Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 672 Drinking at the disco, you have to use a big bowl to drink liquor

Chapter 672 Drinking at the disco, you have to use a big bowl to drink liquor
Ou Shao, who was on the side, was very upset, thinking that this kid can really sit still, and he doesn't even have the idea of ​​dancing.

"Don't you two go dance? Now that you're here, it would be such a shame if you didn't dance."

Ou Shao took the initiative to invite the two of them to dance.

If I dance like this, then I can take advantage of it myself.

"Both of us don't know how to dance, let's forget it. If you like it on the road, you can go down and dance by yourself."

He Jincheng said with a smile, and rejected Ou Shao directly with one sentence, without giving him any face.

"Since you two aren't going to dance, what's the point of me going down alone? Well, let me see it this way. It's rare to come to a disco. Everyone is very happy today, so we have to drink two more drinks, right? It just so happens that I There are a few friends here, I’ll call them over and let’s have a drink together.”

Seeing that He Jincheng has a soft and hard temper, Ou Shao decided to change his strategy. Since you don't give me a chance, then I can only create opportunities by myself, call all my good brothers over, and then get used to it alone. With two glasses of wine, I don't believe you can still sit here and talk to me properly.

As long as He Jincheng is drunk, then Ye Qingmeng next to He Jincheng is just a big white rabbit, let him play with him.

"No problem, I came here today just to drink, but Ou Shao must have to pay for the drink, right?"

He Jincheng said it with a smile, and actually agreed directly.

"No problem, no matter how much wine I drink today, it will be my Ou Hongwei."

Ou Hongwei was overjoyed. He was really worried that He Jincheng would give in. If that happened, he would have no chance.

"Jincheng, can this work?"

Ye Qingmeng said in a low voice worried.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on, I'll let you watch the show later!"

He Jincheng said with a smile, Ye Qing dreamed that he had such a reaction, so he knew what was going on in his heart, so he just said, don't play too much and just sat aside and didn't speak.

Seeing that Ye Qingmeng didn't stop He Jincheng, Ou Hongwei was overjoyed, and quickly asked someone to call him a good brother.

In fact, few of these so-called good brothers are real brothers, and more of them are a few gangsters that Ou Hongwei knows who can drink, and they come here to help Ou Hongwei drink on weekdays.

After a while, three or four young men with different hairstyles, wearing bell-bottom pants and floral shirts, and sweating in the winter came over with cigarettes in their mouths.

"Young Master Ou, I haven't invited any of my brothers to drink with me. What do you mean today?"

The leader, a young man, was wearing a bright red floral shirt and looked very conspicuous. He was obviously the eldest brother among these people.

"I have a distinguished guest today, and it's Mr. Wang Dong. If you accompany Mr. Wang well, I will definitely not treat you badly!"

Ou Hongwei gave a brief introduction with a smile, but did not introduce the flowered shirts to He Jincheng.

"Come on, Mr. Wang, we brothers can drink a lot, if you drink enough, just tell us, we will never drink too much!"

The flower shirt laughed and said, then picked up a bottle of beer on the table, snapped the cap of the bottle lightly with his fingers, then raised his neck and shook it twice, the 500ml bottle of beer, In less than three seconds, he was fucked by this kid.

"Okay! This is bold, Mr. Wang, what do you say here?"

Ou Hong laughed, then looked at He Jincheng.

"Oh, it turns out that Mr. Ou means that as much as the five of you drink, I have to drink as well. Do you want five of you to drink me together?" He Jincheng looked at the few people with a smile on his face. It's a joke.

After saying this, Ou Hongwei and the others showed embarrassment on their faces.

All fools know that five people drink with one person, who would want to?

The point is that the flowery shirts and the others made it a little too obvious. They said they were asking you to come drink, of course they were actually going to get He Jincheng drunk, but you can't just go there.

Drink a few glasses slowly in front, and then take turns bombing after the other side's drinking power is up, that's all right.

After Ou Hongwei and Hua Shirt looked at each other, they understood each other's thoughts.

"Hahaha, Mr. Wang was joking. How could we let one of the five of us let you go? We came here to drink with you. If you want to drink, let's have a good drink. How about it, everyone has a bottle, and Mr. Wang only drinks here. A bottle of this is finally fair."

Ou Hongwei said with a smile, then he also grabbed a bottle of beer, opened it, raised his neck and drank it.

For the other shirts, the young man also had a bottle for each of them, and drank it unambiguously.

"Okay, refreshing, I like drinking with people like you the most"

He Jincheng laughed loudly, grabbed a wine bottle, opened it, raised his head and drank.

"Good drinker, it's always an honor for us brothers to get to know Wang today, so how about we brothers offer a bottle to Wang Zong together."

The people in the flower shirts each took a bottle of beer. It was the first time for the four of them to know He Jincheng. It seemed reasonable to toast together. He Jincheng had nothing to say.

"Okay, I'm also very happy to meet some brothers, let's do it."

So He Jincheng drank the second bottle of beer.

The flower shirts were not ambiguous, and they all drank up the wine with a smile.

For alcoholics like them, beer is no different from soda, except for a little bloating.

And for He Jincheng, beer is not a big deal, he just needs to use a little bit of tricks, the beer is not even as good as soda after drinking it.

Next, Ou Hongwei and Hua Shirt, they took turns finding various excuses to toast He Jincheng, and He Jincheng would not refuse anyone who came, as long as you raised your glass and drank it, I am sure I would have a lot of it.

While drinking and drinking, including me, I felt that something was wrong. After going on like this, there were already seven or eight bottles of beer, and this He Jincheng was still standing there like a normal person, and he didn't even want to go to the toilet.

This is a bit strange, could it be that this kid is still a Dionysian who never pours a thousand cups!

"Mr. Wang is really good at drinking. It seems that just drinking beer is definitely not enough. How about this? I also have a few bottles of high-quality liquor here. Let's have a good drink today, so I will take them out and kill them all."

Wu Hongwei thought for a while and said with a smile.

"It's not impossible to drink baijiu, but I have a habit of drinking baijiu, that is, I don't like to use too small cups. You see, this cup is only two taels, and I can drink it in one gulp. It's really boring."

He Jincheng said with a smile, feeling a little disgusted that the wine glasses on the table were too small.

(End of this chapter)

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