Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 667 Asking the doctor for the pulse

Chapter 667 Asking for the pulse, one course of treatment will see you
At this moment, Liu Long's residence is very lively.

Fatty and the others have almost built the kang, and they are doing the final aftermath work at this time.

Mei Lan couldn't do much to help, so she could only help them boil some hot water and make tea for them.

Xiao Mao was sitting on the chair, watching these uncles busy with his big eyes, his lovely face was a bit haggard, his small body was obviously much thinner than children of the same age.

"Daughter-in-law, I'm back!"

Liu Long shouted as he walked towards the house.

Seeing that Fatty and the others were still busy working, he quickly said hello.

"Fat brother, thank you for your hard work today. Let's have some drinks at home tonight and I'll cook!"

These years, Liu Long has been cooking for his wife and son, and his cooking skills are quite good.

"Hey, they are all from the folks in the village. The village chief said that you led us to get rich. What a trivial matter! Cooking is fine. If you don't mind, come to my house to eat. I happen to have an old hen at home. We stewed it!"

The fat man said with a smile.

"No, please don't. We've already caused a lot of trouble to everyone. You must be invited by me tonight. My cooking skills can still stand up to the test!"

Liu Long said quickly.

How could someone go to someone else's house to eat when he was helping with the work!
"Fat brother, just stay here, otherwise, if you come to help next time, Liu Long won't let you come!"

He Jincheng walked in with a smile, still carrying some things in his hand.

He brought this specially from Nandu. There are two bottles of good wine, a few catties of pig's head and a few catties of beef.

"Hey, Director Xiao He, you're here too. Okay, Director He has spoken, so I'll stay and eat. The wine brought by Director He is pretty good!"

When the fat man saw He Jincheng coming, he was overjoyed and immediately agreed.

The other villagers also responded one after another, and they were all very happy to see He Jincheng coming.

"Okay, okay, enough good wine today, everyone hurry up to work, then go back to wash up, I will have dinner with everyone in the evening!"

He Jincheng said with a smile.


Everyone laughed and worked harder.

"Mr. He, I'm really sorry for your inconvenience!"

Mei Lan hurried over, bowed slightly towards He Jincheng, and said with an apologetic face.

"You're welcome, sister-in-law. You can sit down first. I'm here to treat you today. I can't guarantee anything else. I can cure 90.00% of the diseases in the world!"

He Jincheng quickly waved his hand, signaling Mei Lan to sit down.

Mei Lan's face was full of gratitude, she nodded slightly towards He Jincheng, and then sat down.

Liu Long hugged Xiao Mao and stood aside very nervously.

He Jincheng took out a pulse pillow from the medical practice box he carried with him, put it on the table, and then motioned Mei Lan to put his hand on the pulse pillow.

Mei Lan nodded slightly, and according to He Jincheng's instructions, put her hand on the pulse pillow, and He Jincheng stretched out three fingers to rest on Mei Lan's pulse, closed her eyes slightly, and felt it carefully.

Fatty and the others, seeing He Jincheng taking Mei Lan's pulse, immediately stopped what they were doing so as not to affect He Jincheng's diagnosis.

Three minutes later, He Jincheng withdrew his hand with a gloomy expression.

"Mr. He, what's the matter? Is there a way?"

Liu Long hurried to ask.

He Jincheng did not answer immediately. He made a wait gesture to Liu Long, and then began to think carefully.Seeing He Jincheng's gloomy look, Liu Long's heart froze.

Alas, it seems that He Jincheng can't do it either!
I should have seen the reality clearly a long time ago, He Jincheng is just a business owner, how could he be able to cure diseases?

He didn't mean to blame He Jincheng, but just felt a little hopeless. Is his wife really going to leave him because of this?

As a result, He Jincheng thought for 5 minutes, but before he said anything, Liu Long became a little anxious.

"Mr. He, what's the matter? Just say what you want, no matter what the consequences are, we can accept them!"

Liu Long couldn't help asking.

"Oh, sister-in-law's illness is a little troublesome..."

After hearing half of what He Jincheng said, Liu Long lost all hope in his heart. As expected, he was still too naive.

"But it's not impossible. I was just thinking about several methods, which one is better!"

He Jincheng said in a deep voice.

"Hey, it's okay if there is no other way. Our family has been very happy these two days. Mr. He, you don't want to... Uh, what did you say? Mr. He, you have a solution?"

Liu Long hadn't reacted yet. He wanted to say some comforting words, but he came back to his senses halfway through, and then a look of astonishment appeared on his face, followed by ecstasy.

"Yeah, sister-in-law's illness is due to injuries to the bones of the body. It should have fallen when the hair was born. I have three methods here. One is medicine, the other is acupuncture, and the third is medicinal bath. But these three methods, if used alone , the effect will be much slower, it is best to use the two methods in combination!"

He Jincheng thought for a while and said.

"It's fine, Mr. He, you don't hesitate to treat, as long as it can cure my wife's illness, you can do anything!"

Liu Long was so excited that he wished he could just kneel down and kowtow to He Jincheng.

"Hahaha, Mr. Liu, don't worry, our factory manager He is well-known for his medical skills. There is no disease in the world that he can't cure!"

The fat man on the side seemed to have foreseen the ending, so he wasn't worried at all.

The other villagers also agreed one after another, expressing their agreement with Fatty's statement.

Only then did Liu Long know that He Jincheng was really a miracle doctor!

"Let me think about it. I'll improve the acupuncture method, and then combine medicinal baths and medicines. After a course of treatment, my sister-in-law's health will improve a lot!"

He Jincheng recombined the treatment methods again, and seemed very satisfied in the end, clapping his hands immediately and said.

"A course of treatment? Mr. He, how long is this course of treatment?"

Liu Long asked suspiciously.

"One day! I'll give my sister-in-law acupuncture and moxibustion in the afternoon, take medicine in the afternoon, and then take a medicinal bath. Then my sister-in-law will definitely be sleepy, so I will let my sister-in-law go back to her room to rest. After waking up the next day, she will be refreshed!"

While talking, He Jincheng had already begun to write the prescription.

"Mr. He, thank you so much, I really don't know what to say!"

Liu Long's excited eyes were a little red, and Mei Lan's eyes were also tearful, deeply moved.

"In the future, don't say such things anymore, it's just a matter of raising your hands! This medicine is for eating, and this medicine is for taking a bath. There is a medical center in our village, and you can get medicine from there, but this is for taking a bath." The big barrel used..."

He Jincheng wrote the prescription, and suddenly found that Liu Long didn't have a bucket for bathing.

"Hei, we have it at home. I'll go home and take it. It's only used by my wife on weekdays. It's pretty clean!"

The fat man immediately raised his hand and said.

(End of this chapter)

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