Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 633 Rarely angry, He Jincheng scolded Du Fei

Chapter 633 Rarely angry, He Jincheng scolded Du Fei

Hearing what Wang Qianqian said, Du Fei also put away his smile, feeling a little puzzled.

You went to fight with your boss two days ago, why are you suddenly in a bad mood?

He Jincheng rarely gets angry, but when he gets angry, it's definitely a big deal.

After following He Jincheng for so long, Du Fei only saw He Jincheng get angry twice, the first time was when the warehouse caught fire, and the other time was when Lin Haiyuan was beaten a few days ago.

Looking at Wang Qianqian's reaction, one can guess that He Jincheng must be really angry today.

Thinking of this, Du Fei quickly went through what he had done recently in his mind, but he never thought what he had done wrong would make his boss so angry.

After much deliberation, but did not come up with a reason, Du Fei was sure that he had done nothing wrong, so he opened the door and walked into He Jincheng's office.

"Mr. He, are you looking for me?"

Du Fei carefully observed He Jincheng's face, and sure enough, he saw He Jincheng sitting behind the desk expressionlessly, looking in a very bad mood.

"Manager Du, how are the franchisees doing recently?"

He Jincheng asked lightly.

But as soon as the words Manager Du came out, Du Fei was a little terrified.

Usually the boss calls me Lao Du, but suddenly he calls me Manager Du, isn't it a big deal!
After thinking about the franchisees, I thought it was okay. There have been more and more franchisees recently, and I am planning to go to Haizhou City for inspection in two days. As long as I pass the inspection, I can enter the Haizhou market. What's wrong with this?

"Well, we have been inspecting the Haizhou project recently. It seems that everything is going well so far. We can open in Haizhou next month at the latest!"

Du Fei said cautiously.

"Haizhou? It's developing quite fast. Haizhou is a prefecture-level city in Southeast Province, so we have expanded our business to five provinces?"

He Jincheng said indifferently.

"Yes, Mr. He, we plan to successfully settle in all provinces in the country next year, and we will really be a well-known trademark in the country by then!"

Du Fei said with a smile.

Every time it enters the market of a province, it means that the He Group's market will expand by half. This is an extremely important part of the strategy of the entire group. This should be a good thing!

"If I remember correctly, we opened the store last month in Xishan Province. The first franchise store is in Mengshan City, Xishan Province, right?"

He Jincheng continued to ask.

"Yes, there are already three of our franchisees on Mengshan, and they contributed 100 million in sales in the first month, and they are expected to double this month!"

Du Fei had a deep impression of the franchise stores in Mengshan City, because the three franchise stores were all run by the same boss, and he opened three franchise stores in one go, and the boss's strength is not bad.

When it opened, Du Fei also went there and drank a lot with the boss.

"Well, good, you did a good job!"

He Jincheng nodded and said.

Only then did Du Fei breathe a sigh of relief, and he thought that Secretary Wang was really serious, and he was threatening himself when he was free. Mr. He didn't mean to be angry, he clearly wanted to praise himself.

It's almost the end of the year, maybe my bonus will increase!
Thinking of this, Du Fei couldn't help but feel a little elated. This year he can save enough money, and it's time to marry a wife.

"This is also the leadership of Mr. He. I just do things according to Mr. He's arrangement. It's nothing!"

Du Fei said with a smile.

"Yeah, you are right to follow my arrangement, but I'm curious, and I didn't arrange for you to order the franchise store to sell fake products?"

He Jincheng raised his head, stared at Du Fei and asked lightly. "Ah? Selling fakes? Impossible. Mr. He, are you kidding me?"

Du Fei froze for a moment, then smiled awkwardly.

"Are you kidding, you read this first before talking!"

He Jincheng threw the letter to Du Fei and said coldly.

Du Fei quickly picked up the letter and started to read it quickly. When he read half of it, his face became ugly. After reading it, Du Fei's entire face turned dark.

"Mr. He, it shouldn't be possible. Someone must have written this kind of letter on purpose to make trouble!"

Du Fei was a little unwilling to believe what was in the letter, so he said hastily.

"Look at this letter. The title of the book is Clothesman, and the handwriting is obviously that of an old man. I can only see intentions in each stroke. How did you see that there are ulterior motives?"

He Jincheng said in a deep voice.


"You what? I asked you to be responsible for recruiting franchise stores, and I warned you repeatedly that you must control the product quality of franchise stores. They are not like our direct-sale stores. We can directly control product quality. As a result, Well, you just didn’t pay attention, I entrusted you with such an important matter, and this is how you do it for me? Do you still want to do it? I think you should go back to be a security guard again!”

He Jincheng was furious, he threw a book on the table and smashed it on Du Fei's head.

Du Fei didn't hide, and was hit in the head like that.

"Mr. He, I'm sorry, I let you down. I will investigate this matter immediately. If this matter is true, I will definitely deal with it seriously!"

Du Fei lowered his head and said with some guilt.

"When you go to investigate, our He Group will be closed, now go book a ticket to Mengshang, the earliest and the fastest, you come with me, and go to Mengshan now, I want to see Look, what kind of character is the owner of this franchise store!"

He Jincheng said in a deep voice.

"In addition, don't tell anyone about this matter. Before I solve the matter, if you let me know that a third person knows about this matter, you will get out of my way, and I will pretend that I don't know you. This brother!"

He Jincheng patted the table and said angrily.

"Yes, I'll do it right away!"

Du Fei quickly said that he was also very angry. If what was said in the letter was true, then he should bear at least half of the responsibility for this matter.

Well, you fat man, I treat you like a brother, why are you just cheating me like this!

Coming out of He Jincheng's office, Wang Qianqian saw Du Fei's dark face, and knew that he must have been scolded by He Jincheng.

"Brother Fei, what's going on, the boss is really angry?"

Wang Qianqian asked in a low voice.

"You'd better be honest, lest you get caught in the fish pond!"

Du Fei shook his head, didn't say much, and hurried to buy a ticket.

About half an hour later, Du Fei hurried over again, said hello to Wang Qianqian, and entered He Jincheng's office.

"Mr. He, the ticket is ready, it's a train when I was a child!"

"Okay, let's go now!"

He Jincheng nodded, took his briefcase, got up and left the office with Du Fei, called the driver, and drove to the train station.

(End of this chapter)

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