, He Jincheng knew that there should be some progress in the traffickers' affairs.

He Jincheng didn't intend to involve his family members in this matter, so he drove with Du Fei to the vicinity of the trafficker's den.

On the way, Du Fei briefly told He Jincheng about the situation of the traffickers in the past two days.

"They haven't done anything special in the past few days, but this afternoon I saw Wang Sandao going out, and I followed him all the way. He seemed to make a phone call, and then came back happily. Through surveillance, I found that He is now going to transfer a few children to another place, so I asked you to come here."

After Du Fei briefly explained the situation, he looked at He Jincheng, obviously wanting to obey He Jincheng's orders.

"Did the Security Bureau say anything?"

He Jincheng asked after thinking about it.

"They said they would fully cooperate with our actions."

Du Fei said in a deep voice.

"In this case, when the buyer comes, let's act directly."

He Jincheng nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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