Chapter 122 Boyan, the final battle

Ha Ming led Beihaiwei to attack everywhere in the desert, and where he passed, not a single blade of grass grew.

Under the cover of night, the Ming army broke into the sheepfold like a pack of wolves, and settled a tribe in just a cup of tea. The large army rested in place and sent out scouts to investigate ahead.

A dozen scouts spread out, and two of them went up the Orkhon River to explore. Suddenly, a large camp that could accommodate tens of thousands of people appeared in front of them.

The two looked at each other with excited expressions.

On the grassland, with such a large scale, there is only one possibility, and that is the old camp of Wala.

The two quietly approached and observed for a long time before returning the same way.

"Master Commander, Oala's lair, the Orkhon Camp, is found ahead."

Haming suddenly became excited and asked, "How about the strength of the troops?"

"There are about 3000 people. The two of us are afraid of being discovered by the enemy, so we dare not lean too far ahead."

Ha Ming immediately called Ulan and said, "Take twenty light cavalry and go to the Orkhon camp to investigate carefully."

Ulan and the others have made a living from fishing and hunting since they were young. They have dealt with wild animals all the year round and are best at scouting. They selected [-] of them with better skills and followed the two scouts to the Orkhon Camp.

Ha Ming ordered to go down, and the large troops assembled and stood ready.

An hour later, Ulan came back.

"Report Commander, I have found out that it is indeed the old camp of Wala. There are more than 3000 people in the camp. However, it seems that most of them are wounded soldiers, and their combat effectiveness is very limited."

Ha Ming's eyes were extremely excited. The old Wala battalion had only [-] wounded soldiers. This is an excellent opportunity!

While speaking, Ulan took out a piece of firewood from the bonfire and began to paint on the ground.
"The entire camp is divided into three layers of defense from the outside to the inside. There are twelve sentry posts on the outermost perimeter, distributed in a star-like pattern..."


At midnight, the darkest hour of the day.

In the Orkhon camp, most people have already fallen asleep, only the crickets are chirping.

Ulan's intelligence was all right. In the camp, all the troops capable of fighting were transferred to the front line, and those who stayed behind were wounded soldiers.

Not only wounded soldiers, but also defeated soldiers.

The repeated defeats on the front line made the soldiers extremely depressed.

Many soldiers participated in the battle of Tumubao. Although they were defeated in the end, the morale of Oara was strong at that time, and they almost captured their emperor alive in the Ming Dynasty.

But this year, all the troops on the prairie fought at home, but they were beaten back and forth by the Ming army.

Although many people angrily believe that the defeat on the front line was mainly due to the use of firearms by the cunning southerners.

Without firearms, these southern barbarians would not even dare to confront the Oirat army head-on.

However, no matter how unconvinced and unwilling they are, they have to accept the reality in front of them.

In the large tent of the Chinese army, a one-eyed general dropped the wine glass in his hand and fell asleep.

This person is Yexian's younger brother and old friend of the Ming army, Boyan Timur.

These days, he has been recuperating from his injuries in the rear, and he has nothing to do every day, so he can only drink away his worries.

As the vanguard of this expedition, I originally wanted to extinguish the arrogance of the Ming army, but I didn't expect that the five thousand elite troops were wiped out...

Such a tragic defeat made him somewhat doubtful, did he really receive the blessing of the Longevity Heaven?

If so, then why did Changshengtian make himself experience so many hardships.

Tired of heart!

In his sleep, Boyan seemed to see the years when he galloped on the battlefield...

On the banks of the Orkhon River, under the cover of night, a cavalry was quietly approaching the Orkhon camp.

"Ming army, there is Ming army!"

Under the night sky, a fast horse rushed to the Orkhon camp.

The knight fell to the ground, covered in blood.

The soldiers in the camp hurried forward to check and inquire, and then their expressions changed suddenly, and they quickly ran to the big tent of the Chinese army.

Boyan was soundly asleep, but was pulled up from the bed.

"In the middle of the night, who is it?"

I just dreamed that I was killing all directions on the battlefield, but was woken up by someone, and I was holding my breath.

"General, there is a surprise attack by the Ming army!"


Boyan was still half asleep and half awake, and asked in a daze, "Where did the Ming army come from?"

At the same time, a faint sound of killing was heard from the periphery of the camp.

All of a sudden, Boyan's brain buzzed, and the drunkenness dissipated immediately.

The Ming army is really coming!

The outermost tents have been set on fire, indicating that the enemy has broken through the first layer of fortifications.

Boyan pulled out the scimitar from his waist with his backhand, and shouted: "Send the alarm, prepare to fight!"

Under the light of the fire, black dots are rapidly approaching one by one.

The sound of the horn sounded, and everyone in the Wara camp woke up from their sleep, and hurriedly put on their clothes and looked for weapons.

Boyan got on his horse, and saw more and more black spots on the horizon, more and more dense, with their heads above the sky, moving towards him quickly, judging by the number, there were at least a few thousand.

With such a large number of Ming troops going deep into the rear, could it be that the front line has already been defeated?
Boyan didn't have time to think, because the Ming army had already broken through the second fortification.

He stared at the front and shouted: "Everyone, pick up your bows and arrows, and get your long knives ready!"

The cavalry on the opposite side are getting closer.

Boyan's pupils are shrinking rapidly, come on, let's make a break!

Behind him, many people hadn't figured out the situation, and it was very chaotic.

What happened?

Just a hundred steps away, an arrow shot through the air.

Beside Boyan, a soldier suddenly let out an uh, and his throat was pierced by a sharp arrow. The arrow feather was still trembling violently, but the man only groaned and lost his breath.

Boyan's only remaining one eye shone brightly and shouted, "Come on!"

I saw him taking the lead and rushing towards the enemy.

The Ming army on the opposite side fought in the same way as the Mongols. They galloped quickly, and immediately, arrows rained down like rain.

The Oirats were in a hurry to raise their bows to fight back.

In fact, they seem dull at this time, because most of the people here are more or less injured, and in the middle of the night, they are sleeping soundly, no one would have expected that there would be a The enemy appeared, and even their war horses couldn't run away.

But the opponent's iron cavalry of the Ming army was a hundred steps away, increasing the speed of the horse to the limit.

Da da da……

Da da da……

The hasty horseshoes were like wind and raging clouds, and after a round of flying shots, they unanimously raised their long knives.

The high-raised long knife shone with an icy cold light.

The leader, Ha Ming, had murderous intent in his eyes.

His whole body, following the body of the horse, seemed to fly into the air, and from the depths of his throat, he let out a roar: "Kill!"

Behind him, there are [-] Beihai guard cavalry.

Half of them set off from the capital, passed through Nuer Gandusi, and followed the Onan River to the North Sea thousands of miles away.

The other half came from the Buryat part of the North Sea.

They fought side by side with the Rakshasa to retake the occupied lands.

They drank together, ate meat together, and slept together under the big quilt.

After experiencing countless lives and deaths, there is no distinction between Han and Mongolia, they are all soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.


Countless people roared, and the shouts of killing pierced the sky and pierced the eardrums of the Wala people.

The high-speed cavalry collided violently, leaving only the light of swords and blood.

The Oirats fell silently one by one.

They originally thought that what they were afraid of was just Daming's firearms.

But now, they discovered that what was really frightening was when a group of iron cavalry from the Ming army, who were no less capable of riding and shooting than the Wala people, appeared in front of them!

Some people's psychological defenses were completely broken. They put down their knives and knelt on the ground to pray.

However, the blessings of the Changshengtian are getting farther and farther away from them, and the ones favored by the heavens are the enemies in front of them.

The advantage of cavalry lies in its extremely powerful impact.

The iron cavalry of the Ming army, galloping like lightning, slammed into the Wala army who had no time to react and didn't run their horses at all.

Suddenly, a group of people turned their backs on their backs.

Countless people were knocked out of their lives.

The cavalrymen of the Ming army rushing to the front, sometimes they didn't catch them. Under the terrible inertia, they threw their bodies out of the way, collided with the Oirats on the opposite side, and fell off their horses together.

Then, it is close combat.

The fighting power of five thousand cavalry was already impressive. Even if the Oirats escaped the first wave of impact, the cavalry behind them charged like a flood.

The three thousand watts wounded the soldier, and he wanted to fight to the death, but now, he suddenly felt powerless.

Facing the impact of the cavalry of the Ming army, and they were at best infantry on horseback, they could only spin around in place, desperately trying to control the horses that were sitting down, but panicked.

The blade passed by, human heads rolled, and blood flowed like a river.

With only one face-to-face meeting, Beihaiwei directly penetrated the assembled Wala people.

Wedge-shaped charge, split encirclement, this is still the tactics of the Mongols.

In the past, the Mongols used such tactics to defeat countless dynasties.

But now, they have tasted this kind of taste.

Ha Ming is most familiar with the tactics of the Wala people. At this time, the formation of Beihaiwei is like the tip of a long knife. He is at the sharpest point. Wherever he passes, countless people follow him. Five thousand iron hooves, Pick up grass clippings and dust from the ground.

And the Oirats discovered desperately, isn't this the way their iron cavalry slaughtered the Han army at the beginning?
After passing through the Oirat army, the Ming army did not stop, because the opponent might regroup at any time, so Hamingle turned his horse and led the team to charge again.


Countless people deftly drew their bows and set their arrows, and rushed towards the flustered Oirats again.

Back in the day, Genghis Khan used this terrible method of warfare, constantly wandering, shooting long distances, looking for opportunities, thrusting, and making them confused, but he kept on horseback, and never gave the opponent a chance to fight together, fight each other and fight fiercely. , but quickly left the battlefield, and finally continued to wander, taking advantage of the chaos, shooting from a long distance, and then...continue stabbing!
This kind of warfare has made countless civilizations regard it as a nightmare.

Its scary thing is that relying on continuous long-range shooting and stabbing, it will always occupy the initiative on the battlefield. Once the opponent is entangled, it can only become a lamb at the mercy of others.

The mighty cavalry entered the enemy's formation again!
Countless Wala people were knocked over, sitting on their horses, spinning in place, unable to run at all, the Wala people were knocked into the air one by one, and a hole was forcibly torn open by the Ming army. The cavalry behind, intensively charging, will This opening keeps expanding.

This time, the Oirats began to collapse a bit.

The handicrafts of the ancestors are reappearing, and the terrible thing is that now I have become the one being slaughtered!
Many people lost their fighting spirit and wanted to flee, but here, if they left their backs to the enemy, they would definitely die.

Some people were at a loss and wanted to rein in their horses and rush out, but there were people and horses all around, in a mess.

When the dense iron cavalry rushed past, they tried to parry, but how could the iron cavalry that came rushing fast could be parried by human power.

Countless people fell down like reaping wheat.

When the Oirats realized this problem, they found in vain that the situation they were facing was exactly the same as that of the Han people when they slaughtered the Ming army.

After several sprints, the Wala people were completely desperate.

People ran away with their heads in their arms, and they didn't even think about resisting.

They were already exhausted, had no morale, and had suffered countless injuries, so they didn't have half the morale they had when they went south.

The Daming cavalry, however, waited for work at ease, and launched the attack first. These people were more familiar with riding and archery skills than the Wala people.

After a massacre, countless corpses lay on the ground.

Many people have fallen off their horses. At this moment, they no longer have the heart to resist, shivering and shivering on the ground. There are also some flying horses fleeing in disorder, but they trample on each other unavoidably, resulting in countless casualties.

On the battlefield, only Boyan was left fighting desperately.

He knew very well that tonight would be his last battle.

The Ming army's momentum was like a rainbow, and with only three thousand wounded soldiers in the camp, they couldn't resist it no matter what.


The Ming army has come to their hometown, where is there a place to stay in the entire desert?

Therefore, he had no choice but to fight desperately to retain the last trace of his dignity.

The battle was coming to an end, and the people around Boyan fell down one by one, until in the end, only himself remained.

Boyan roared, as if going crazy, he reined in his horse and rushed towards the Ming army closest to him.

However, two spears stretched out obliquely and pierced into the horse's belly. The horse under the seat wailed and fell to the ground.

Boyan was thrown several zhang away, only to feel that there were stars in his eyes.

He tried his best to shake his head, let himself regain some consciousness, slowly got up, clutching the knife in his hand tightly, like a dying beast, making the final struggle.

The Ming army did not rush to attack, but surrounded him tightly.

Ha Ming got off his horse and walked towards Boyan step by step.

The knife in his hand dripped with blood, dripping onto the grass.

"Bo Yan, do you still remember me?"

Boyan slowly raised his head, and under the firelight, a familiar face appeared in front of his eyes.

"You are... the Jin Yiwei who delivered the letter?"

"Yes, it's me!" Ha Ming stopped and said slowly, "We meet again!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Boyan suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, and then said: "Your emperor is not stupid, he knows how to use you, what official is he now?"

Ha Ming replied calmly: "The commander of Beihaiwei!"

(End of this chapter)

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