Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 655 The method of aggressive generals, attractive benefits

Chapter 655 The method of aggressive generals, attractive benefits

"Manager Wu, what are you doing, let's talk slowly if we have something to do!"

Zhou Qingyuan quickly got up and grabbed Wu Yusheng, and said with a wry smile.

He invited Wu Yusheng over this time and said a lot of good things. However, he didn't expect that He Jincheng would be so disrespectful to him when they met.

What is Mr. He thinking? Isn't it that we are going to ask each other for help today?You see, if you are angry with others, how can you ask them to help you?

Of course, Zhou Qingyuan was just thinking about it in his heart, and he never dared to say it out loud.

"Mr. Zhou, your temple of Qingmeng Clothing is too big. A little loach like me really can't reach it. I think we have nothing to talk about, so let's leave it at that!"

Obviously, Wu Yusheng was very dissatisfied with He Jincheng's attitude. He was planning to embarrass He Jincheng!

"Little Niqiu is really not qualified to join our He Group, so he should stay in the quagmire, and he will never be able to jump over the dragon gate and become a real old man!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly, playing with the wine glass in his hand, without even looking at Wu Yusheng.

Zhou Qingyuan was very anxious. My Boss He, what are you doing? Manager Wu is already very upset. Why are you still fighting? Is it true that you don’t plan to buy other machines?

However, just when Zhou Qingyuan and Wu Yusheng would slam the door angrily and leave, he was surprised to find that Wu Yusheng stopped, slowly turned around, and looked at He Jincheng.

At this moment, Wu Yusheng's heart felt as if someone had stabbed him with a knife. The scar that hid the most inferiority complex in his heart was pierced open, and his pitiful pride was shattered into scum.

How could Wu Yusheng not know about Dix's situation?

Although he is said to be the marketing manager of Nandu, Nadix simply looks down on Chinese people. Even the person in charge of Nandu has never looked directly at him. He is just a tool person and has no right to make decisions. Don't say it, but if something is wrong, you will be scolded bloody.

As for why Wu Yusheng stayed in Dix and did not leave, of course it was because of the high salary far exceeding the wages of the working class.

As the person in charge of Nandu City, Wu Yusheng's basic salary is five hundred U.S. dollars. The current exchange rate of U.S. dollars to Chinese currency is [-] to [-], which is five hundred U.S. dollars, which is one thousand four hundred yuan.

This is definitely a high salary in China. It is impossible for the directors of many factories to have such a salary.

Even in the He Group, there are only a few high-level people. On average, they can get so much a year, and most employees only get 100 or [-] yuan.

In order to get a high salary, Wu Yusheng had to make compromises and stay in Dix, even if he didn't agree with Dix's culture at all, and couldn't integrate into it. After all, he is a Chinese, and he can't forget it at all.

"Manager Wu, you can leave and continue to return to the small pond to be a loach that may be caught at any time, but here I have another choice, that is, you do things for me, and I will let you earn money in a dignified manner!"

He Jincheng said lightly.

Hearing this, Wu Yusheng narrowed his eyes, looked at He Jincheng, and then sneered.

"Dignified to make money, you mean if I betray Dix and turn to help you, I will be dignified?"

Although Wu Yusheng was taken into consideration by what He Jincheng said, He Jincheng was somewhat deceiving himself when he said this.

"Soldiers never tire of cheating, normal business competition, don't worry, we will never play tricks on the price, as long as it is within the reasonable range of the market price, we can accept it, and now you, the boss of Dix, are not willing to sell at all. Give us!"

He Jincheng promised with a smile.

"If you can help us solve this matter, then I can guarantee to give you a job with a salary no less than that of Dix." Upon hearing this, Wu Yusheng's eyes flashed with joy.

His purpose is nothing more than a decent job, wages not less than Dix.

As for Dix, he really didn't have much affection. After all, the boss of Dix didn't pay much attention to him, so there was absolutely no need to stay here.

If he could still have a well-paying job without Dix, of course he would have chosen to leave.

But everyone is an adult, and it is impossible to decide a major event related to life with just a few words.

"Mr. He, it's not that I don't believe you. This statement is groundless. If I help you solve this problem, and you turn your face and refuse to admit it, it will be difficult for me."

Wu Yusheng thought for a while, but he still spoke.

A smile appeared on He Jincheng's face. Since Wu Yusheng said so, it meant that he was a little moved.

"Manager Wu may not know the strength of our He Group. We now have more than 300 stores under the group, with an average monthly turnover of more than [-] per store, and we implement a professional store manager system. Every professional The store manager has at least ten stores under him, and each store enjoys a [-]% commission for the first year."

"Assuming that one of our stores has a monthly turnover of 5 yuan, and ten stores have a monthly turnover of 50 yuan in three months, that is a 600% commission of [-] million yuan. I think it should not be difficult for Manager Wu to figure it out!"

He Jincheng said as he picked up his wine glass and took a small sip.

Listening to He Jincheng's description, Wu Yusheng made quick calculations in his mind.

The 600% commission is 6 million, which is 5000 yuan. On average, there are [-] yuan per month.

This is much higher than my monthly salary of five hundred dollars.

"Manager Wu, you don't know that in addition to the daily salary in our company, we will also have a year-end bonus at the end of the year, which is basically at least one month's salary. In addition, there are some special rewards for outstanding employees. Our President He has always been generous, and the rewards for the best employees have never been lower than four figures."

Zhou Qingyuan on the side also said with a smile.

This time Wu Yusheng was really shocked.

He never thought that the wages of domestic private companies would be so high.

He's been with Dix Sports for two years now.

During the past two years, he has also met many domestic peer companies, and has some understanding of the salary of his peers.

Although there are some individuals whose salary is similar to mine, those people are basically the executives of factories or enterprises.

However, the professional store manager of the He Group has an annual income of [-] to [-], which is simply unimaginable.

"Among all the stores under our banner, the turnover of the directly-operated stores is the highest. If you are willing to help us with this, I can promise to put ten self-operated stores under your name, and you can enjoy the corresponding benefits." Commission, and guaranteed for at least three years."

He Jincheng added another fire at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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