Rise of Australia

Chapter 99 Military Parade

Chapter 99 Military Parade (Please Subscribe!)

On January 1902, 1, at eight o'clock in the morning, Sydney, on the square opposite the National Government Building.

After a long time of preparation, Australia Day, which is highly anticipated by all Australians, has finally arrived.

Early in the morning today, more than ten thousand people gathered in this square. Some of these people brought stools and food with them, and some didn’t take anything at all. They took their relatives and friends to occupy a good position, and then Sitting on the ground, they began to chat.

But it is not easy to occupy a good position in this small square.The excellent location close to the military parade and the military parade avenue has already been booked, and some even came here the day before, just to occupy a relatively good position at the military parade.

This is enough to see the madness of the Australians.In order to be able to see their Highness the Duke at a closer distance, and the soldiers who have been training for more than half a year, what does it matter if they don't sleep all night to occupy the position?

As time goes by, more and more people are on the square.A large number of people gathered even outside the square, and several main streets in Sydney were completely blocked.

Fortunately, the car has not been officially sold yet, otherwise it would be difficult for the car to move on the road on a day like today.

Accompanied by the bell of the bell tower, it is officially announced that eight o'clock is coming.

A car slowly drove over from a distance. This car was exactly the personal car built for Arthur by Benz and Diesel.

After the modification, the body materials are all made of reinforced steel and laminated glass. As long as it is not shot by heavy machine guns and rifles, the safety of the occupants in the car can be basically guaranteed.

It is also because of this that the cost of this car is very high. On the premise of strengthening the protection ability, it can also ensure that the power of the car itself will not be lost or even slightly improved.

After seeing the arrival of the car, the crowd understood that the person in the car was their beloved Highness the Duke.

The crowd burst into cheers one after another, welcoming Arthur's arrival.

The guards opened the car door, Arthur came out, nodded to the crowd with a chuckle, and then joined the government officials, Arthur took the lead and walked up to the parade step by step.

On the stage are microphones that have already been prepared, connected to several larger loudspeakers around the square.

In order to allow the crowd around the square and even the surrounding streets to hear the speeches of Arthur and other officials, the government had no choice but to use large-scale loudspeaker equipment.

Although this will make people who are relatively close feel relatively loud noise, it will not cause damage to people's ears. This is also the result of the government's tests.

As Arthur approached the microphone, this time the National Day ceremony officially began.

"Good morning, all the people of Australia." Arthur looked at the audience and said slowly: "Today is a great day for Australia. Our great motherland, Australia, officially In the twinkling of an eye, two years have passed, and we have also witnessed that the country we love has slowly developed from a barren land with nothing to an emerging country with a certain industrial foundation. We have built industries and established Schools, hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages and a series of facilities that benefit Australians. Now, we can finally proudly declare that we have the confidence to live in Australia and have the confidence to live happily in Australia!"

Following Arthur's speech, the audience continued to applaud, which seemed to confirm the development of Australia during this period.

"But this is not the ultimate goal of me, the government and Australia. We still have to continue to work hard, as do the government and all Australians. We want to build a better welfare system that guarantees and respects the rights of every Australian. We We must also develop our military to ensure the independence and tranquility of our great country. Australia..."

Arthur's speech lasted for half an hour, and the content of the speech was as high as thousands of characters.

Most of this is to promote the achievements of the Australian government and royal family, and to encourage all Australians to continue to strive forward.

Judging from Arthur's status and reputation in the hearts of Australians, the chicken soup is very effective, making many Australians eager to devote themselves to the development of Australia as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

Seeing that his speech successfully ignited the scene, Arthur nodded with satisfaction, and handed over the next session to Prime Minister Evan.

Naturally, it was impossible for Arthur to preside over the entire National Day ceremony. Therefore, this important task was handed over to the government's most prestigious Prime Minister Evan.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I announce that the celebration of the second anniversary of the founding of Australia has officially begun! The first item, please all Australians solemnly watch our national flag rise in this sky and play music!" Prime Minister Evan said solemnly.

The national anthem has not yet been clearly regulated, and most countries in the world do not yet have a national anthem.

Therefore, important events in Australia all quote the British national anthem, God Save the King. After all, Arthur is also a direct member of the British royal family.

Along with the solemn "God Bless the King" sounded slowly in the sky of the square, the brightly colored Australian flag gradually rose into the sky.

Everyone at the scene, including Asai, watched the national flag rise slowly with a serious look on their faces.

The Australian flag fluttering in the sky gracefully unfurls and soars freely in the sky.

"Next, under the order of His Royal Highness, the military parade will be held!" After the flag-raising ceremony was completed, Prime Minister Evan continued.

"Come on, soldiers. At the great moment of the second anniversary of the founding of the motherland, under the witness of all Australian people and me, let everyone see the greatness of the Australian army!" Arthur said with a smile.

Arthur is very satisfied with the trained army.

The new army is composed of elite soldiers jointly trained by German training experts and soldiers of the British Royal Guards. Whether it is military discipline or combat ability, it is definitely above the excellent level.

Although it also cost a lot of training fees for this, it is definitely worth it.

clap clap clap!

Accompanied by a tidy and shocking sound of horseshoes, the Royal Guards Cavalry Battalion took the lead.

Naturally, the prestige of the Royal Guards of the British Empire goes without saying. The uniform weapons and clothing, coupled with the uniform steps and movements of each soldier, make it look like a strong army of iron and blood.

"For the glory of His Highness, move forward!" The soldiers of the Guards Cavalry Battalion shouted as they passed the parade stand.

 The third update, please support!Do you have any suggestions on the establishment of the army? You can talk about it.

(End of this chapter)

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