ideal door

Chapter 90

Chapter 90
What's happening here?Could it be that the Prophet Qingwei knew that he wanted to be with Lin Ximeng?In that case, Lin Ximeng already agreed in her heart, otherwise, how could Sudan Qing say such a thing?

But judging from Lin Ximeng's various signs, it was somewhat contrary to his judgment.

"Mengmeng, why don't I treat you to dinner? Have a chat?" Shen Jianghe pretended to run into Lin Ximeng in the compound.

"Shen Jianghe, please call me Lin Ximeng from now on." She spoke calmly without being annoyed.

"Then, Lin Ximeng, can we talk?" He didn't want to annoy her, so as not to make people laugh, so he just followed her wishes.

"I'm not free now, you should go to business, you are just like your current company, prosperous on the surface, but empty in reality."

Lin Ximeng's attitude towards him has returned to the point where she can't find the source, she is just an acquaintance.

He had no choice but to give up. It could be heard that Lin Ximeng was not only scolding him, but also expressing his worry about himself.

The contract started in March, and March, April, and May belonged to his first quarter of contracting. The advertising money returned now is only for the two months of January and February, and the advertising payment for these two months has nothing to do with him.

There is still a period of time before I can receive my own advertising money. Before June [-]th, I must settle the contract money for the first quarter. According to the general three-month billing period, I can recover all the advertising money in March. That's fine.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, Lin Ximeng is right, the balance on the company's books is only enough to pay wages and commissions, if the payment is not returned, the company is just empty.

Now there are only three ways to go, one is to borrow money; the other is to repeat the same old tricks and ask good customers to pay in advance; the third is to rely on Gu Jingjing's medical advertisements.

Now that it is impossible to borrow money, it is a bit difficult for customers to make advance payments. After all, they are not as rich as they were at the end of the year. The best way is Gu Jingjing.

He never imagined that the medical advertisement he hated the most before became the best way to save himself.

But he didn't want to urge Gu Jingjing. In fact, he didn't need to urge him. Gu Jingjing was probably short of money just like himself.

Now that it's just entering May, he still has time.

He had to figure out why Lin Ximeng treated him like this.

Su Danqing clearly told him that she would never talk nonsense. Lin Ximeng didn't look like Su Danqing said, it could only be Lin Xiya.

Lincia? !No way?Didn't we say it earlier?What else did you come up with?She wouldn't be like this before.

However, he knew Lin Xiya, and he would not be a troublemaker, but why did Sudan Qing say such a thing?

"Hello, moto!"

The phone rang, and when he saw it, he was amused. Lin Xiya called. I have to say that sometimes the two of them really have a feeling of sympathy.

"Jiang He! Get the hell out of here!" Lin Xiya yelled on the phone again.

It's been a long time since I heard her yell like that.

"Grandma! Mr. Lin, you are the vice president now, and you are still talking like this, which doesn't match your identity. Do you want to readjust the mode?"

"Stop talking! Come here!"

It's in a hurry, what's the big deal? !
"Tell me! Did you pay me too much down payment for the house?" Lin Xiya asked when she saw him.

"That's all?!"

"It's okay, I won't look for you!"

"Don't, grandma! I have finally witnessed your rise to the top. You can't cross the river and tear down the bridge, right?" He took out the payment invoice from his bag and handed it to her.

"Oh! Shen Jianghe..." She looked at the invoice, her tone suddenly weakened, and she let out a voice of regret that she wanted to help others but failed.

"I accept it, thank you very much!" He couldn't say anything else, if she didn't lend him the money, she wouldn't need a mortgage.

"Thank you! You really are!" She was disappointed and unhappy.

"I'll treat you to dinner."

"Eat, eat a ghost, I'm full of gas." She said, and wanted to leave.

It was the first time she refused his dinner invitation.

"Don't, grandma! I have something to do with you." He was really afraid that she would walk away.


He didn't know how to say that he liked Lin Ximeng?It's best not to mention it in front of her.

"Don't tell me I'm leaving." Seeing him hesitating, she threatened him to hurry up.

"Aunt Su has looked for me!" He had no choice but to say, and clicked.

"You don't need to report this to me." Lin Xiya understood what was going on as soon as she heard it, and she could only pretend to be stupid.

"Is there any misunderstanding?" He had no choice but to ask further. Lin Xiya was not surprised, and she kept her composure, as if she had expected this.

"How do I know?" She was a little guilty.

"Lin Ximeng and I are a little unhappy." He tried again.

"Do you like her? Or..." She made a hint, "Huh?"

"Lin Xiya!" He suddenly raised his voice, "Are you playing tricks inside?!"

"What the hell are you doing? Impossible, let's not talk, I'll go first." Lin Xiya estimated that it would be difficult to talk about it if she continued to talk, so the 36 plan was the best plan, and she slipped away.

"Lin Xiya! Stop there!" Seeing her like this, he understood everything.

Lin Xiya walked quickly while looking back.

Shen Jianghe chased after her, she was so frightened that she ran away.

He chased after a few steps, then stopped, and smiled when he saw her embarrassed look.

A vice president, a boss, chasing one after the other is indeed a sight, so what if they catch up?Neither of them were in shape.

If she didn't say it, he could imagine that he still wanted to verify it.

He called Tang Wenwu.

"Hello! Who is it?" Tang Wenwu's voice was a bit thick, it seemed that he didn't have Shen Jianghe's phone number saved.

"I'm Lin Xiya's brother!" He joked.

"Hello! Hello!" Tang Wenwu was not timid, his voice was both excited and a little apprehensive.

"Have you been shopping with my sister these few days?" He could only pinch.

"This... um... um..." Tang Wenwu hesitated, not knowing how to answer, and he could hear that he was very embarrassed.

"You will spend more time with her in the future, otherwise, be careful of your dog legs!" After Shen Jianghe finished speaking, he hung up the phone and laughed.

Not long after, Lin Xiya called, he pressed the phone off, and the phone rang again, but he didn't answer it.

This Lin Xiya was so persistent, calling over and over again.

"Shen Jianghe! Your grandma, what do you want to do? If you dare to tell the story, I will break your dog legs!"

He answered the phone, but didn't listen to it. He expected that she would be furious and her tone would be like a needle. If she put the phone to her ear, every word would sting herself.

"You still learn to threaten people?! If you dare to do this again in the future, see how my aunt will deal with you..."

He didn't speak, and let her scold him. He probably got tired of scolding, so he hung up the phone.

Lin Xiya looked like a dog jumping over the wall in a hurry. He knew that this matter was difficult, and he couldn't say it. How could he explain it to Lin Ximeng?Having said that, it is definitely not good for Lin Xiya.

Forget it, he has to admit it, and he will take the blame for it for the time being, it's a blessing to suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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