Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 670 The condition improved, and the design draft was inexplicably leaked

Chapter 670 The condition improved, and the design draft was inexplicably leaked
What surprised He Jincheng was that Liu Long's stir-fried dish was really good.

A group of people ate until about ten o'clock in the evening, then drunkenly dispersed and went back to their homes.

The next day, Liu Long discovered that his wife Mei Lan had woken up earlier than him, her complexion was much better than before, and she even made breakfast.

"Honey, are you really alright?"

Liu Long was overjoyed, he was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

"It's much better, I feel that my body has strength!"

Mei Lan was also very happy.

Her body has been weak since giving birth to the child.

All these years, Liu Long has been taking care of her and her son.

Mei Lan didn't even cook a meal for Liu Long.

When Mei Lan opened her eyes today, she felt that her state today was completely different from before.

As if he had been given a new life, his originally weak body was filled with strength.

She didn't come at first, and she was even a little unaccustomed to it. After carefully getting out of bed and taking two steps, she was convinced that her body was really no different from a normal person.

So he went to the kitchen at once, and cooked a hearty breakfast for his beloved husband.

Let alone cooking, even if you are choked by the kitchen fume, you will cough non-stop.

But today, I actually finished a complete meal.

It's like a person who suffers from insomnia all day and suddenly one day is able to sleep well once.

Liu Long and Mei Lan embraced each other excitedly.

At this time, they were finally convinced that the hard days were finally over, and the next days were real life.

"Boss He's medical skills are simply amazing."

Mei Lan wiped away her tears, and said with a bit of shock in her tone.

Liu Long nodded vigorously.

Isn't that so?In order to treat Mei Lan, in the past two years, I have been to no less than [-] hospitals, and I have seen no less than hundreds of famous doctors.

But among them, there was only one who could relieve Mei Lan's pain, and the effect only lasted for two days.

When he arrived at He Jincheng's place, one dose of medicine and one course of treatment turned out to be so effective. Liu Long finally saw what a real miracle doctor is.

"My husband, Mr. He, is so kind to us. We must do things for him down-to-earth. We don't have the ability to help him get things done, so this is our greatest reward for him."

Mei Lan exhorted softly.

"Don't worry, wife, don't you know who I am? I will definitely work hard. Mr. He will be our benefactor in the future, and I will repay him in my life."

Liu Long nodded vigorously.

Xiao Mao's condition today is also obviously much better.

Liu Long naturally had no doubts about He Jincheng's art, and insisted on giving the kittens the pills prepared by He Jincheng every day.

A week later, no matter whether it was Mei Lan or Xiao Mao, both of them recovered from their illnesses.

The doctor at the clinic in the village gave Mei Lan and Xiaomao another checkup, and finally confirmed that the two had recovered from their illnesses, and now they are back to normal.

This made Liu Long feel relieved, and then he can devote himself to his work wholeheartedly.

After He Jincheng finished dealing with Liu Long's matter, he returned to Nandu the next day.

With the addition of ten new machines from Dix, the He Group's output suddenly doubled.The situation of short supply and demand has been greatly alleviated.

The next thing He Jincheng has to do is to promote domestic brands.

The cheongsams, gowns, tunic suits and other clothes designed by Uncle Jiang have become more in line with modern people's aesthetics and body shape through the joint modifications by He Jincheng and other designers.

After more than a dozen revisions, large and small, He Jincheng finally finalized it.

In order to create momentum for the Guochao series, He Jincheng specially invited Liu Feifei to help him shoot commercials.

Then He Jincheng asked Zhou Qingyuan to contact him again, and the major TV stations were preparing to launch a wave of large-scale advertisements.

Just when He Jincheng was about to do a big job here, a piece of news caught his attention.

"Entrepreneurs in Chaoyang City quit the traditional series of clothing, which became very popular and instantly ignited the trend of the clothing industry."

He Jincheng looked at the newspaper in his hand and frowned slightly.

The traditional series of clothing seems to overlap with my own national trendy brand.

Then when he saw a black-and-white photo in the news, his face immediately sank, and finally he slapped the table hard angrily.

"Bastard, who passed on my design drawings?"

He Jincheng was really angry.

I worked hard with so many designers for half a year before finalizing these design drafts. As a result, I was just about to do a big job here. During mass production, my peers actually launched a similar product.

There is nothing to doubt about this. Someone must have leaked the design draft on his side or sold it to a colleague.

He Jincheng can tolerate many small problems, but he will never allow such a bad behavior to steal the company's drawings and sell them to others.

After taking a few deep breaths, expressing the anger in his heart, and suppressing it, He Jincheng called Du Fei over those phone calls.

Du Fei rushed to He Jincheng's office immediately after receiving the call.

"Mr. He, do you have any orders?"

After Du Fei stumbled last time, he is now even more obedient and respectful to He Jincheng.

"There is something that I need you to help me investigate. There may be a traitor in our company, and the focus is in the design department. In the past six months, Uncle Jiang and I have worked hard to write more than 20 design drafts. There is no production, but the colleagues have already produced, do you understand the meaning?"

He Jincheng threw the newspaper on the table and pointed to Du Fei to read it by himself.

Du Fei was also furious after picking up the newspaper and reading it.

"Bastard, if you let me know who leaked our design draft, I will take his skin off."

Du Fei clenched his fists and said through gritted teeth.

"Everyone who has access to the design draft will check it out. Uncle Jiang doesn't need to check it. These things belong to others. There is no need for others to copy them."

He Jincheng nodded, and then ordered again.

Du Fei knew that He Jincheng wanted to take care of Uncle Jiang, so he secretly remembered these two in his heart, and if he passed by at that time, he could give them something.

"Okay, I'll do it right away, and the inspection will start this afternoon."

Du Fei said quickly, not daring to ask for his hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, He Jincheng contacted the principals of various departments to hold a meeting together.

At the meeting, He Jincheng passed on the fact that a company in Chaoyang City suddenly released a series of traditional clothing today.

The entire conference room was instantly ignited.

(End of this chapter)

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