Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 685 Start treatment, a simple judgment of being drunk

Chapter 685 Start treatment, a simple judgment of being drunk

If He Jincheng's momentum was very strong when he came up, or his tone was aggressive, then Qi Donglai would definitely not agree so little.

He could see that He Jincheng was hesitant about the bet, so he knew that this kid was definitely not 100% sure.

Is your boy invited here by Xiang Qian?If you lose, you will be embarrassed not only by yourself, but also by Xiang Qianjin, who invited you over.

If you lose face in front of the doctors, what qualifications do you have to be the dean in the future?There is no authority at all.

"Hahaha, Dean Qi was joking, so many colleagues present testify, and Mr. Wang is here, who dares to play tricks?"

He Jincheng laughed loudly and pointed at everyone.

Qi Dong came to look at everyone and nodded slightly. He heard that this was indeed the case. With so many people there, who dared to cheat? Do you want to be in the medical field in the future?
"Okay, if that's the case, let Dr. He start."

Qi Donglai nodded.

It's just that Li Fengjiao hasn't come here yet, and He Jincheng Hedong people can only wait here for a while.

After waiting for five or six minutes, the door of the box was pushed open.

Xiang Jin took two secret envoys and pushed Li Fengjiao into the box.

At this moment, Li Fengjiao's face was pale and listless, and she didn't seem to have slept well.

This is also a very normal thing. It is so uncomfortable that a person cannot lie down and sleep.

And this situation has lasted for three days for Li Fengjiao. In the past three days, he has not had a good night's sleep at all. He was so sleepy that he was about to collapse, but he couldn't sleep.

"Mom, just sit over there later and follow Dr. He's instructions. You can do whatever he asks you to do and cooperate as much as possible."

Xiang Qianjin introduced Li Fengjiao while supporting him.

"Okay, I'll listen to you. Hurry up and cure my illness. As long as I can cure my illness, I am willing to do anything. Right now, I would rather die than live. It's too tortured."

The sealant said weakly, but it could still be heard from his words, how much pain and torture he felt in his heart at the moment.

"Mom, don't worry, Little Doctor He's medical skills are at the level of an imperial doctor. What is it to treat such a small ailment as you?"

Xiang Jin said comfortingly while helping Li Fengjiao to sit down.

He Jincheng was a little speechless. Xiang Qianjin really likes to label himself. If there is really a slight possibility that he can't be cured, then his reputation as a Chinese medicine doctor will be ruined?

Of course, He Jincheng also knew that Xiang Jincheng didn't do it on purpose, but he just wanted to persuade Li Fengjiao to cooperate with him in treating his illness.

"Okay, Dr. He is so young and can treat my disease. He will definitely become a master of traditional Chinese medicine in the future. I will fully cooperate with him."

Seeing that He Jincheng was so young, Li Fengjiao didn't resist too much.

In the past few days in the hospital, he has seen many doctors and doctors, some are old men with white hair, and some are young doctors and doctors.

They all showed themselves the national currency, but the prescriptions and treatment effects were not very satisfactory.Old, young, and middle-aged people all showed up, so Li Fengjiao was not surprised now. Anyway, as long as she could cure her disease, she could do anything.

"Ma'am, I'm He Jincheng. You can call me Xiaohe. I'm good friends with Brother Xiang. Let's not talk about my medical skills. I just hope you can cooperate with me and try my best to recover. When you fell Invert the picture of the injury, is that okay?"

He Jincheng approached Li Fengjiao with a smile, and patted her on the back lightly.

"Okay, no problem, just say it."

Li Fengjiao nodded vigorously. It was the first time he had seen such a treatment method. If she could really heal herself, it would be great.

"Okay, ma'am, first recall how much food you ate and how much wine you drank at that time. Please eat and drink as close as possible to the last time."

He kept talking, and then took out a bottle of the same brand of wine that Li Fengjiao drank at the banquet from under the table.

He Jincheng personally filled Li Fengjiao's glass.

"Auntie, you should try your best to drink as much as you can at that time, and drink as much as you can this time."

"Okay, but I have some mouth ulcers today, so I may not drink a lot."

Li Fengjiao nodded slightly, but also showed that she would not drink too much.

For Li Fengjiao, everyone has become accustomed to it. It doesn't mean that she agrees by nodding. Next, she has to be more careful. If he gets upset, I'm afraid this way of reconciliation will not work.

However, He Jincheng didn't have too many thoughts. After all, Li Fengjiao is Xiang Jinjin's mother. She must know a thing or two about this disease, but she doesn't know how to treat it.

Next, Li Fengjiao tried her best to recall how much she ate when she fell that day, and then slowly picked up these dishes with chopsticks, put them on her plate, and finally drank a bowl of porridge.

It's a pity that Li Fengjiao's body is too weak now, and she can't eat that much food at all. She only ate less than half of it, and she already feels that her stomach is full.

"No problem, this is actually all right, then Madam, please stand up next, and then go to identify the direction, and then go outside."

He Jincheng nodded in fright, and then gently helped Li Fengjiao up.

When Li Fengjiao stood up slowly, everyone realized that Li Fengjiao had already drank more than [-] taels of white wine, and then she was dizzy and wobbling, and she seemed to be drunk.

This kind of people are all a little speechless now, your alcohol capacity is too bad, it's a miracle that you drank yourself like this after only two drinks, and only fell once.

You can use a very simple method to judge whether you are conscious or not when you are drunk.

You can stand still in a certain place, and then stare at something for a long time. If you can still see these things in your eyes after a few minutes without thinking about it, it means that your alcohol capacity is not bad.

But after those people drank, they acted as if nothing had happened. They were still laughing and chatting happily, which only showed that this person was too good at drinking.

Of course, no matter whether you drink too much or too little, and whether you can drink it or not, drinking too much wine is good for you, but drinking too much is harmful to your health.

(End of this chapter)

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