Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 641 Greet Mr. Jiang and prepare for the clothing fair

Chapter 641 Greet Mr. Jiang and prepare for the clothing fair

A week later, He Jincheng took Ye Qingmeng to the train station. Today, Uncle Jiang and Auntie are coming to Nandu.

Du Fei personally escorted them over.

After a week of self-cultivation, the two old men looked much better than before, and their bodies gradually recovered a lot, and they looked quite energetic.

"Master and aunt, you are finally here!"

He Jincheng received the two and greeted them warmly.

"Xiao He, look at you, why are you being so polite, you came to pick us up in person, and let Xiao Du take us there!"

Uncle Jiang said with a smile.

Compared with before, his body is obviously much better, he walks with great strength, and his body is much stronger.

"It should be, Mr. Jiang, you are an important consultant of our He Group, and we have to design our next clothes by yourself! By the way, this is my wife, Ye Qingmeng, you call her Xiaoye That's enough! Qingmeng, these two are the Uncle Jiang and Auntie I told you about!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, and then introduced Ye Qingmeng.

"Grandpa, auntie, hello, I've heard about you from Jincheng, and now we have conducted a strict investigation on our franchise stores, and there will be fewer and fewer things that happen to you in the future!"

Ye Qingmeng stepped forward to support the aunt and said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, we can see that your He Group really wants to start a career, I am an old bone, I can't guarantee anything else, as long as you need it, I will do my best!"

Uncle Jiang nodded again and again, filled with emotion in his heart.

Such a big boss, he actually paid so much attention to himself, a bad old man.

"Okay, let's stop standing there. I'll take you to the place where you live first. I rented a yard for you. Go there and see if you can get used to it. If it's not suitable, we'll change it!"

He Jincheng asked the two to get into the car, and then took them to their place of residence.

This is a small courtyard house, and there is also an old couple living in it. They are the parents of Lao Ma from the clothing factory. Lao Ma is now the deputy director of the clothing warehouse, and can be regarded as the middle management of the company. He Jincheng felt relieved that Mr. Jiang lived here.

Uncle Jiang was full of praise when he saw the spacious yard and clean and tidy rooms.

He was somewhat flattered, and felt that he and his wife were taking advantage of He Jincheng by living here.

He Jincheng's good talk was the only way to persuade the two old people to live in peace.

Lao Ma's parents were also very enthusiastic. When Uncle Jiang and the others moved in, Mom's parents gave a lot of gifts.

"Uncle Jiang, you all live here first, and if you need anything, just tell Uncle Ma, I have explained everything!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Mom's father was a little younger than He Jincheng's father, so He Jincheng called him Uncle Ma.

"Hey, okay, Xiao He, go and do your work, don't worry about us!"

Uncle Jiang said quickly.

Uncle Jiang is already very satisfied to live in such a spacious house and get along with such warm neighbors, what more can he ask for?

He Jincheng left dozens of dollars more before leaving with Ye Qingmeng.He Jincheng has already thought about Uncle Jiang's work.

Let him work at home instead of going to the company every day. All he needs to do is to make the size of traditional clothing, make corresponding samples, and then hand it over to the company's design team for optimized design and final mass production.

He Jincheng planned to hold a clothing fair before the Chinese New Year. On the one hand, he wanted to meet more colleagues, and on the other hand, he also wanted to promote the influence of the company's brand.

In addition to the existing clothing styles, He Jincheng also intends to present some excellent traditional clothing for the exhibition, and at the same time, it can be regarded as a simple preview of the new products to be launched next.

On Liu Feifei's side, they finally finished shooting the first advertisement and photo shoot.

However, for the time being, He Jincheng has no plans to send out the advertisement. When the TV and newspapers are launched at the same time a few days before the exhibition, it will definitely arouse a lot of repercussions.

In addition to the company's affairs, He Jincheng also started to investigate medicines.

At present, clothing is gradually on the right track and has become a stable capital flow. The thing he wants to do most needs to be prepared slowly.

It's just that the current conditions are limited. If you want to do these things, you can't just do it with money. You also need certain resources and policy support.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

He Jincheng has already invited many colleagues in the clothing industry to participate in the fair through his own connections and various advertisements.

However, because the influence of the He Group is not that great, the companies that have decided to come to participate are mainly enterprises from this province and several neighboring provinces.

If so, this can be regarded as a relatively large-scale clothing fair in China.

For this exhibition, the He Group has made a lot of preparations. In addition to providing board and lodging, it also provided booths for free. The most important part is the exchange meeting at the beginning of the exhibition.

Many people actually came for this exchange meeting. Through this exchange meeting, they can not only learn the experience of excellent companies in the same industry, but also expand their network. This is the main reason why many companies come to participate in the exhibition .

The venue of the fair is still arranged at the Nandu Hotel.

The government also attached great importance to this event, not only giving some financial support to the He Group, but also sending a leader with a high position to connect with He Jincheng personally.

The leader's name is Jiang Hai. He is an old cadre in his forties. He is in charge of business activities. He has also dealt with the He Group in the past two years, and he is also an acquaintance with He Jincheng.

After receiving the task of assisting the He Group in organizing the trade fair, Jiang Hai took the initiative to invite He Jincheng to dinner and personally communicated with him about the trade fair.

Of course He Jincheng would not refuse, he took the initiative to book a hotel that day, and came to the hotel early to wait.

In order to show respect for Jiang Hai, He Jincheng came to the hotel half an hour earlier and stood in the lobby chatting with the hotel's manager on duty, Manager Meng.

Manager Meng is a shrewd person, and he knows a thing or two about He Jincheng's energy. Today, he wants to entertain Jiang Hai, a great leader, so Manager Meng also attaches great importance to it.

"You still have a lot of face, Mr. He. Leader Jiang is not something that ordinary people can ask for!"

Manager Meng smiled and took out a cigarette, handed it to He Jincheng and said.

He Jincheng took the cigarette, waved his hands again and again and said with a smile: "Manager Meng, don't laugh at me. I was summoned by the leader, so I have the opportunity to have dinner with Leader Jiang. Today, I have to trouble Manager Meng to come up with something. The best level!"

"Hahaha, don't worry about this, Mr. He. Although our Qingjiang Restaurant is not as good as Nandu Hotel, in terms of cooking, it is definitely not inferior to any restaurant!"

Manager Meng said confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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