Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 662 Liu Long begged, He Jincheng was angry with him

Chapter 662 Liu Long begged, He Jincheng was angry with him
Liu Long took a serious look at He Jincheng, then finally found the document, and slowly opened it to read.

There are a total of three positions in the information, all of which are deputy directors of some departments. The corresponding salaries and benefits are also written next to them, which is very clear.

"Mr. He, you want to arrange such a high position for me?"

Liu Long was a little surprised. The level of deputy director was considered middle-level in the He Group.

I am on the side of the He Group, but I don't have much prestige at all.

"What? You think you are incompetent? To be honest, I still have reservations about your ability! My suggestion is that you choose the position in Lianhua Village. We are currently building roads in Lianhua Village. Once the roads are Once it is repaired, there will be a large-scale construction and development, and within a year, the entire Lianhua Village will look brand new, and you have led a construction team before, so it is good to be my supervisor!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.

Liu Long pondered for a moment, but did not respond.

"It's just right, you can also take your wife and children to recuperate in the countryside. The air pollution in our city is getting worse and worse, which is not good for your wife and children's illness!"

Suddenly, He Jincheng said this.

Liu Long paused slightly, then suddenly raised his head to look at He Jincheng, his eyes were full of shock, and then turned into anger.

"How do you know that my wife and children are sick? You monitor us?"

Liu Long clenched his fists tightly, he might explode and hurt someone at any time!
He can endure any humiliation on weekdays, but he will never allow his wife and children to be hurt.

"I, He Jincheng, can't be so mean. You have been with Xiaoqiang for so long, and you don't even know my profession?"

He Jincheng said with some surprise.

"Your occupation? Aren't you Mr. Gao's good brother, the boss of the He Group?"

Liu Long frowned. If He Jincheng didn't give himself a satisfactory answer, he would never stop there.

"That kid Xiaoqiang..."

He Jincheng shook his head with a wry smile.

Gao Ziqiang knew that he had always wanted to be a doctor.

At the beginning, the two came to Nandu to work hard. Although they opened Shanbaozhai first, after He Jincheng opened the Xinsheng Medical Center, they basically didn't ask about Shanbaozhai.

As for why he didn't tell Liu Long, maybe this kid has other ideas.

"Mr. He, please make it clear, otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to work under your hands."

Liu Long took a deep breath and said calmly.

"I have many professions, but what I like best is being a doctor!"

He Jincheng smiled lightly.


Liu Long was stunned, and then his eyes opened wide, full of disbelief.

"You have a faint herbal scent. It may not be obvious to others, but to me, it's like putting medicinal herbs on the tip of my nose for me to smell."

He Jincheng spread his hands.

"If I'm not wrong, your wife must have a lung disease. She keeps coughing and has blood in her sputum. She even wakes up coughing at night. She is in unbearable pain every day!" Liu Long's body shook, and his face was full of shock.

"Your son's condition is better, but because you have given him the wrong medicine, there are serious hidden dangers. Within three days, your son's condition may deteriorate rapidly and become out of control."

Having said that, He Jincheng's tone also became serious.

"Mr. He, did you really see this?"

Liu Long held back the excitement in his heart, stared at He Jincheng and said excitedly.

"As a person, I can joke about many things, but I never joke about seeing a doctor!"

He Jincheng said very seriously.

Liu Long used to be number one in the Jianghu, and he still had the ability to judge people and deal with matters. He looked at He Jincheng's expression seriously and knew that he was definitely not lying to himself.

Suddenly there was only a plop, and Liu Long knelt directly in front of He Jincheng.

"Mr. He, if you are really a genius doctor, please save my wife and son. They are my everything. As long as I can save them, I will give everything. From now on, I will be your most loyal A dog."

Liu Long knelt on the ground and kowtowed heavily.

Unexpectedly, Liu Long's reaction was so big. He Jincheng's face darkened slightly, and he slammed the table.

"You bastard, what are you doing? What are you talking about? I, He Jincheng, run a company, not a gangster. Don't put the old tricks on me. Stand up for me immediately, Otherwise, get out immediately."

Although He Jincheng wanted to subdue Liu Long, he never thought of using this method.

Liu Long is definitely a talent, not to mention whether it was proper for him to kneel down and kowtow to be He Jincheng's dog, but his heart for his wife and children is enough to move people.

"Mr. He, I..."

Liu Long was also a little embarrassed and stood up hesitantly.

"Let me tell you one last time, in our He Group, never do this again in the future. You are not someone's dog, and you have no obligation to do things for only one person in your life. As long as you put forward your demands reasonably For example, if you have the ability to get promoted and raise your salary, the company will definitely consider it. If the company can’t meet your needs, then you can leave the job normally. Don’t bring the so-called quack spirit into the company. Understand what I mean ?"

He Jincheng had to solemnly emphasize this matter.

"Mr. He, I know that after I made a mistake, such a thing will never happen again."

Liu Long said hastily, and at the same time he was somewhat moved in his heart.

He knew that what He Jincheng said was not to take care of his self-esteem?
Of course, after this incident, Liu Long also found that He Jincheng's boss seemed to be very different from other bosses, including Gao Ziqiang.

"This is what I think. You go to Lianhua Village to help me watch the progress of the project. We will start building the road first. After the road is completed, we have to improve the residents' housing. I have already agreed with the village chief. When the time comes Just communicate directly with the village chief, and after the settlement of the residents’ residences is completed, we will build a large drug research center.”

He Jincheng roughly talked about his plan for Lianhua Village, and the specific details. Some people will directly connect with Liu Long. He Jincheng's doing this is just to let Liu Long know what to do when he arrives at the place.

"Okay, Mr. He, I don't dare to talk about other things, but I can definitely do a good job in construction. In addition, I don't know if it is convenient for you to show my wife and children a medical condition?"

Liu Long said cautiously.

"It's the job of a doctor. You go back and clean up today, and take your wife and children to Lianhua Village first. I will call the village chief and arrange a place for you. I will go back at noon tomorrow and report the specific things. Explain to you and the village head, of course, I will definitely cure your wife and children."

He Jincheng thought for a while and said.

(End of this chapter)

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