Chapter 110 On the Rewards for Deeds
"Wuhou Wangchen, dedicated to the country, loyal to the Great Sui, is my minister of the Great Sui! And this time he opened up the territory of the Great Sui and made great contributions to the Great Sui. I am very satisfied, I hereby confer the title of Marquis Wu Wang Chen as the Duke of Wu, all the Goguryeo plates belong to the Duke of Wu, and I will also confer the title of Great General of Zhen Guo!"

"Kin this!"

"Grandfather Wu, accept the order!"

The eunuch who finished reading the imperial decree looked at Wang Chen with a compliment.

And because Wang Chen has a gold medal, he just stood up and led the order.

Wang Chen took the imperial decree, raised it towards the direction of Bingzhou, and bowed at ninety degrees, "My lord, Wang Chen, thank you for your grace, my emperor, long live, long live, long live!"

After Wang Chen pretended to say something, he casually stuffed a piece of silver ingot to the eunuch.

The eunuch didn't dare to take Wang Chen's silver ingot at first, but seeing Wang Chen's gaze, he was so frightened that he quickly put the silver ingot on his body and ran away for any reason.

"Is this Marquis that scary?"

Wang Chen smiled helplessly, didn't he just kill a million people, and Bai Qi killed a quarter of the people in the Warring States Period, he was better than himself!
At this time in Yuyang City, Xue Rengui naturally received the imperial edict.

"Xue Rengui accepts the order!"

"Wei Chen is here!"

"Xue Rengui was brave and courageous, and defeated the Turks and Khitans. I am very satisfied. Today, I specially confer Xue Rengui as Marquis of Yue!"

"I thank the emperor for his grace! Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Xue Rengui stood up, holding the imperial decree, without any disturbance in his heart.

"Congratulations, Marquis Yue!"

Luo Yi quickly walked up and punched Xue Rengui.

At this moment, Luo Yi is completely convinced of Xue Rengui. Bravery is really brave, and he still has brains, unlike his own baby, who has nothing but fierceness.

"King Yan is serious, Rengui is still far behind King Yan!"

Xue Rengui also responded modestly to Luo Yidao with a cupped fist.

"Marquis Wu was 19 years old, and you are now 17 years old. You are a Marquis when you are less than [-] years old. You are slightly better than Marquis Wu!"

Luo Yi continued.

Xue Rengui shook his head. As Wang Chen's subordinate, he naturally knew what his boss was like, but he didn't dare to compare with Wang Chen, let alone be slightly better!


It took Wang Chen half a month to tidy up everything between Liaodong City and Ancheng.

Wang Chen had indeed killed too many Goguryeo people, so Wang Chen had no choice but to move some Han people to the Goguryeo territory. Of course, the current Goguryeo belongs to Wang Chen.

The sweet potato vines that Wang Chen handed out afterward had all been planted.

Wang Chen is now only for these grains, besides completely incorporating the Goguryeo area into the territory of the Sui Dynasty.

"Master Wu, all the soldiers have assembled!"

Suddenly, Cheng Fang appeared next to Wang Chen. At this time, Cheng Fang also had a title. He not only became the fifth-rank chariot general of the Sui Dynasty, but also became the captain of Wang Chen's ten-man squad of heavily armored tiger cavalry.

"Hey, what is the name of this Lord Wu? It sounds weird. You should call me Lord Hou in the future!"

Wang Chen was speechless for a while when he heard this Duke Wu, as bad as it sounds.

"Um, alright, Lord Hou!"

Cheng Fang was also taken aback for a moment, isn't this a self-declination, but Cheng Fang also felt that Lord Hou called it easy.

"Let's go!"

"By the way, have you notified the two generals He Meng and Xue Rengui?"

Wang Chen continued to ask.

"Back to Lord Hou, the notification has been sent down, Yuehou and General He have both arrived in Liaodong City!"

Wang Chen nodded slightly, then walked out of the commander's mansion at the front.

At this time, on the martial arts training ground in Liaodong City, a hundred thousand troops gathered again, and this time, Wang Chen agreed to reward them for meritorious deeds, so naturally Wang Chen would not break his promise.

"Master Hou!"

"Master Hou!"

Xue Rengui came towards Wang Chen on a white dragon colt, holding a single-tooth black dragon halberd in his hand, and a sky-shaking bow on his horseback.

And He Meng, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, also ran over with a smile on his face.

"You two! Hahaha, I really want to die!"

Wang Chen was also very happy from the bottom of his heart, he gave two people a bear hug as soon as he went up.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

It was okay for Xue Rengui to be hugged for a while, and he could bear it completely, while He Meng was almost crushed by Wang Chen.

"Master Hou! Your strength seems to be much stronger. You almost hugged me to death!"

He Meng patted his chest, eyes full of horror and grievance.

"Hahaha, sorry!"

Wang Chen smiled happily. He did use a little force, but he almost made He Meng the first general in history to be hugged to death.

"Let's go! It's time to be rewarded for meritorious deeds, and every soldier can't live up to it!"

"Yes! Lord Marquis!"

Xue Rengui and Xue Rengui clasped their fists together and followed behind Wang Chen.

In the martial arts training ground, the [-] troops stood neatly. From weak to strong, they were expeditionary infantry, expeditionary cavalry, Zhenbei infantry, Zhenbei cavalry, Zhenbei iron cavalry, and heavy armored tiger cavalry.

Wang Chen directly stood on the high platform of the martial arts field, looking down at the [-] troops below the field, and the [-] troops in the field also looked at Wang Chen with a look of admiration, and no one's eyes were full of fanaticism. Affection.

"This Marquis promised you back then that he would definitely reward you for your merits. Today, this Marquis is here to fulfill your original promise!"

"Come on! Lift it up!"

After Wang Chen finished speaking, he clapped his hands, and hundreds of soldiers carried hundreds of large boxes onto the training ground.

Then the box was opened, and the box was full of golden gold and silver, and the eyes of the soldiers were shining.

"Not only the money, but also the beauties of Goguryeo that this Marquis has promised, and all your achievements are recorded by this Marquis!"

Wang Chen shouted again, it is indeed recorded, because Wang Chen's system actually has the ability to record soldiers' meritorious deeds. This is what Wang Chen discovered not long ago, and it only needs to spend a little meritorious service.

And now Wang Chen is not lacking in meritorious service.

Because this time Wang Chen has achieved another achievement: becoming the Duke of Wu, becoming the Great General of Zhen Guo; obtaining the title: Undefeated God of War!

These two achievements and that title provided Wang Chen with a total of 70 to [-] merit points, which made Wang Chen's pocket bulge up again.

Then Wang Chen became cruel, and directly spent another 45 merit points to get [-] Jinyiwei, leaving about [-] merit points.

"From today onwards, every soldier can come here to receive your rewards. If you don't want gold and silver, you can exchange them for cattle and sheep, or for beautiful women from Goguryeo!"

"And starting today, for the next three days, I will celebrate your achievements, eat and drink well, and all expenses will be borne by me!"

"Thank you, Lord Hou!"

"Marquis Wu! Marquis Wu! Marquis Wu!"


After Wang Chen finished speaking, he started to let the soldiers line up to receive rewards. Wang Chen set up a total of 500 places to receive rewards, and [-] people lined up at one place, which was actually quite fast.

As for rewards, Wang Chen felt that it was really necessary to distribute these things immediately.

After all, thousands of words are really not as good as the actual benefits!

"Master Hou, these are all obtained from the Goguryeo treasury, have they all been distributed?"

He Meng sighed when he saw so many shiny gold and silver, it originally belonged to his lord, after all Yang Guang said that everything in Goguryeo was given to his lord.

"We can't be stingy with our soldiers. Otherwise, why would they work for you? Not only the money, but also the cattle, sheep and Goguryeo beauties can be given away."

After Wang Chen finished speaking, he also smiled. For himself, money is really not lacking!Cattle and sheep?There are over [-] heads in Zhenbei City!Beauty?This is what Wang Chen is least interested in!
"By the way, the two of you are called here today, not just to reminisce about the old days, but also, the soldiers on your side have to distribute the rewards in place, we can't take sides!"

"But you must reward according to your merit, and those who are capable will get more, understand?"

After Wang Chen finished speaking, he continued to talk to Xue Rengui.


Xue Rengui and He Meng are not fools either, they naturally know that if a bowl of water is uneven, it will easily spill out.

"By the way, Lord Hou, the emperor sent me a secret letter, saying that he wants me to stay here and manage the two places in Yuyang and Liucheng counties!"

He Meng said to Wang Chen.

Wang Chen just nodded after hearing this, and didn't say much.

During the three-day carnival, Wang Chen distributed a total of 8 taels of gold, 68 taels of silver, and 8000 head of cattle and sheep. A lot of other silks, satins, tea, etc. were also given out, and [-] taels of Goguryeo women were also distributed Many people!

Wang Chen also found out that those who want Goguryeo beauties are basically young and unmarried, and the Goguryeo women who are snatched by Wang Chen are basically the ones who look better in Goguryeo.

Wang Chen frowned slightly, what would it be like to have a child after marrying a Goguryeo woman?
Wang Chen thought for a while, and finally made a rule that Goguryeo women can bear children for the Han people, but they must accept the education of the Han people and learn the language of the Han people.

For this reason, Wang Chen specially spent thousands of taels of gold to build a school dedicated to learning Han culture in Liaodong City and other places, so that Goguryeo women and some enslaved men from Goguryeo can be reformed in it. If they are successfully reformed, they can be recognized as Han Chinese , Completely becoming a Han Chinese, this is also the first step in Wang Chen's plan to completely destroy Goguryeo!

"It's going to be deep winter again!"

Standing in the heavy snow, Wang Chen stretched out his hand, and the white snow that followed was very holy.

"At the beginning, it was in Zhenbei City, resisting the Turks, riding on the Turkic royal court, and now, it is in Liaodong City, resisting the Allied Forces of Goguryeo and East Turks!"

Xue Rengui also stood beside Wang Chen, feeling very emotional.

As for He Meng, he has already gone to Yuyang City and became the prefect of Yuyang City, managing the territory of Yuyang City and the lower part of Xi State.

As for Zhenbei City, basically there is no one from Wang Chen.

Wang Chen sighed slightly, his emperor was really powerful, his confidantes were distributed in all directions, even Yang Guang's own spies, Yang Guang also maintained a certain degree of vigilance.

And Zhenbei City is now all in Xiao Yu's hands, but what Yang Guang doesn't know is that at least 500 people from Wang Chen's Jinyiwei are in Zhenbei City, and they are inserted into Zhenbei City's large and small positions.

Wang Chen dared to say that no one person could control his Zhenbei City, not even Xiao He and Zhang Liang resurrected together!
"This year we have to celebrate the New Year in the north again!"

After Wang Chen muttered something to himself, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Rengui, go and inform the dozens of soldiers who were selected at the beginning who can speak the Goguryeo language. The Marquis has something to order."

"it is good!"

After a while, 36 soldiers came to Wang Chen.

"The task below you is very simple, cooperate with General Cheng Fang to manage Goguryeo, but you don't interfere in any political and military affairs, you are responsible for spreading the customs and festivals of the Sui Dynasty, this Spring Festival, let all the people of Goguryeo celebrate our Spring Festival !"

"Also, the traditional festivals of Goguryeo are all abolished!"

"If someone is obedient and disobedient, I will give you the right to kill them directly!"

Wang Chen said that his eyes showed murderous intent at the end.

"Yes, Lord Hou!"

After watching everyone go out, Wang Chen stood alone in the commander's mansion, looked at the heavy snow, and smiled.

"Don't you guys like to grab other people's things very much? Don't you always want to say that the Spring Festival is yours? Today Benhou will come to fulfill you!"

"Anyway, this land belongs to this Marquis!"


Dengzhou city
The 15-strong army is ready to go.

Backer King Yang Lin rode a hoof-grabbing white tiger horse, holding a water fire prisoner dragon stick in his hand, and walked at the forefront of the army.

Meanwhile, Xin Wenli, General of Eight Horses, followed Yang Lin, discussing military strategy with Yang Lin.

As for Luo Cheng, he ran to the back of the team, followed by a very good-looking female general in white armor.

"Oh, why have you been following me? Follow me and not talk?"

Xin Yue'e frowned and looked at Luo Cheng, feeling very puzzled in her heart, how could this handsome young general in white robe look like a fool.

"Miss Yue'e, my name is Luo Cheng, and I am the vanguard general appointed by the imperial court to conquer Wagang. This time, I am not pestering the girl, but just want to get to know her!"

Luo Cheng spoke intermittently, and he still didn't dare to look into Xin Yue'e's eyes. He lowered his head, and a blush appeared on his white and tender face.

At this moment, Luo Cheng is more like a girl.


Seeing Luo Cheng like this, Xin Yue'e couldn't help laughing, but Luo Cheng was stunned for a moment.

"Miss Yue'e, you look so beautiful when you smile!"


"Sister, General Luo, what are you doing?"

Xin Wenli ran up, not good at speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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