Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 664 Moment of touching

Chapter 664 The Moment of Touching, the Villagers Who Went to the Door Early in the Morning
Since his wife and children fell ill, Liu Long could only make money while taking care of his wife and children. He searched for famous doctors everywhere, but with little success.

The little wealth accumulated in the past was quickly used up. The child had no choice but Liu Long could only work harder to make money.

Fortunately, a year ago, he was lucky enough to meet Gao Ziqiang, and he made some money by working with Gao Ziqiang.

It's just that he never told Gao Ziqiang about his family affairs. He just wanted to work hard. Later, he also saw a doctor at the Xinsheng Medical Center. The doctor there was good at medical treatment and found some patients to stabilize the condition of his wife and children. method, the medicine is not expensive, but you need to take it all the time.

Until now, Liu Long feels that his life is like a long roller coaster ride, with ups and downs, extremely thrilling, and now he has come to Lianhua Village again, and the boss is a genius doctor.

"Honey, how do you feel here?"

Liu Long supported Mei Lan to sit down, held her hand, and asked softly.

"Very good, the air here is very fresh and the room is big, I am very satisfied!"

Mei Lan looked at her man and said with a smile.

"Believe me, our life will get better and better in the future, and your and Xiaomao's illnesses will definitely get better!"

Liu Long said excitedly.

"Well, I believe you!"

Mei Lan nodded vigorously. Although Liu Long didn't go into details with her, he also mentioned some things. He knew that the family came to Lianhua Village this time. Apart from work, the doctor said he could know about her and her son's illness. .

The dinner in the evening was delivered by the village chief Huang Baofu.

There are fish and meat, and there are also things like firewood, rice, oil and salt, which are convenient for Liu Long and the others to cook for themselves in the future.

Faced with the enthusiasm of the village chief and the villagers, Liu Long was very grateful, and secretly made up his mind to repair the roads and houses, and do what he could for the villagers of Lianhua Village.

One night, Liu Long was so excited that he couldn't sleep. He sat in the yard and smoked. He waited until the fish in the east turned white. Then Liu Long put out his cigarette and went to the kitchen to cook.

In the kitchen, there were flour and eggs sent by the village chief last night, as well as some shallots and seasonings.

Liu Long simply made a few egg pancakes, and then cooked a pot of porridge before waking up his wife and son.

Although both his wife and son are sick, they never stay in bed all day. As long as they can get up, they are very willing to get up and walk around.

It's just that neither of them can do physical work, otherwise they will soon feel dizzy and unable to stand upright.

"Wife, Xiaomao, take a rest at home after eating. I'll go out to see how the road is being built here. After all, I'm here to work, so I can't stay at home all the time."

While eating, Liu Long talked to his wife and children.

"Dad, don't worry. I ate egg pancakes today, and I feel very strong. I will take good care of my mother."

Xiao Mao said very sensiblely, and shook his fist towards Liu Long, showing that he seemed to be very powerful.

"Good boy, you have to protect your mother even more in the future. Put your food here after you finish eating, and I will collect it myself when you come back."

Picking up a piece of egg pancake, rolled a green onion, dipped it in some sauce, Liu Long got up and was ready to go out.

"Remember to wear more clothes, it's so cold outside."

Mei Lan said with some concern.

"Okay, I'll put on my army coat."

Liu Long smiled, entered the room and put on his military overcoat, then opened the door and went out.

As a result, as soon as he walked out of the door, Liu Long found that seven or eight people not far away were holding something in their hands, and they were too aggressive to walk towards him.

Mr. Liu frowned, then stretched out his hand to close the door, then stood at the door of his room and looked at the seven or eight people who came over.

Liu Long didn't know these people, but they were probably villagers from Lianhua Village holding shovels, hammers and the like, which made Liu Long a little nervous. "What's going on? Is it the bully in the village?"

Liu Long felt a little uneasy.

To say that in the past, Liu Long was also a big boss, and he was really desperate in a fight. It was more than enough for one person to fight more than a dozen people, and he beat the opponent to death.

But now Liu Long has passed the age of fighting and fighting, and he has a wife and son to take care of him, and he doesn't want to conflict with others.

"Hey, your name is Liu Long, right? This is your home?"

The leader was a fat man, holding a hammer in his hand, and pointed the hammer at Liu Long's yard.

"Who are you? What can you do with me?"

Liu Long still said vigilantly.

"Don't you know what's going on?"

The fat man was a little taken aback.

"I don't seem to know you. If there are any rules here, please tell me. Please forgive me if I do something wrong."

Liu Long's face was a little ugly, and he took out two cards of Great Unity from his pocket.

"I'm new here, and I don't bring much with me. I'll take these as drinks for a few of you. Next time I'll prepare more by myself."

"What are you talking about this time and next time? Why didn't I understand? We are here to build a kang with you. Our village chief said that it is very cold and there is no heating in our village. Since you If there are women and children at home, I will build a kang for you.”

The fat man said with a smile, and looked at Liu Longxin with some doubts and said, we are here to work, your reaction seems a little unwelcoming.

"Building a kang?"

Liu Long was stunned for a moment, he couldn't believe his ears, he must have heard it wrong.

Although Nandu belongs to the north, it is not a particularly northern place. Basically, few people use Kang to sleep at home.

The winter in the southern capital is indeed colder, but it is not as cold as in the northeast.

Generally speaking, something covered with a thick quilt will pass.

"That's right, because I heard from the village chief that your wife and children don't seem to be in good health. You are a guest of our Lianhua Village. Of course, we should do our best to be landlords. It is impossible for you to come to our Lianhua Village. Freeze, right?"

The fat man rubbed his stomach in a hehe.

Liu Long was very grateful.

He didn't expect that the villagers in Lianhua Village were so simple and thoughtful.

"Thank you, thank you very much."

Liu Long opened the door while talking, and then told his wife about it.

He was also grateful for not coming, and quickly poured hot water for everyone.

"I'm really sorry, we just came home and drank a mouthful of water, and the rest may be gone."

"Oh, sister-in-law, you're welcome. We're here to help, and we're not looking for anything in return. Let me say one more thing. You are friends of Director He, and that's our friend."

The fat man said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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