Rise of Australia

Chapter 96 The End of 1901

Chapter 96 The End of 1901 (Please Subscribe!)

The time came to the end of December in 1901. With the efforts of a group of European professors and scientists, the specific candidates for the Victoria Award were finally determined before the new year.

There were different opinions during the selection of the Victoria Awards this time, but after the final selection results came out, there were still very few controversies.

It is worth mentioning that the first Nobel Prize, which should have been announced in December in history, has disappeared.

Although it is not clear why, even after the winners of the Victoria Awards were announced, there was still no news about the Nobel Prize.

This is also good news for the Victoria Awards. At least one less competitor will make the Victoria Awards more famous.

The winner of the first Victorian Physics Prize was German Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen, a very famous physicist, and also a professor of physics at the University of Munich and the director of the Physics Research Office.

Wilhelm Roentgen was awarded the Physics Prize for his discovery of X-rays.This invention is even regarded as the beginning of the physics revolution of the 20th century, and Wilhelm Roentgen is also one of the greatest physicists of the 20th century.

The winner of the Victoria Prize in Chemistry is the Dutch scientist Van Hoof.He was a well-deserved Prize in Chemistry for the laws of chemical kinetics and osmotic pressure.

The Victoria Prize in Medicine was won by German bacteriologist and immunologist Behring.Behring discovered diphtheria antitoxin, and successfully treated diphtheria with animal immune serum for the first time, and was one of the founders of serum therapy.

He achieved great success in treating children with diphtheria with diphtheria antitoxin serum, and the therapy was promoted, which greatly reduced the death rate of diphtheria.

It is precisely because of this contribution that Belling is known as the savior of children.

Even in history, he also developed a tetanus immune serum, which was used for wounds received on the battlefield.

In terms of academic achievements, Belling even rivaled the pioneers of bacteriology, L. Pasteur and Koch.

The Victorian Literary Prize was awarded to French writer Sully Prudhomme.As the saying goes, there is no first place in literature, and no second place in martial arts. The controversy over other awards is actually not that great, while literature has its own opinions.

However, Sully Prudhomme's works such as "Fate", "Happiness", "Eye" and other essays and works such as "On Art" and "Thinking of Poems" made him the final winner of the literary award.

The winner of the Victoria Prize in Mathematics is one of France's greatest mathematicians, Jules-Henri Poincaré.

Pang Jialai is recognized as a leading mathematician in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and the last person after Gauss to have comprehensive knowledge of mathematics and its applications.

He was one of the greatest French mathematicians, as well as a theoretical scientist and philosopher of science.

Poincaré made many creative contributions to mathematics, mathematics, physics, and celestial mechanics, and proposed the Poincaré conjecture, one of the most famous problems in mathematics.

The final award is the Victorian Design Award.The award, for any design in any industry, went to Diesel's diesel engine.

Diesel's diesel engine can not only use gasoline and diesel as energy, but also can use some unexpected things as energy, which is one of the important factors for winning the design award.

Of course, to a large extent, Diesel chose to go to Australia, which made Director David somewhat biased in his decision.

In short, no matter what, the six awards of the first Victorian speech have all been announced. You only need to wait until the awards are presented in Australia at the beginning of the new year, and these winners will get a bonus of [-] pounds each.

Because of Arthur's trip to Europe last year, he didn't have time to attend the government's report meeting at the end of the year, so the meeting could only be postponed to the beginning of the second year.

Arthur finally caught up this year, and the meeting went smoothly.

Generally speaking, the process is the same as last year. After the general report by Prime Minister Evan, each department will make a detailed report, and Arthur will make comments and decide on the tasks and plans for the next year.

In general, Australia developed much faster in 1901 than in 1900, and both the economy and industry were already small in scale.

The first is the industrial situation. Because of the start of the industrial railway plan, the Ministry of Industry has to speed up the construction of industrial zones and expand the scale of existing steel factories.

This has also led to a status quo, that is, Australia's steel production is rising steadily.

In early 1901, Australia produced 13000 tons of steel and 19000 tons of iron.

By the end of the year, steel production had reached 61000 tons and 93000 tons respectively.

Although it is still only a fraction of the European powers, it is already small compared to most non-powers.

To this end, Australia has also invested more than [-] aboriginals in industry, and there have been at least hundreds of aboriginal casualties.

However, this amount of steel production is still too little for the total steel demand required for railway construction, which also reduces the speed of railway construction to a certain extent.

In addition to the substantial increase in steel production, with the construction of the industrial zone and Arthur's investment of 2000 million pounds, dozens of factories have been opened in the industrial zone, most of which are joint ventures between the government and the royal family. A handful are private businesses backed by royal funding.

The entire industrial zone currently has nearly 1 factories in total, creating more than 1 worker jobs and at least [-] construction jobs.

This has made a very high contribution to the improvement of Australia's per capita income and economic level. After all, these jobs are all high-income sweets.

Throughout 1901, Australia's population also ushered in a considerable increase.


The population growth rate is close to 3.3%. Among them, there are about 9000 newborns, 1000 deaths, and more than [-] immigrants.

The number of newborns has increased by more than 1 compared with the previous year. This is because Australia's per capita income level has also increased by more than one pound, and has reached more than ten pounds.

Immigration is even more gratifying. In 1901, the number of immigrants exceeded 4. Among them, there were nearly 4 immigrants from the British Empire, most of whom were English and Irish.There are also more than [-] German immigrants from all over Germany.

The remaining 1 people came from other European countries, including France, Spain, Italy, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Compared with the more than 6 immigrant population in the previous year, there has been a considerable increase.This is also due to the formal implementation of immigration treaties with the United Kingdom and Germany, and it is hoped that such a high level of growth will be maintained in the future.

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(End of this chapter)

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