Chapter 240 Wuhuan Great Famine ([-])
Six months later
Wuhuan Grassland
"There is an order from the Shan Yu to confiscate all livestock, and those who do not hand them over will be beheaded!"

"You can't take all the livestock from our family. Without the milk of horses and goats, we will starve to death."

"Boldly making trouble for the people! How dare you disobey Shan Yu's orders!"

"All troublemakers, kill them all!"

Pooh! ——


The Babu Shanyu crazily expropriated livestock in the Wuhuan Grassland, just to complete the livestock task assigned by the Wuhuan school captain Wang Jian.

Those who collect the least livestock will be regarded as a betrayal of the Han court, and will be punished with extermination, and all clan members will be reduced to slaves of the person who collected the most.

In order to prevent the uprising of the herdsmen at the bottom of Wuhuan, the four major families assembled their private soldiers on the Wuhuan Grassland under the banner of "the people of Liaodong spontaneously form a Wuhuan army to resist the invasion bravely".

Corrupting the Wuhuan nobles and enslaving the Wuhuan commoners are the methods used by the royal family against the Wuhuan people.

All the Wuhuan nobles who enslaved the Wuhuan people more ruthlessly, the royal family will give them more rewards, and the Wuhuan nobles who show sympathy for the Wuhuan compatriots generally do not live for a few days.

The Shanyus of Wuhuan's eight tribes led their respective armies to plunder their herdsmen, while the Han army was responsible for monitoring the Shanyus, and the private soldiers of the four major families were responsible for the final finishing work.

After the killing was over, the remaining Wuhuan herdsmen had to hand over their few remaining livestock in despair.


"I fought with you!"


Some Wuhuan herdsmen also rose up to resist, but were easily killed.

"I don't want to be a Wuhuan person anymore, I'm going to go to Xianbei!" A young Wuhuan boy couldn't bear it anymore, and fled northward on a horse in the chaos. Stay here as a herdsman.

However, the private soldiers of the four major families waited for a long time, specifically to kill these single Wuhuan people who had escaped.

"All Wuhuan people who dare to resist, chop them into meat and mash to fertilize the grassland to prevent desertification of the grassland!" the 66-year-old old lady Wang Bian ordered indifferently. She loves Wuhuan's natural environment very much.

The massacre lasted for a whole month, and it seemed as if Wang Bian lived in the Wuhuan Grassland with the Han army and the private soldiers of the four major families.

All the Wuhuan women became slaves of the Wuhuan nobles, and more than [-] ordinary Wuhuan civilians were slaughtered. In the whole Wuhuan, only more than [-] civilians survived.

wow wow wow-

There was heavy rain on the grassland, and the rain washed the blood-stained grass. In order to prevent the corpses from polluting the water source, the livestock in the Wuhuan grassland had no water to drink.

Wang Bian specifically ordered that the corpses of the Wuhuan people be piled up on the grassland and allowed to rot naturally, and they were not allowed to be thrown into the river. Continue to plow the courtyard and sweep the holes.

If the Wuhuan Grassland becomes deserted, how will the Wang family come to the Wuhuan Grassland to rob livestock in the future?

The remaining more than [-] Wuhuan herdsmen were assigned to the Babu Shanyu according to their efforts in plundering livestock.

Wang Jian also trained the [Wuhuan Servant Army] in Wuhuan. These Wuhuan servants were responsible for suppressing the uprising of the Wuhuan people and burning, killing and looting the Wuhuan people.

With the end of the killing, Wang Bian spared the lives of the remaining more than [-] Wuhuan people, and mercifully allowed them to continue grazing and multiplying in the Wuhuan grassland.

If all the Wuhuan people are killed, the Xianbei people will take the opportunity to occupy this pasture, and it will be more difficult for the Wang family to plunder livestock in the future.

The private soldiers of the four major families will pretend to be the Han army, and then take all the livestock away.

The Han army stationed in Huwuhuan Xiaowei's Mansion was specially arranged by Wang Bian to hunt down and kill the Wuhuan people who had fled to the Xianbei territory.

All the Wuhuan people looked at the Han army and Wang Bian with hatred in their eyes, and the Wuhuan people and the Han people were already endless.

Wang Bian didn't care about the fact that the Wuhuan people were full of hatred. Even if Wuhuan wanted to rebel, it was a rebellion against the Han court. Naturally, the Han court would send money and send troops to suppress it. What does it have to do with my Wang family?

However, in order to prevent the Wuhuan people from assassinating him, Wang Bian decided to ask the court to resign as the captain of Wuhuan.

Let the newly appointed captain who protects Wuhuan bear the flames of revenge from the Wuhuan people.

After this battle, the four major families seized 31 heads of livestock.

Among them are 20 horses, [-] cattle, and [-] sheep.

Because they are all prairie pony horses, they are not suitable for cavalry mounts, they can only be used as a means of transportation, so the other three families still don't need horses, and they don't have so much wasteland to reclaim, so they don't need cattle, they still follow the old rules The sheep are finished.

Wang Bian only kept a few thousand female livestock in the Wuhuan Grassland to continue to reproduce, so as not to be robbed in the future. She still understands the principle of sustainable development very well.

another month later

Because a large number of livestock were taken away, and the remaining thousands of livestock had to be kept for reproduction, the Babu Shanyu banned the herdsmen from eating livestock, and a great famine broke out in the Wuhuan Grassland.

More than [-] Wuhuan people can only eat green grass like livestock, and they starve to death in pieces.

Under the statue of Confucius at the northern foot of Yanshan Mountain, many Sinicized Wuhuan people knelt under the statue of Confucius, begging the saint to come to the world to save them.

"You say that the benevolent loves others, but aren't we Wuhuan people considered human beings?"

"Could it be that a selfless saint also has secular prejudices?"

Hungry Wuhuan people kissed the toes of Confucius statues, hoping that the saint would feel their sincerity.


another two months later

Luo Yang
"Your Majesty, there was a famine in Wuhuan, and a large number of Wuhuan people migrated south and flooded into Yuyang County, praying to the big man to rescue them."

"Your Majesty, there was a famine in Wuhuan, and a large number of Wuhuan people migrated south and poured into our Liaoxi County, begging the big man to rescue them."

"Recently, a large number of Wuhuan people have fled to the north, and they have defected to the Xianbei people one after another. They would rather be slaves to the Xianbei people than continue to be my vassals of the big man."

"Minister, Hu Wuhuan Colonel Wang Bian is not feeling well, please resign and return home."

Looking at the memorials presented by the counties in Youzhou, Emperor Liu Da shook his head helplessly.

He already knew about Wang Bian's massacre in the Wuhuan Grassland, but he didn't understand why Wang Bian did it. Could it be that he simply had enmity with the Wuhuan people?

He is still very happy about the fact that the Wuhuan people fled south. Now the Han is still recuperating. The Xinmang era has reduced its population by tens of millions. man farming.

He has ordered many times that as long as he has a child, he can be exempted from tax, so as to encourage the people to have more and faster births, but the speed of the people's childbirth still cannot satisfy him.

Now that the Wuhuan people have taken the initiative to migrate south, that is very good, just to increase the number of self-cultivating farmers in the Han Dynasty.

Emperor Liu Da did not dare to compete for the population from the powerful gentry. If the powerful gentry jumped over the wall in a hurry to attack the emperor again, he did not have Liu Xiu's thunderous means, and he was very likely to overturn.

Can't beat Hao Qiang, can't beat you Wuhuan?

All become my own farmers, and pay taxes for my farming!

However, along with this good news came bad news.

A large number of Wuhuan people defected to the Xianbei people to the north, which greatly increased Xianbei's strength.

[Using the barbarians to control the barbarians] is the national policy of the Han Dynasty, otherwise Emperor Guangwu would not accept the Southern Huns as a subordinate, the purpose is to use the Southern Huns to restrain the Northern Huns.

Now that the Wuhuan clan is almost about to be wiped out, and the Xianbei family dominates, it is not good news for the big man.

(End of this chapter)

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