Chapter 173 Wang Mang's New Deal ([-])

Two years later

Heping first year
Wusun State rebelled and sent troops to besiege the Protectorate of the Western Regions. Immediately afterwards, the imperial court sent troops to destroy Wusun State, which cost countless money.

At the same time, the Yellow River burst again, and more than 30 counties became flooded areas. The counties in the Kanto region, which originally had millions of refugees, added hundreds of thousands of refugees, reaching an astonishing 200 million.

However, the imperial court did not allocate funds for disaster relief, but allowed the refugees to flood and let the people freely choose to starve to death.

The common people all over the world are mourning, and small-scale rebellion incidents emerge in endlessly. There are often prophecies that predict that the great man will perish.

The last time there was a prophecy predicting the death of the Han Dynasty was at the end of Emperor Wu, but as Huo Guang managed the world well, this kind of prophecy disappeared on its own.

But now, as the first emperor Liu Shi and the emperor Liu Ao failed to govern the world well, this kind of prophecy that predicted that the great man would perish has reappeared.

The theory of passing on the surname of Guoyi is also slowly spreading in the circle of scholars. They believe that the people's livelihood in the world is suffering because Liu Han's fortune has been exhausted, and only the change of dynasty can save the people.

Some of these scholars were transformed from down-and-out aristocrats, so they may not understand the root cause of the suffering of the common people in the world, and some were transformed from powerful landlords. Although they understand that the root cause of the suffering of the common people in the world is because of them The powerful and powerful gentry engaged in land annexation, but they certainly cannot admit it. They still want to publicize the theory of "passing the country and changing the surname", and attribute the cause of the suffering of the people in the world to the mysterious and mysterious things like Liu Han's fortune.

"Only a saint can save the common people!"

People all over the world are dissatisfied with the status quo of the great man, despairing of the future of the great man, and believe that only a saint can save the common people.

When people's lives are not good, they will look forward to a savior to save them. This savior can be a saint, Buddha, Jesus, Allah, Hongyan Tao, Yao, Shunyu, idealism, can also be……

Although their appearances are different, they are essentially created because of the needs of the people.

It is because the people are eager for a sage to save them, so "sages" appear.

In the past two years, some scholars often claimed that they were the reincarnation of saints, and in order to make others believe them, they often did some good deeds, such as sending some rations to the poor people, and going to the countryside to help the old farmers hoe the fields and so on. The act of being a saint yourself.

In the past, no one would have cared about this kind of behavior, and no one would have believed that there was really a reincarnation of a saint.

But as their living standards dropped significantly, they began to believe that maybe there was a reincarnation of a saint, and they looked forward to the reincarnation of the saint to lead them out of the dire situation.

That is to say, the times make heroes, and heroes meet the times.

Liaodong royal family
Royal Academy

Wang Mang muttered to himself while reading various Confucian books in the academy.

If there is any word that has been the most popular in the past two years, it is undoubtedly "sage".

Everyone is talking about a saint, everyone is looking forward to a saint, and everyone is fed up with the fatuous rule of the Han court.

Wang Mang is 17 years old this year, and his family arranged for him to study Confucian classics with Chen Can, a great Confucian in the Central Plains.

Before leaving, Wang Mang reluctantly continued to read the Confucian classics collected by the Wang family in the academy.

In the past, when the ancestor Wang Kang was a bandit in the Central Plains, he wiped out dozens of down-and-out aristocratic families left over from the Warring States Period, looted all the books of these down-and-out noble families, and then brought them to Liaodong for collection.

These classical books are all original books, which are called ancient Chinese classics.

The Confucian classics taught by the official Taixue of the imperial court were passed down orally by the Confucian scholars after the first emperor burned books to bury Confucian scholars. These classics are called Jinwen Confucian classics.

Because the study of ancient Chinese classics has nothing to do with the procuratorial system, and learning it will not help you become an official through the procuratorial system, and it is not useful in real life, so the Wang family did not specially arrange for someone to teach the ancient Chinese classics to the family children, but only stored them in the library. Let interested family children read it by themselves.

Wang Hongyin once arranged for someone to teach Wang Mang Jinwen Confucianism, but Wang Mang sneered at Jinwen Confucianism, but liked the ancient Chinese Confucianism that was left in the corner of the library.

This made Wang Hongyin very disappointed, and thus felt that Wang Mang was completely abolished in the future.

In Wang Hongyin's view, reading is either to become an official or to be helpful to real life. What kind of future can there be in studying ancient Chinese classics like Wang Mang?Isn't it just some deeper and more difficult chicken soup for the soul?

No matter how obscure chicken soup for the soul is, it is still chicken soup for the soul!

Jinwen Confucianism is the examination content of the imperial court, and an official must read Jinwen Confucianism.

Not to mention military strategists, without the art of war, how would the Wang family expand overseas?

In the classics of the Mohists, the Wang family discarded all of Jianai Feigong, and only kept the part dedicated to craftsman technology.

The Taoist classics are more important. From the Wang family's point of view, they are teaching others how to use their power to deceive each other. They are must-read books for the Wang family's children.

The farm family is necessary for land reclamation, and the doctor family improves the medical level. These are the favorites of the Wang family.

Wang Mang is very fond of ancient Chinese classics, and he feels the truth about the policies of governing the country in the Western Zhou Dynasty described in ancient Chinese classics.

He believes that the current big man can only copy the system of the Western Zhou Dynasty, return everything to the Western Zhou Dynasty, and the names and the like should also return to the Western Zhou Dynasty, so that everything has the color of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and the people's livelihood in the world can be improved.

He believes that the various systems of the Han Dynasty are just a continuation of the Tyrant Qin system and are inherently wrong.

"Zi said: Zhou was supervised by the second generation, so melancholy! I follow Zhou." Wang Mang has been full of era filters for the Western Zhou Dynasty. He thinks that the Western Zhou Dynasty must be a beautiful and happy era. The nobles of the Western Zhou Dynasty were indifferent to fame and wealth, and felt that the people of the Western Zhou Dynasty were harmonious and friendly.

The more he missed the Western Zhou Dynasty, the more Wang Mang hated the big man in his heart.

If Wang Hongyin, who valued him at the beginning, saw Wang Mang's current appearance, he would just shake his head and sigh, "You go to the Western Zhou Dynasty to be a slave buried with him and then say something beautiful."

Although Wang Hongyin is praised by everyone as a Confucian scholar, he does not only read Confucian classics. He will take time to read any books that he thinks are useful to himself or his family, even if they are books by sophists such as famous scholars. Learn it.

He is very different from Wang Mang who only reads the books of sages and sages, and only reads the ancient Chinese classics in the books of sages.

A few days later, Wang Mang left Liaodong and went to Chang'an, where he studied Confucian classics with the great Confucian Chen Can.

This great Confucian, Chen Can, used to be Emperor Liu Ao's tutor, and he also predicted that Liu Ao would be a good emperor who would be diligent and caring for the people in the future.

Although the prediction is a little bit inaccurate, it does not prevent him from being a world-famous Confucian.

Wang Mang's views on Confucian classics amazed the great Confucian Chen Shen. He originally thought that Wang Mang was just a relationship with Wang Mang given to him by the Wang family. So he couldn't help boasting: "There is no one in the world who understands saints better than Jujun (Wang Mang's character)."

Chen Shen's praise can be said to have shocked thousands of waves.

Originally everyone liked to discuss saints the most, but now there is a young man who is praised by the world's great scholars as "no one understands saints better than him", is that okay?

Wang Mang's reputation spread all over the world in an instant, and many people were curious, who was this Wang Mang who was praised by great scholars as "no one understands saints better than him"?
(End of this chapter)

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