Rebirth as a miracle doctor in the 80s

Chapter 698 A construction site accident, He Jincheng is strictly accountable

Chapter 698 A construction site accident, He Jincheng is strictly accountable
Naturally, He Jincheng enjoyed the rare leisure time to the fullest.

Now that the company's various plans are progressing steadily, He Jincheng doesn't have to worry too much. Being able to spend time with his family is really rare for He Jincheng.

As a result, everything does not go as planned.

He Jincheng had just spent two days of leisurely life when he received a call, and his expression changed immediately.

The company's staff building is a construction plan proposed by He Jincheng last year, and the progress has been moving forward.

Before this year, the main body of the two staff buildings had been completed, and the next step was simple decoration involving exterior walls, water and electricity, and various aspects.

Because there are so many projects required, many things cannot be completely handled by just one construction company. At least a dozen construction companies will be hired to move the building, including water and electricity decoration, exterior wall insulation and tile work, etc.

With so many things to do next, He Jincheng naturally couldn't take care of them all, and there were more or less mistakes.

And the people below are even less likely to be as careful as He Jincheng.

There is a mixed bag of fish and dragons on the construction site, and accidents will happen when there are too many people.

After the New Year, it was not long after the start of work on the second day that an accident happened.

When a worker was tying the scaffolding, there was a sudden gust of wind, and the scaffolding fell down directly, injuring the worker.

Fortunately, the scaffolding wasn't too high, and the worker dodged a bit, only hitting his calf, but it didn't endanger his life.

However, seeing the miserable state of the worker at the scene still made people gasp.

On such a serious night, He Jincheng naturally did not send anyone to his own hospital, but to Nandu People's Hospital.

He Jincheng rushed to the hospital immediately after receiving the call to check on the patient's condition.

After confirming the patient's condition, he and the police breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it looked like the worker's injuries were serious, after He Jincheng's diagnosis, he was more or less certain.

Although the worker's leg was broken, it was not particularly serious, at least it was not a comminuted fracture. The operation and postoperative recovery were relatively easy.

If everything goes well, the patient will be discharged from the hospital in a maximum of one to three months.

The so-called injury of muscles and bones for a hundred days, in fact, even if the leg is broken, it is not so terrible. As long as it is treated correctly and in time, and if you follow the doctor's instructions after the operation, it is relatively easy to recover to the previous level.

After visiting the patient, He Jincheng immediately called the person in charge of the construction site and the construction team over.

The person in charge of the construction site was surnamed Qi, and his name was Qi Hao. He Jincheng was familiar with him, and he was called Haozi on weekdays.

This Haozi can be regarded as a very pragmatic person, and he is very rigorous in doing things on weekdays, and he is willing to listen to He Jincheng's suggestions. On the construction site, everything is based on safety production.

The result happened to be what He Jincheng trusted most, Haozi's side.

There are several projects going on in the group at the same time, and I haven't heard of any problems.

The person in charge of the construction team involved in the accident is Lao Liu, the foreman of the construction team, and he is also a person with a good personality.

Although this job was contracted by a foreman, and the work amounted to more than [-] yuan, Lao Liu never sat back and enjoyed the results. Not only did he take the workers to work with him, but he also paid relatively high wages to the workers.It can be said that all construction teams that participate in suitable group real estate projects are qualified in terms of technology and character.

He Jincheng naturally understands that this person has misfortunes and fortunes, and there are unpredictable situations. Many times, even if you do everything according to absolute standards, accidents will still appear in the end.

But accidents are accidents, and facts are facts.

If the relevant people are not held accountable just because of an accident, then when such things happen in the future, everyone can use accidents as excuses.

"Haozi, how did I tell you on weekdays that everything on the construction site should be based on safety. Is this what you told me?"

He Jincheng first scolded Haozi head and face.

So responsibility is deep love, many times the leader is willing to scold you and pays more attention to you. If you do something wrong, the leader doesn't even have the intention to scold you, then there is only one reason, that is, the leader doesn't care about you at all, and You may stop at this company in this life.

This is not to say that there are various excuses for the leaders or bosses of the company to advocate, but it is the truth.

In our daily life, the relatives around us will actually do the same. Only those who really care about you will pay special attention to what you do.

Those who are too lazy to talk about you are naturally the ones who don't care about you.

Haozi knew very well what he was capable of, he knew He Jincheng's trust in him, and being in charge of such a large construction site was something he never dared to think about before.

Safety in production has always been the most important thing for He Jincheng, but it turned out that something went wrong with him, and he felt very guilty and blamed himself.

"Dong He, I was wrong. I am mainly responsible for this matter. I will find a solution for all the medical expenses of the workers and the subsequent recuperation expenses."

Haozi lowered his head guiltily, bit his lips and said.

"You are responsible for medical expenses and pension expenses, that's what you should be, and you, Lao Liu, as a foreman, you should be responsible even more. Let's not talk about other things, the medical expenses and the workers' follow-up recuperation expenses, both of you One and one half. If I know that the workers' medical expenses and recuperation expenses have not been paid, you two will disappear in front of me, and you will not participate in any projects of our He Group in the future."

He Jincheng's words were deadly.

If you make a mistake and are not punished accordingly, you will definitely make another mistake in the future.

"Okay, Mr. He, we will definitely be responsible for this matter. This time it was really an accident. We had just started to set up the scaffolding, and it was finally being fixed. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew over and hit it. Worker."

Old Liu said quickly, his face was also full of bitterness.

It has to be said that he was indeed a bit unlucky.

No one can blame it, only the terrible weather and the situation at that time happened to cause this accident.

Who would have thought that while the scaffolding was being fixed, such a gust of wind would suddenly hit?
And the gust of wind was very weird, it only blew for a few minutes.

In just a few minutes, the worker was thrown directly into the hospital.

"Also, Haozi, your year-end bonus this year will be halved. Old Liu, your construction team's security deposit with me will be doubled. If this happens again, you just stop doing it."

What He Jincheng said was very serious.

(End of this chapter)

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