ideal door

Chapter 50 Do You Know Mr. Kang?

Chapter 50 Do You Know Mr. Kang?
The last time I saw Liu Xudong, Shen Jianghe didn't promise or would not promise the kickback, but he didn't want to lose the opportunity like this.

He asked Liu Xudong again and came to his office.

When the two looked at each other, they were full of anticipation, and the meaning in the eyes was very long, as if they were walking in an alley that could only accommodate one person, and it was possible to pass only if one person exited.

"Mr. Liu, I'm sorry. Strictly speaking, our media is not a mainstream media. It has a small advertising base and is a state-owned asset."

Shen Jianghe met his gaze and said.

Liu Xudong looked at him and his eyes gradually turned cold. There was a chill, and he kept looking at him without saying a word, clearly saying that there is a lot of room for cooperation if it is not the mainstream media.

Of course, this is Shen Jianghe's analysis.

"If we can't change our quality of life, we should go back to our original intention and do things well, and there will be a lot of opportunities in the future."

Shen Jianghe's mind has been working hard to not stimulate him, and he doesn't want to make the relationship very rigid.

Liu Xudong still didn't speak, looked away, adjusted his sitting posture, leaned his back completely on the comfortable office chair, and shot his eyes again.

This may be a warning to Shen Jianghe, which means that if he does not agree, there is no hope of cooperating.

When he and Shen Jianghe met for the first time, they first moved Xu Jianjun out, just wanting to give him a bad impression and beat him up, which means to let him understand that if he wants to cooperate, he has to pass my level.

This appearance made Shen Jianghe a little discouraged, but he would not give up so easily.

"I can provide a venue for the event. Everyone is under a lot of pressure. You can go and release it at any time." This is Shen Jianghe's final bottom line, and it took him a lot of effort to convince himself of this bottom line.

He hoped that his concession would be exchanged for Liu Xudong's understanding.

But he still didn't speak.

In this way, the air slowly solidified between the two, a little dull and suffocating.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. The sound hit the air, and the sound wave pushed the solidified air to flow.

The door opened, and Shen Jianghe saw Liu Xudong standing up quickly, with panic in his eyes, even a little panic.

That look, as if the conversation just now was caught by someone.

He looked over his shoulder.

"Old Kang!"

When Shen Jianghe called out, Liu Xudong lost his soul.

"Mr. Kang." Liu Xudong didn't know whether he wanted to correct Shen Jianghe's address, or he called Lao Kang late when he was panicked.

"Hurry up and perfect that marketing plan." Lao Kang said to Liu Xutian.

"Okay, it's almost done." It took Liu Xudong a while to recover the vitality that was injured after being a little frightened just now.

"Old Shen, why don't you come to my office?" Old Kang's eyes fell on Shen Jianghe.

"I'll talk to Mr. Liu first, and then I'll go over there." He hasn't been to Lao Kang's office yet.

His answer made Liu Xudong look ashamed again.

What kind of trick is this playing?It seems that the relationship between the two is extraordinary. For the invitation of the boss, this Shen Jianghe also added the condition that he will go after the talk.

"Okay, let's talk first." Lao Kang nodded and closed the door.

In the small space, only two people are breathing, no, one person is panting.

Seeing Shen Jianghe sitting there calmly and unmoving, Liu Xudong was suddenly discouraged, and his whole body fell on the chair.

"Mr. Liu, let's continue?" Shen Jianghe had already reached a dead end in the conversation with him just now. With Lao Kang's appearance, things might turn around, and he wanted to start over.

"You know Mr. Kang?!" Isn't this nonsense?Liu Xudong was still in shock.

"It's just friends." Shen Jianghe said lightly.

That's it? !
Liu Xudong's eyes began to change again. There was no room for frustration, fear, and a sharp sense of insecurity. These feelings enveloped him in all directions, and it was difficult to breathe.

Eyes like a dog jumping over a wall began to jump up and down on Shen Jianghe's body, clearly scolding him silently and viciously, are you playing with me? !

"Mr. Liu, between me and Lao Kang, friends are friends, work is work, and the chat between you and me, God knows you and I know." It was Shen Jianghe's turn to clean up the mess.

Looking at Liu Xudong, who was full of feathers in his heart, he was the only one who could clean up all this. He still hoped that Liu Xudong could get back on the right track, meet each other, report the plan, and Lao Kang signed it.

Only then did Liu Xudong stabilize. He was worried that Shen Jianghe would end badly if he told Kang Yuehao about the little love between them.

Although he didn't say anything about the kickback, Shen Jianghe struggled in front of him.But what Shen Jianghe said just now made him see hope, everything can start from scratch.

Liu Xudong has no choice, the only way is to follow this Shen Jianghe closely.

"Since you have such a relationship with Mr. Kang, I won't say more. If there is anything wrong, please ask Haihan." Liu Xudong's tone changed completely, and Shen Jianghe looked dignified in his eyes.

"Mr. Liu, you just need to put your heart in your stomach. You also understand our media, and we need your support in the future." Shen Jianghe asked him to put his mind at ease again, but now he seems to have changed again. Became another deal.That is, I don't need to say anything, but what needs to be done must be done.

Shen Jianghe knew that there is no one who does not get his shoes wet when walking on the shore. He is only a small advertising salesman, and he is often tempted, let alone Liu Xudong, a middle and high-level manager of the group?
You have to forgive others and forgive others. People are not saints, so who can be innocent?
Only when the two fully understand each other will there be a way out. .

Liu Xudong personally sent him to the door of Lao Kang's office, and then held Shen Jianghe's hand tightly with both hands.

Shen Jianghe knew the meaning of this handshake. He stretched out his other hand and patted Liu Xudong's both hands, meaning to reassure him that he can do things with peace of mind, just like a leader cares for his subordinates.

Lao Kang's office is large, but the decoration is average. It is just some office furniture. It seems that they are all expensive. This kind of collocation does not look luxurious, but it also has an elegant charm.

"Didn't I tell you that you came to me directly?" Lao Kang made tea for him himself.

"This is work, let's follow the rules." Shen Jianghe has always had this idea before and now.

"They didn't make things difficult for you, did they?" Lao Kang continued to care about him.

"No, they all have professionalism. Besides, they just made things difficult for me, which means that I haven't done a good job and have doubts about our media. You can't let your subordinates do things against their will."

Shen Jianghe's meaning is very clear, let Liu Xudong, Chen Sisi and the others look at their own work in the media objectively.

"Haha... The dean's guests are really extraordinary in their work. I like it and appreciate it very much." Lao Kang laughed happily.

Really, Shen Jianghe once again verified his own thoughts in Lao Kang's words, and he did the right thing.

Although they are friends and there is no obstacle to cooperation, he suddenly realized that in the eyes of Lao Kang, and even with the third young master of Suicheng, the identity of the dean's guest has more or less given himself some endorsement from them. It seems that there is some weight in them.

This is thanks to Luo Daming, who made a perfect advertisement for himself among the EMBA students.

I have been able to get to this day, he, the dean's guest, seems to have formed a chain invisibly. Sudan Qing, Luo Daming, Suicheng Sanshao, and possibly others are all on this chain, driving him unconsciously. .

But what Shen Jianghe couldn't see and didn't expect was that Xu Jianjun made some negative comments on Shen Jianghe and the TV station where Shen Jianghe worked in front of Liu Xudong. This comment caused Liu Xudong to make some misjudgments, which made Liu Xudong very angry. Invisibly, he naturally vented his anger on Xu Jianjun.

As for the media manager, as early as when Shen Jianghe came to the group to sign the school's advertisement, Li Mingxing personally brought him in front of her. She knew that the relationship between Shen Jianghe and Li Mingxing might be extraordinary. Needless to say.

So when reporting the media plan, I made some inclinations towards Shen Jianghe's TV station, and planned to report to Liu Xudong. Liu Xudong made some adjustments, cut off part of the city newspaper's advertisements, and supplemented it with Shen Jianghe. Lao Kang got this plan. , also gladly signed.

The road is tortuous, but the future is bright. With Li Mingxing, Shen Jianghe did the same, and the effect was very remarkable.

These matters between the media and enterprises are full of uncertainties, but they also contain a lot of fun.

In this industry, Shen Jianghe is in pain and happiness. This feeling, which is both relaxing and relaxing, makes him enjoy it quite a bit. In this way, he began to write his own legend step by step.

It's time to relax again, which is similar to resting under the sweat, quietly enjoying the feeling of sweating, relaxed, and comfortable for the whole body.

As long as Gu Jingjing was around, he would visit her office almost every day, call her a leader, joke and gossip.

This made Gu Jingjing very useful.

"Leader, what are you up to?" He saw her writing something with a pen.

"Grandma, it's annoying me to death. There are more advertisements now, and the old witch is getting stricter and stricter. I'm almost becoming a cobbler." She said without stopping.

The old witch she was talking about was Zhou Qun. After Zhou Qun was transferred here, she retired after finishing this term, so she has the final say on all major matters and small matters, so she hopes to seek stability during her term of office. Don't make any trouble, just get through it in peace.

Now Gu Jingjing does have a lot of advertisements, usually she doesn’t need to go out to run business, she can just sign a contract and collect payment in the office, the only thing that keeps her busy is modifying the text of the advertisements.

She wants to modify some words according to the advertisement approval documents of these medical institutions to reduce the risk of being noticed by the industrial and commercial departments.

"Do you ask customers to change it, or do it yourself? If they don't change it, you will publish it according to the approval." Shen Jianghe gave her an idea.

"The money has been collected, and things have to be done well, otherwise they will curse."

"This is all a problem you are used to. Be tougher and see if they dare?"

"Let's forget it, take advantage of the looser control now and charge more money, otherwise one day it will be stricter, and I will be miserable."

For the sake of performance, for the sake of earning more money, and even for the position of the director next year, Gu Jingjing endured the humiliation, and it was really hard work.

Shen Jianghe knew that this might not have been Zhou Qun's original intention, but Lin Ximeng's repeated request.

It seems that Lin Ximeng is not all for the sake of Shen Jianghe, but more for the TV center.

She told Zhou Qun that there are too many medical advertisements now, and none of them are carried out in accordance with the approval of the advertisements. They are too conspicuous.

Of course, this was also Zhou Qun's worry. She would go to the industrial and commercial department every now and then to have a good relationship with the department leaders. Everyone's administrative level was about the same, but for this matter, she had to condescend. She couldn't help it, it was all because of these advertisements.

Whenever this happens, Zhou Qun will think of Shen Jianghe, and hope that he can sign more advertising orders other than medical advertisements, and he will not be like this now. He is getting old and his face is getting weaker and weaker.

This is just like Sudan Qing at that time, for Lin Xiya, hoping that someone could help him get out of the quagmire that he couldn't get rid of and still had to face from time to time.

It is because Zhou Qun is too cautious and cares about everything, a bit like a dictatorship, she is not understood by others, and she is called an old witch behind her back.

The same is true of Gu Jingjing. She doesn't know how many good things Zhou Qun has said to people with a shy face for her advertisement.

Of course, Zhou Qun is also for the TV Center. If the advertising performance does not increase, the bonuses of everyone in the compound will be affected. She only wants to make everyone’s bonuses less than in previous years during her tenure. It is best to increase every year. , When you retire, leave a good impression in everyone's mind.

Shen Jianghe respects Zhou Qun, and will not call her an old witch like others, and also resents others calling her that.This compound is like a big family. She is the head of the house, and if she is not the head of the house, she doesn't know how expensive daily necessities are.

He is also aware of her difficulties in his heart, so he often encourages himself to cherish this time, and she will definitely be grateful to him when he is done well. Coupled with the relationship with Sudan Qing, stable development here is guaranteed.

Lin Ximeng handed him a report from last week. He has been in the North District Radio and Television Center for ten days. This report is a "small stove" she specially prepared for him to remind him to pay attention to his performance.

Lin Ximeng couldn't tell him. When he handed him the report, she looked at him for a few more seconds than usual. These few seconds were based on the report and asked him to ring the alarm again.

Last week, when he first came to this compound, he signed the order for three consecutive days, and there was no sound after that, which made Zhou Qun a little restless. She didn't ask Shen Jianghe, but Lin Ximeng. How is Jiang He now?It seems that Lin Ximeng is in business.

The report shows that last week's performance was the first in the entire advertising department, only surpassing Gu Jingjing by three digits, a few hundred yuan, a negligible amount.

"Didn't you say you reserved this office?" He couldn't bear to look into those eyes.

Usually when talking to her, he only looked at that charming face, and sometimes he transformed into Lin Xiya in a trance, and then he started laughing in his heart. For some reason, he always felt like laughing.

"Don't spoil the growth."

He only replied softly.He has already taken care of everything for the third young master in Suicheng, and he just needs to wait for the order to be placed.

These real estate companies will have a wave of advertisements during the summer, and more will wait until the time of Golden September and Silver October.

Lin Ximeng didn't force him, the key was Zhou Qun's old question, Shen Jianghe didn't show up when he was busy, and wandered around the office when he was free, wandering back and forth in several offices, she looked a little worried.

A few days ago, at Lao Kang's place, Shen Jianghe was reminded that his status as the dean's guest was of some value, so he asked him for a contact list of EMBA students.

It seemed that he was wandering around the office, but he was actually thinking about whether he should contact these students. After all, he was not a must-cast media for their advertisements, but it could also reflect the due advertising value.In this case, interpersonal relationships are particularly important.

He knows very well that if these enterprises are not mobilized, it will be very difficult to surpass Gu Jingjing.

He suddenly found that when he was thinking about problems, he acted a bit like Chu Hanfeng, always walking around aimlessly in the advertising department.

Damn, the one who is close to the ink is black? !
"Hello, Moto!"

The mobile phone at his waist rang, and he saw that it was Dai Wenhua, Xu Jianjun's younger brother.

Why is he looking for me? !
(End of this chapter)

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