Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 660 President Gao bargains, Gao Ziqiang is loyal

Chapter 660 President Gao bargains, Gao Ziqiang is loyal

"Huh, Dix, I'm not short of money, but I won't just take out my money casually. If you are still sincere, I will give you half an hour and you can modify the contract immediately, otherwise we won't have it. There is no need to continue talking!”

Gao Ziqiang snorted coldly, slammed the wine glass on the table, and then got up and walked outside.

"Oh, Mr. Gao, don't be angry!"

Wu Yusheng hurriedly chased after him, and at the same time winked at Dix, which meant that I am with Mr. Gao, please revise the contract quickly, and we can continue the discussion later.

Dix's complexion was a little ugly. I have been in China for so many years, and whoever meets me is not polite. When did I suffer this kind of anger!
He really wanted to turn around and leave, but this trick was useful for those official personnel, but it was useless for private business owners like Gao Ziqiang.

After thinking about it, Dix could only suppress the anger in his heart, took out his pen, and revised the contract.

Half an hour later, Gao Ziqiang finally came back under Wu Yusheng's nonsense.

"Hahaha, Mr. Gao, please sit down first. We are here with full sincerity this time. Our boss will definitely make changes and make you satisfied!"

Wu Yusheng smiled and pulled Gao Ziqiang to sit down.

Dix was totally unwilling, but he could only force a smile on his face.

"Haha, yes, Mr. Gao, don't be impulsive. Our win-win is the long-term solution. Look at this. We will not impose any restrictions on the use of the machines after you buy them. At the same time, we will give you a [-]% discount on the price. This is definitely our greatest sincerity!"

"[-]% off? Why don't you give it a discount, [-]% off, I like the number [-], it sounds auspicious!"

Gao Ziqiang waved his hand and said very coolly.


Dix was a little stunned, it's not like you're selling something, if you open your mouth, you'll get a [-]% discount.

The regular price of this batch of equipment is 260 million yuan. If you get a 31% discount, it will be a direct discount of [-] yuan.

The [-]% discount offered by Dix was actually quite a lot. Unexpectedly, Gao Ziqiang would go even further.

"What? Don't agree? Forget it, let's talk!"

Gao Ziqiang stared, got up and was about to leave.

This move worked extremely well, coupled with Wu Yusheng's performance, Dix only hesitated for five seconds, then gritted his teeth and agreed.

The next step is relatively simple. Wu Yusheng re-printed and stamped the revised contract in duplicate. After both parties signed it, Gao Ziqiang paid a deposit of 20 yuan first, and the final payment was made when he went to pull the machine. line to pay.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Gao this time, it's a pleasure to cooperate with you!"

Wu Yusheng said with a smile, and handed a sales contract to Gao Ziqiang, with an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Happy cooperation!"

Gao Ziqiang smiled and shook hands with Wu Yusheng. Both of them knew it well, and only Dix was kept in the dark.

"Mr. Gao hopes that we will have opportunities to cooperate in the future. This cooperation is very pleasant."

Dix also walked over with a smile, and reached out to shake Gao Ziqiang's hand.

"Of course, I believe we will have many opportunities to cooperate again in the future."

Gao Ziqiang smiled and nodded, without saying much, and left the Qingjiang Hotel after chatting with the two people for a few more words.As soon as he came out of Tiantian Hotel, Gao Ziqiang immediately took a car to the He Group and reported to He Jincheng about the finalization of today's contract.

"Very good, Xiaoqiang, you have done a good job in this matter. Let's see, the original price of the machine is 260 million. You talked about a [-]% discount here, and the preferential discount is your hard work."

He Jincheng was naturally happy when he got the news, and today he gave Gao Ziqiang hundreds of thousands with a wave of his hand.

"Hey, thank you Boss He."

Gao Ziqiang was not polite to He Jincheng either.

He has been with He Jincheng for the longest time, of course he knows what kind of temper He Jincheng is, as long as He Jincheng does things sincerely and down-to-earth, then He Jincheng will definitely not treat himself badly.

Not to mention anything else, but Gao Ziqiang can get nearly one million profit dividends every year for several shops in this antique shop.

To be honest, Gao Ziqiang never dared to dream that he would have such a glorious day.

And all of this has been achieved in just over a year.

Think about it two years ago, when I first met He Jincheng, at that time she was just a hawker reselling second-hand electrical appliances, and she might be arrested at any time.

But look at the fact that I have a car to pick me up and go in and out now, I have famous tags all over my body, and I wear valuable antiques on my hands.

On weekdays, Gao Ziqiang is still a bit airy, at least Gao Ziqiang still needs to show his identity and status in front of his subordinates.

However, he always kept one thing in mind, that is, when facing He Jincheng, he must lower his posture and treat him respectfully.

He Jincheng is not only his elder brother, but also the benefactor who brought everything to him.

"You still need to worry about the handover work after this matter. I'm relatively short of manpower here, otherwise I won't let you run over to help me buy machines without doing business with antiques."

He Jincheng smiled and took out a cigarette and threw it to Gao Ziqiang and said.

"Brother, if you are short of people, I will come to help you. My store is considered mature now, and it is enough to check the accounts once a month."

Gao Ziqiang said immediately.

Although Gao Ziqiang's words expressed his sincerity, He Jincheng was very pleased to be able to say such words without hesitation.

"That's not necessary. Shanbaozhai needs you to control a large stall. In the future, you will need to open the store to other cities and become famous all over the country. You have been learning relevant knowledge from the master for the past two years. I can see that , you are very concerned about this area. So, you can do your antique business in a down-to-earth manner, make it bigger and stronger, let me take a look at it. I am only temporarily short of people, so That's why you came here to help."

He Jincheng waved his hand and smiled.

He is not a person who is difficult for others, although he knows that once he speaks, Gao Ziqiang will definitely put down all the current things and come to work with him.

But he can also see that Gao Ziqiang is really interested in finishing this career.

It is not easy for a person to use his interest as work in his whole life.

If you don't talk about others, just talk about He Jincheng himself. His interest is Chinese medicine.

But there is no way, now he has to make the clothing industry of Aoki Clothing bigger and stronger, so that he has more capital and funds to operate a pharmaceutical company to improve the current situation and predicament of the entire Chinese medicine.

He Jincheng chose a difficult path, but he has never regretted his choice.

(End of this chapter)

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