Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 683 1 Make things difficult again, Mr. Wang questioned Qi Donglai

Chapter 683 Making things difficult again and again, Mr. Wang questioned Qi Donglai
"If my diagnosis is correct, the patient can lie down freely after only one course of treatment."

He Jincheng thought for a while and said.

At this moment, the entire conference room was in a state of excitement, with everyone looking stunned and then sneering and ridiculing.

"He Jincheng, do you really think that you are divine? What is the patient's tortured state now? You can make them lie down freely after a course of treatment. I think you are really a toad and you yawn quite loudly."

A doctor couldn't help but said that he really couldn't understand He Jincheng's way of ignoring everyone.

"Do you have a better way, doctor? Why don't you say it and discuss it together."

He Jincheng was not angry, but with such a light word, the doctor was speechless, his face turned red, and he did not dare to speak anymore.

Yes, it doesn't matter if he is loud or not, the key is that he dares to speak out, and he discusses it well with Mr. Wang. If you think he is talking big, then you should come up with some specific treatment methods. It is effective, everyone will admire you, but if you can't show anything, why bother telling others that you don't want to talk big.

Although the other people in the meeting room were more or less emotional, but seeing the doctor being speechless by He Jincheng, they shut their mouths honestly one by one, not daring to say anything more.

Since Mr. Wang has taken action on this case, it can definitely be solved. He just needs to stand aside and study hard. Why talk so much?
Could it be that you can make Mr. Wang look at you differently if you say a few more words?
"Haha, you don't have to argue. If you have any ideas, you can come up with them. If possible, we can investigate them one by one. The most effective treatment method is the most responsible for the patient."

Elder Wang just smiled lightly, looked at everyone's eyes, and his tone was very gentle, which made people feel a sense of intimacy.

Everyone knew it well, it seemed that Mr. Wang already had a solution, at least it could cure Li Fengjiao's illness.

Otherwise, with Elder Wang's status and status, he wouldn't dare to speak like that casually.

"Old Wang, we are all here to study, how can we do anything, everything is under your arrangement."

Cui Hao said quickly.

"If this is the case, then we will follow Dr. He Jincheng's method for the time being. If it doesn't work, we will discuss it separately. By the way, Dr. He, how long does your course of treatment take?"

Wang Lao nodded to Cui Hao first, then looked at He Jincheng and asked.

"When you are ready, after the official start, it should take about half an hour to count as a course of treatment. And my method only requires one course of treatment. If a course of treatment is ineffective, it cannot be used again. If I infer that there is no Wrong, after a course of treatment, the patient's body will suddenly relax, and then he will take the initiative to lie down and sleep."

With He Jincheng's light words, you made the whole conference room boil again.

This kid is too arrogant, a course of treatment only takes half an hour, and after half an hour, the effect will be effective, and the patient can go to sleep directly, what are you kidding?
Could it be that this kid didn't see the patient, and now he was leaning against the head of the bed half dead, unable to lie down and sleep at all?
When we took over Li Fengjiao's case before, we tried countless methods to make the patient lie down and have a good sleep, even direct anesthesia injection to make the patient lose active consciousness. Even so, she couldn't lie down and sleep.

"Okay, you are very courageous. I like young people like you. You should also learn more from Dr. He and be brave in innovation. The times are different now. You always stick to your own little tricks, but you can have more success. What's the future?" Mr. Wang looked at the crowd again and scolded them.

Although Mr. Wang is also an old-school Chinese medicine practitioner, his thinking is not so traditional and conservative.

On the contrary, after experiencing setbacks and ups and downs one after another, Mr. Wang finally saw through and figured it out.

Many things have no meaning if you just know that you own them, or they are only meaningful to you.

For example, the exclusive secret recipe.

Many doctors are nice, claiming that they have some exclusive secret recipes, what diseases they specialize in, a secret recipe has been used for hundreds of years, and they boast that it is magical, so they are almost calling these prescriptions the prescriptions of elixir.

But in fact, the same disease will have unimaginable changes ten years ago and ten years later.

If you say that you can treat the same disease with a prescription that has remained unchanged for hundreds of years, then you are simply joking.

The so-called self-preservation with a broom is just like Yelang's arrogance.

"Doctor He, it seems that you are really full of confidence. If this is the case, then let's carry out the test as soon as possible. But I also need to remind you in advance that this is Chaoyang Central Hospital, not your Nandu. If it is because of your treatment It has nothing to do with our central hospital if it causes any unexpected situation to the patient."

Qi Donglai looked at He Jincheng with a smile. He had long hated He Jincheng, a troublesome guy, but he still kept a gentlemanly smile on his face.

What he said directly put all the responsibility of the Central Hospital on He Jincheng.

Mr. Wang frowned when he heard this, and said wrinkledly, this person is really a small-minded person. I have seen through the few tricks just now, and I have given the little leader of the hospital a little bit of shame. Thinking that he still has an inch to go.

Let's not talk about what is the purpose of He Jincheng coming forward to treat this strange disease?At least people have not asked your central hospital to pay him anything now?
Why are you embarrassing others again and again for no reason?

"The leader of the hospital, the patient is in the central hospital inside. If you have an effective and fast treatment method, please show it. In this case, you don't need to invite people from other hospitals like Dr. He and I to treat the disease!"

Originally, He Jincheng didn't think about talking to Qi Donglai, the head of the hospital without thinking, but it was Mr. Wang who couldn't help but say such a sentence first.

Mr. Wang was right, neither he nor He Jincheng were from Chaoyang Central Hospital.

If He Jincheng can't cure the disease, the responsibility will be entirely He Jincheng's, then if Wang Lao can't cure the disease, will the responsibility also become Wang Lao's?
(End of this chapter)

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