I, Jiajing, successfully cultivated immortality

Chapter 725: Can we hide it from His Majesty?

After everyone arrived at the cabinet one after another, before the memorial was delivered, Yan Song coughed twice, attracting the attention of everyone present.

After that, Yan Song stood up from his seat tremblingly, faced everyone, and said slowly.

"Everyone, it's almost the end of the year. After the cabinet has almost finished handling all the matters at hand, we will ask each department to report all the expenditures for this year, and then the cabinet will make a vote."

"This is what Mr. Xu Ge meant. What do you think?"

After Yan Song finished speaking, he looked around and quietly waited for everyone's response.

Naturally, no one had any objections to this proposal. Anyway, the matter of voting would be done sooner or later.

Rather than putting it off until the end, it is better to finish it early so that everyone can have a good New Year with peace of mind.

After Yan Song finished speaking, Gao Gong stood up first and expressed his attitude: "Well, I support the early voting this year!"

After that, Hu Zongxian nodded, faced everyone, and said in a deep voice: "Well, I also agree to conduct voting in advance!"

"I have no opinion!"

"Me too!"

Soon, everyone in the cabinet expressed their attitude one after another. The matter of voting in advance was unanimously approved.

Seeing this, Yan Song looked away, nodded, and gave instructions: "Well, since everyone agrees, let's formally notify this matter when we get down!"

Seeing Yan Song, the chief minister of the cabinet, speak, everyone stood up from their seats, leaned down, and said in unison: "Yes, Mr. Yan Ge!"

Shortly after this, the subordinate officials with memorials in their arms stepped into the cabinet, and then everyone began to deal with the memorials that were sent.


At the same time, the Forbidden City and the Qianqing Palace.

At this moment, Jiajing was sitting on the dragon chair, supporting his chin with one hand, listening to the report from Lu Fang.

"Your Majesty, the rumors in the court have become more and more violent recently. It is said that the memorials to impeach Mr. Yan Ge and Mr. Xu Ge are almost filling the Inspectorate!"

"In addition, there are rumors that Mr. Yan Ge and Mr. Xu Ge took advantage of the department rankings to deliberately retaliate and avenge private vengeance. Many students of the Imperial College were even incited to organize regular rallies to publicly criticize Mr. Yan Ge and Mr. Xu Ge! "

When Jiajing heard this, he couldn't help but frowned. Then, he looked in the direction of Lu Fang and said in a deep voice, "Why are you using the students of the Imperial College as weapons again?"

"Lu Fang, when you come down later, go check and find out who is instigating the students of the Imperial College behind the scenes!"

After Jiajing finished speaking, without waiting for Lu Fang to respond, his face was filled with an inexplicable look, and he continued: "These things in the court should not involve these students in the Imperial College!"

When Lu Fang heard this, she immediately lowered her head and responded respectfully: "As you command, Your Majesty!"

Then, Jiajing picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip, and said to himself: "It's been so long, why hasn't the department ranking been decided yet?"

"Could it be that these two guys, Yan Song and Xu Jie, just focused on dealing with those officials and forgot about this matter?"

When Lu Fang heard this, she immediately lowered her head and said cautiously: "By the way, Your Majesty, as far as I know, Mr. Yan Ge and Mr. Xu Ge reached an agreement not long ago and decided to conduct voting in advance this year!"

"I guess it's because the department rankings are coming to an end!"

When Jiajing heard Lu Fang's words, he did not respond immediately, but gently stroked the dragon head carved on the dragon chair with his hand.

After pondering for a moment, Jiajing came back to his senses, looked in the direction of Lu Fang, and gave instructions: "Well, Lu Fang, go to the cabinet in person, call Yan Song and Xu Jie over, and tell me I’ll come to them if I have something to do!”

When Lu Fang heard Jiajing's words, she didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest. She immediately leaned down and respectfully responded: "As you command, Your Majesty!"


Forbidden City, Cabinet.

In the cabinet, several people were dealing with the memorials sent by subordinate officials. From time to time, subordinate officials with memorials in their arms walked in and out of the cabinet quickly, looking quite busy.

Yan Shifan put aside the completed memorial in his hand and glanced calmly in the direction of Xu Jie.

Yan Shifan was still a little worried about the cabinet voting in advance. After all, once bitten by a snake, he would be afraid of the rope for ten years.

With the lessons learned from the last imperial meeting, Yan Shifan did not dare to relax easily. He always felt that Xu Jie had some ulterior motives.

Yan Shifan made a rough estimate in his mind. The various bills of the Ministry of Industry this year totaled nearly six million taels.

Most of the expenditures are due to repairing dams, and materials and labor account for the majority.

As we all know, these two things are the easiest to manipulate, and at the same time, they are also the most profitable.

When buying materials, you can get some rebates, or you can use the money to buy better materials to buy inferior materials.

Anyway, when the dam is built, no one will be able to see it except those who really know the ropes.

There are very few people in the government and the public who know how to build dams, and most of them are on the side of the Ministry of Works.

As for the Ministry of Industry, after many years of management by Yan Shifan, it has become a monolith. Officials at all levels from top to bottom have benefits, so naturally they turn a blind eye to it.

As for the labor aspect, it is even simpler. The government does not even need to pay those who build the dams. It only needs to use corvee labor and provide meals to those people to make them burst into tears.

After all, many corvee workers had to provide their own dry food for the people. In comparison, it was a great favor that the government was willing to provide food.

After the dam construction is completed, the labor costs are reported as high as possible. By then, won’t the difference be all pocketed?

While Yan Shifan was still thinking about Xu Jie's purpose, there was a rush of footsteps outside the cabinet.

Not long after, a subordinate official quickly entered the cabinet.

After the subordinate official entered the cabinet, he subconsciously looked in the direction of Yan Song and Xu Jie, leaned down, and said in a deep voice: "Master Ge, Eunuch Lu is outside asking for an audience!"

When Yan Song heard this, his face was full of surprise, and he thought: "Lu Fang, what is he doing here?"

Immediately, Yan Song calmed down, looked at the subordinate official, and said: "Yes, I understand, let Eunuch Lu come in!"

"Yes, Mr. Yan Ge!"

After the subordinate responded, he immediately walked away without stopping at all.

Shortly after this, Lu Fang was seen entering the cabinet with silent steps.

Seeing Lu Fang's arrival, everyone stood up from their seats and saluted him respectfully: "I've seen Eunuch Lu!"

At this time, Lu Fang's face was filled with a warm smile. She waved her hands and then said: "You don't have to be so polite. Our family came here this time in compliance with His Majesty's order!"

Then, Lu Fang glanced at Yan Song and Xu Jie, and said unhurriedly: "Mr. Yan Ge, Mr. Xu Ge, please come with our family. Your Majesty has something to do with you." discuss!"

When Lu Fang finished speaking, Yan Song and Xu Jie exchanged glances and respectfully responded: "Yes, Eunuch Lu!"

After that, Lu Fang looked away, nodded slightly to the two of them, and then led the way.

Seeing this, Yan Song and Xu Jie hurriedly followed up.


In Yan Song's view, Lu Fang's sudden visit to the cabinet was probably because the emperor had heard rumors that had been widely circulated in the government and the public recently.

That is, he and Xu Jie took advantage of the department rankings to take private revenge on those officials.

After walking down the steps, Yan Song looked uneasy, looked in the direction of Lu Fang, and asked: "May I ask Eunuch Lu, why did your Majesty summon us to come here this time? Isn’t it because of the recent rumors between the DPRK and China?”

After Yan Song finished speaking, Xu Jie on the side also looked in the direction of Lu Fang with worried eyes.

After Lu Fang heard Yan Song's words, after pondering for a moment, she turned around and said, "Mr. Yan Ge's guess is correct. His Majesty called you two here just to understand the reasons from your mouths!"

When Lu Fang finished speaking, Yan Song couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart, and the expression on his face became extremely solemn.

"Your Majesty is talented and wise, how can you hide something like this?"

It wasn't just Yan Song who was panicking about this. Xu Jie on the side also changed his face instantly when he heard this.

Then, he raised his head, glanced at Yan Song secretly, and said to himself: "Humph, isn't frame-up your best trick, Yan Song? How could such a big mistake happen? He also dragged me into the water. If I had known, I would have..."

Lu Fang took in the expressions on the two people's faces, and then saw them retracting their gaze, and then said: "Mr. Yan Ge, Mr. Xu Ge, let's go quickly, don't let His Majesty wait in a hurry! "

After Lu Fang finished speaking, without waiting for Yan Song Xu Jie to respond, he walked towards the direction of Qianqing Palace.

Seeing this, Yan Song and Xu Jie behind him had no choice but to grit their teeth and follow.

Along the way, no one had any further exchanges. When they arrived at Qianqing Palace, Lu Fang stopped, turned around, and said slowly.

"Please wait a moment, we'll go in and let you know!"

"Well, I'm sorry to bother you, Eunuch Lu!"

Hearing this, Yan Song and Xu Jie quickly leaned down and saluted Lu Fang respectfully.

After hearing this, Lu Fang nodded slightly to Xiang and then stepped onto the stairs of Qianqing Palace without looking back.

Taking advantage of the gap when Lu Fang went in to report, Xu Jie turned around, looked in the direction of Yan Song, and asked: "Mr. Yan Ge, what should we do next? You must know that the recent rumors in the DPRK are... …”

Yan Song seemed to have guessed what Xu Jie was thinking. He sighed helplessly and said slowly: "Mr. Xu Ge, do you think we can hide it from His Majesty?"

When Xu Jie heard what Yan Song said, after thinking about it for a moment, he looked like he had accepted his fate. Judging from Xu Jie's past experience, the emperor had probably figured out the cause of the matter. He came to them this time just to hear their own admission.

After all, taking advantage of departmental rankings to take revenge is unjustifiable both publicly and privately. As an emperor, he naturally has to stand up at this time and play the role of a good referee.

After that, Xu Jie calmed down, turned his eyes away from Yan Song, and responded: "Mr. Yan Ge, you are right, we can't hide this from your majesty!"

Just as the two of them were sighing over this matter, at some point, Lu Fang quietly came to the front of the two of them, and then said: "Mr. Yan Ge, Mr. Xu Ge, you can go in, His Majesty is waiting inside. you!"

"Well, I'm sorry to bother you, Eunuch Lu!"

After Lu Fang finished speaking, Yan Song and Xu Jie came back to their senses and bowed to him.

After that, Yan Song and Xu Jie followed Lu Fang's steps, climbed up the steps, and stepped onto the stairs of Qianqing Palace.


After entering Qianqing Palace, Yan Song and Xu Jie did not hesitate at all, immediately knelt on the ground and said in a deep voice.

"I bow to your majesty, long live my emperor!"

"Well, get up!"

When Jiajing heard this, he glanced at Yan Song and Xu Jie respectively, waved his hands, and gave instructions.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After receiving Jiajing's permission, Yan Song and Xu Jie slowly stood up from the ground.

But what was different from the past was that they looked uneasy at this moment, as if they had done something wrong.

Jiajing didn't mean to beat around the bush. After pondering for a moment, he chose to go straight to the topic: "Mr. Yan Ge, Mr. Xu Ge, I asked your cabinet to evaluate the rankings based on the performance and efficiency of each department. This is how you work for me. ?”

"Recently, all kinds of rumors have been flying in the government and the public, and they are all saying that you two are taking revenge for personal gain. Is this true?"

When Jiajing said this, he subconsciously increased his tone and glanced at Yan Song and Xu Jie.

As soon as Jiajing finished speaking, Xu Jie on the side gritted his teeth, looked like he was risking his life, knelt down on the ground with a plop, and said categorically: "Your Majesty, there is no such thing at all. It’s a shameful slander!”

Xu Jie knew very well that he could never admit the crime of taking personal revenge in front of His Majesty.

Because once this is admitted, there will be no room for maneuver.

Even if he admits that he made a mistake in his work, it would be fine. If it is not possible, he can go to the emperor in private to admit his mistake, and the matter will be over.

Making mistakes or making mistakes at work can at best be regarded as a problem of ability, while seeking personal revenge is a problem of attitude.

Then, Xu Jie organized the words in his mind, raised his head, looked at where Jiajing was, and explained.

"Your Majesty, as far as I know, various departments have recently been fighting overtly and covertly with each other in order to compete for a better ranking. Some departments have even taken matters to the Inspectorate. !”

When Xu Jie said this, he changed the topic and continued: "Your Majesty, you have entrusted such an important matter to the cabinet. How dare a humble minister betray your majesty's trust? How dare you treat national affairs as a child's play! "

"Cabinet deliberations have always focused on fairness and justice. It must be that these recent rumors between the DPRK and China are deliberately smeared by someone behind the scenes in order to undermine the stability of the court."

"We sincerely request your Majesty to investigate this matter thoroughly, find out those with ulterior motives, and punish them severely!"

After Xu Jie finished speaking, he bowed again.

After hearing Xu Jie's defense, Jiajing made no comment. Instead, he looked in the direction of Yan Song and asked, "Old Yan Ge, what about you? What do you want to say?"

At this time, Yan Song's head was drooped, as if the old god was there, as if he was sleeping but not asleep.

Not long after Jiajing finished speaking, he pretended to be belatedly aware of the situation and came back to his senses, with a look of sincerity and fear on his face.

Afterwards, Yan Song was seen kneeling on the ground and said slowly: "Wei Chen has disobeyed me, please forgive me!"

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen's views are the same as Mr. Xu Ge's."

"Right now, the rumors in the capital seem to be extremely turbulent, but in fact, there is no reliable evidence to support them."

"Wei Chen feels that there must be someone behind this who wants to deliberately sow discord among various departments in our Ming Dynasty, with the intention of destroying the stability of the court!"

"Not to mention, many students from the Imperial College were incited..."

When Jiajing heard this, he couldn't help but have black lines on his face. Then, he waved his hand to stop Yan Song from continuing.

"Okay, no need to say any more, I ask you, how is the progress regarding the ranking of each department?"

"Your Majesty, the rankings of each department have been basically finalized, and they will be officially announced in a few days!"

As soon as Jiajing finished speaking, Xu Jie stood up and responded without thinking.

After learning the news, Jiajing nodded and said to himself: "Well, it would be great if the rankings of each department could be determined early!"

"As for the recent rumors between the DPRK and China, I will have people investigate!"

"Your Majesty, Holy Might!"

When Yan Song and Xu Jie heard Jiajing's words, they looked at each other and responded in unison.

"Well, you can leave now!"

"As you command, Your Majesty!"

When Jiajing finished speaking, Yan Song and Xu Jie's face was full of relief.

Just when the two were about to leave, Jiajing seemed to suddenly remember something and stopped the two.

"By the way, I just forgot to mention that after the rankings of each department are announced, your cabinet will seize the time and ask each department to report this year's accounts and draw up the votes!"

When Jiajing finished speaking, a look of disbelief flashed in Yan Song Xu Jie's eyes.

They didn't believe it was a coincidence.

After all, the cabinet had just reached a consensus on the issue of voting in advance, and then the emperor mentioned the matter in front of them.

And this means that the emperor must have known about the recent rumors in the court.

"Is it possible that His Majesty is tacitly allowing us to use this matter to beat those officials?"

Afterwards, the two suppressed all the chaotic thoughts in their hearts, turned around, and said respectfully: "As you command, Your Majesty!"


On the same day, after getting off duty, Yan Song and his son took a sedan and returned to Yan's Mansion.

After the sedan stopped, Yan Shifan stepped forward and carefully helped Yan Song out of the sedan.

"Father, please slow down and pay more attention to your steps!"


In Yan Shifan's view, Yan Song looked quite abnormal at this time. Ever since Yan Song and Xu Jie went to Qianqing Palace and met with His Majesty, he looked like this, distracted and thoughtful.

Yan Shifan was quite worried about this. In his opinion, something must have happened, otherwise Yan Song would never behave like this.

Then, Yan Shifan mustered up his courage, looked in the direction of Yan Song, and asked: "Father...Father, what happened?"

After hearing this, Yan Song came back to his senses, glanced at Yan Shifan, and said slowly: "It's okay, it's nothing big, I just have some things that I care about!"

After that, Yan Song calmed down, looked at Yan Shifan in front of him solemnly, and said in a deep voice: "Yan Shifan, you must remember carefully, what I said to you before, only one person in the Ming Dynasty can That is Your Majesty who can call the wind and rain, do you understand?"

Yan Shifan was confused about this, but when he met Yan Song's extremely serious gaze, he immediately lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "Yes, father, the child will remember this sentence!"

When Yan Song heard this, a slight look of relief appeared on his face. Then, he looked back and ordered: "Well, let's go!"

Afterwards, Yan Song was seen walking towards the study with the support of Yan Shifan.

After sending Yan Song to the study, Yan Shifan mentioned his worries: "Father, my child always feels that Xu Jie has bad intentions. After all, at the last imperial meeting, my child was united by Xu Jie and Gao Gong to make a plot!"

"Xu Jie signed Zhang Juzheng's bill from the Ministry of War without even looking at it. However, Xu Jie refused to sign the bills from the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Works on the grounds that the overspending was too large!"

"Haier is worried that Xu Jie may repeat his old tricks this time. When the imperial meeting is held, he will switch sides and trick the boy again!"

After Yan Song patiently listened to Yan Shifan's concerns, he shook his head and explained: "You don't have to worry about this matter. You just need to submit the bill from the Ministry of Works according to the process!"

"You know, today is different from the past. Now that the national treasury is full, no one cares about this little money!"

"Besides, last year the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Works totaled a deficit of 13.7 million taels. If I were Xu Jie, I wouldn't dare to sign the bill!"

When Yan Song said this, he paused for a moment and continued: "This year's situation is different. The national treasury is full this year, and the deficits of the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Industry last year have been naturally made up!"

"Even if Xu Jie wants to take this opportunity to attack, he can't find a suitable reason. Just listen to me and follow the procedures and submit the bill from the Ministry of Works exactly as it is. Whatever it is, that's it!"

After listening to Yan Song's explanation, Yan Shifan's face showed an expression that seemed to have enlightenment. He leaned down and said in a deep voice: "Thank you, father, for clearing up the child's doubts. The child understands!"

"Yeah." (End of chapter)

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