Chapter 154 Zheng He's Nautical Charts

Peng Qing and Tang Xiaozhong came to the imperial study according to the order, and their expressions were very ugly.

Especially Tang Xiaozhong, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his head was wrapped with a large piece of cloth. His appearance was... horrible.

Zhu Qizhen couldn't stand it anymore, this is a 69-year-old old man, and his attack was too ruthless!

"Both of you are ministers of my arm and shoulders. How can it be decent to fight in public?"

First of all, you preemptive strikes, no matter who is right or who is wrong, it is unreasonable to do it in public.

"The old minister is wronged!"

Seeing Tang Xiaozhong's face full of grievances, he took the lead to cry and said: "The Emperor Mingjian, it was Peng Qing and Bei Lin who came to the Museum of Culture and History to make trouble, and the old minister stopped him with words, but the two of them repeatedly uttered rude words and beat the old minister. It is really wronged..."

Zhu Qizhen glared at Peng Qing, and reprimanded: "Peng Qing's family, is this what you did?"

Peng Qing was originally full of anger, but when he saw the emperor getting angry, he immediately knelt down and said, "Yes, I will die, I shouldn't have conflicts with Tang Shidu, but..."

He hesitated to speak, his expression was very tangled.

Zhu Qizhen still had a sullen face and asked, "But what? What's going on?"

Peng Qing seemed to have made up his mind secretly, and he didn't care much at the moment, saying: "It has been more than 20 years since my last voyage to the West, and many people in those days have aged one after another, or switched to other industries, no longer sailing, and even some People are no longer alive, and most of the voyages are newcomers this time, so the materials on the voyages kept by the Museum of Literature and History are very important, but if there is a slight mistake, the consequences will be incalculable."

Zhu Qizhen was puzzled and said: "Although that's the case, what does this have to do with you beating someone?"

Peng Qing continued: "Weichen went to the Museum of Literature and History to borrow materials, but found that there are many places missing on the chart. For some reason, some places are marked wrongly."

"Wrong?" Zhu Qizhen was puzzled, "All the sea charts are measured, how can there be mistakes?"

"Weichen is sure, it's just a mistake in labeling!"

Peng Qing was very emotional, and continued: "For example, in the south of Qiongzhou Island, there are several islands that clearly have no fresh water, but they are marked as having fresh water. Your Majesty, this is going to be a big deal! If the fleet sails to the West according to this sea chart, wait When the fresh water was insufficient, when they landed on the island to supply supplies, but found that there was no fresh water at all, how many people would die in the entire fleet? Such a big matter, I would never dare to joke, so I pointed out the problem in front of Tang Shidu. However, Tang Shidu ignored it, and the minister was worried that he would miss the important event of going to the West, so there was a dispute with Tang Shidu..."

Tang Xiaozhong couldn't hold back his old face, and retorted: "Peng Jianzheng, you said that the information is wrong, what evidence do you have?"

Zhu Qizhen also looked at Peng Qing, yes, you have never been to the West, so why do you say he is wrong?
Peng Qing said: "My ancestors had sailing experience. As early as the Song Dynasty, there were merchant ships going to Nanyang and even further afield for maritime trade, and recorded what they saw and heard along the way, and preserved it to this day. I have studied the ancient books at home since I was a child, and I remember very clearly that those islands must not be docked, the matter is of great importance, and I will never dare to speak nonsense!"

Zhu Qizhen frowned: "But, what about the evidence? How do you prove that the picture in your house is correct and the one in the Museum of Literature and History is wrong?"

Tang Xiaozhong then said: "What the emperor said makes sense. The materials in the Museum of Literature and History were all recorded by the Sanbao eunuch who went to the West. It is absolutely impossible to make mistakes! The Song Dynasty materials that Peng Jianzheng said are too old, even if there are mistakes, it should be him. The picture at home is wrong!"

Peng Qing stared at Tang Xiaozhong, and said swearingly: "Sanbao eunuch's voyage materials must be fine, but there is a big problem with the preservation of the Museum of Literature and History, because these materials are not from the original version!"

"Not the original? What do you mean?"

Zhu Qizhen looked at Peng Qing suspiciously.

Isn't this thing hand-copied? Are there still copies?

Even if it is a copy, it is no different from the original!

Peng Qing went on to say: "The maps and materials back then were indeed original, but after all, these things were made of paper. Once they are old, problems such as moisture, insects, and paper aging will inevitably occur. Therefore, in the five years of Xuande , This document was transcribed once. That is to say, the military officials copied a copy of the original copy, and then sealed it up. I suspect that there was a problem in the transcribing process!"

Only then did Zhu Qizhen know that the material in the Museum of Literature and History had been re-transcribed. In this way, there may really be a problem.

Peng Qing continued: "When I found out that there was a problem with the sea chart, I thought that this kind of low-level mistake may not be a problem with the records of the Sanbao eunuch when he went to sea, but it is very likely that the scribe in charge of transcribing is perfunctory. , These people have never been to sea, do not know how to sail, if they are not careful in the process of copying, these mistakes are justified."

Tang Xiaozhong snorted softly and said, "After all, it's all yours. What evidence do you have to prove that those marks are wrong?"

Peng Qing glanced at him with disdain, and retorted: "How can you prove that those pictures are not wrong?"

Tang Xiaozhong naturally had no evidence, but he was unwilling to admit it, so he said: "It's better to gamble with Peng Jianzheng. If there is a mistake in the charts of the Cultural History Museum, the old man will hand in his resignation and return home. But if there is nothing wrong, there is no need Peng Jian is resigning, so I just need to apologize to the old man in front of the officials of the Manchu Dynasty, how about it?"

Peng Qing said angrily: "The imperial court's resumption of voyages to the West is related to the lives and deaths of tens of thousands of people, and it is related to the fate of the Ming Dynasty. Can you afford to bet?"


Tang Xiaozhong was so choked that he couldn't speak for a while.

Peng Qing, however, refused to let go, and continued: "Tens of thousands of people boarded the ship, not only costing the imperial court countless money and food, but also entrusting all of their wealth and lives to the imperial court. Any mistake or negligence on the sea chart means Tens of thousands of people will die under the sea, Tang Shidu, what are you betting on?"

Only then did Zhu Qizhen understand the whole story.

It may sound unbelievable, but it is understandable.

Just imagine, you are the leader of a certain department. At this time, someone from the next department came to borrow materials, and you lent them to him very cooperatively. However, he said that there was something wrong with your materials in front of your subordinates. Is there really a problem with this information, can you accept it calmly?

Peng Qing went to identify the mistake, in their view, it was just to mess things up!

What's more, even if something goes wrong with this matter, there will still be arguing with each other.

After all, the Department of Literature and History of the Imperial Academy was responsible for sorting out the materials. The materials belonged to the Ministry of War. If something happened, the Department of Literature and History would not be responsible for it. That's why Tang Xiaozhong disliked Peng Qing's meddling.

The Museum of Literature and History has no responsibility, that is the responsibility of the Ministry of War.

Although the dossiers and charts were copied by scribes, the people in charge of verification were all officials from the top and bottom of the Ministry of War.

However, most of the officials who have been in Xuande for five years are now there, and most of them have already made it to the top and are in the imperial class.

Therefore, in any case, it is impossible for the Ministry of War to admit this mistake.

Peng Qing had always been a low-key person, and never got into disputes with others, but he didn't dare to be negligent when so many lives were involved.

The problem now is that everyone is unwilling to take responsibility for mistakes, so Peng Qing is very angry!

In his view, voyages to the West are a major national event, and everyone involved must do their due diligence to ensure the safety of those who go to sea to the greatest extent.

However, those high-ranking elders only care about their own face...

Of course Zhu Qizhen understood his difficulties, so he said: "Let's not be right or wrong, you can't hit people!"

Peng Qing was taken aback for a moment, then a look of shame appeared on his face, and he said in a barely audible voice: "Weichen... I know I was wrong..."

"Tang Xiaozhong!"

Zhu Qizhen suddenly changed the subject and looked at Tang Xiaozhong.

Tang Xiaozhong hurriedly replied: "The old minister is here!"

Zhu Qizhen said in a deep voice: "Since Peng Qing's family pointed out the mistake to you, you should seriously think about whether it is really wrong, even if it is right, you should come up with a reasonable explanation, but how did you do it?"

"It's the old minister... The old minister... mishandled..."

If this situation was put in the past, maybe he could persist for a while, reflecting Qingliu's arrogance.

But now, seeing the emperor getting angry, Tang Xiaozhong immediately confessed without hesitation.

After all... the emperor really knows how to kill people...

"After the old minister returns, he will immediately review all the materials with the Ministry of War to ensure the smooth progress of the voyage!"


Zhu Qizhen also didn't want to talk nonsense with him, this matter was too important and time was pressing, so it had to be verified immediately.

Tang Xiaozhong got up to leave, and only Peng Qing and Bei Lin were left in the imperial study.

Zhu Qizhen asked suddenly: "I ask you, what was the situation at that time?"

"That's what Wei Chen said just now, Wei Chen found out..."

"I didn't ask you this!"

Zhu Qizhen waved his hand and said, "I want to ask you, how did you fight?"

Peng Qing was stunned for a moment, and then said honestly: "Tang Shidu first pushed Weichen with his hands, and Weichen was annoyed, and punched him to the ground, and then...others came forward and pulled Weichen away ...Weichen knew he was wrong..."

Seeing the guilt on Peng Qing's face, Zhu Qizhen let out a long sigh of relief, and said, "If you beat me, I'll beat you. Why do you feel wronged? This kind of irresponsible person, whether he is right or wrong, should be beaten! I am now I just want to ask you, are you sure that there is something wrong with the charts collected by the Museum of Literature and History?"

"If Wei Chen dares to guarantee it with his head, there must be something wrong!"

Peng Qing looked resolute, and said solemnly: "The ancestors of Weichen have verified each other's ancient books from the Song, Yuan and early Ming Dynasties. Almost all ancient books can be mutually verified. There are many ancient books in Weichen's family that the world doesn't care about, and I dare not say that they are completely correct, but every conclusion has solid evidence!"

Seeing what Peng Qing said, Zhu Qizhen was relieved.

In his mind, although he knew what the world map looked like, it was only a rough idea.

If it involves specific shipping routes, ocean currents, tides, ocean seasons, climate, or even information about many islands, it is not an exaggeration to say that I don’t know anything.

I vaguely remember that the news once reported that a sunken ship from the Southern Song Dynasty was salvaged near the South China Sea, and more than 1 sets of porcelain were unearthed.

There are more than 1 sets of porcelain on one ship alone, not counting other goods.

There is only one explanation for people daring to bring so much cargo to sea, that is, at that time, people had already mastered the skills of sailing at sea and formed special shipping routes.

Otherwise, if you buy a large amount of goods and load them on board, once you encounter storms or lose your way, the losses will be immeasurable.

Zhu Qizhen supported Peng Qing in his heart, so let’s talk about who is right and who is wrong, at least from the perspective of doing things, Peng Qing and his family’s research on HNA is more trustworthy than those old academics of the Imperial Academy.

The mutual corroboration of a large amount of data is the most scientific method.

Even if an error is found in the end, it is done according to the correct method. If the result is wrong, there must be a problem in one of the links, and it is necessary to search again.

However, those old gentlemen of the Hanlin Academy, besides talking about people, what else would they do?
Although today's beating is not honorable, it can also teach those elders who are not diligent in limbs and can't distinguish grains.

But having said that, the problem of the sea chart is always to be solved.

Otherwise, both the Museum of Literature and History and the Ministry of War said there was no problem, and Peng Qing insisted that there was a problem. What should we do?
Zhu Qizhen struggled for a long time before he said: "Peng Qing's family, after you go back, plan a new route based on the information you have."

"The minister obeys the order!"

At this time, Belin said thoughtfully: "Your Majesty, I am worried that the Cultural and History Museum of the Imperial Academy and the Ministry of War do not approve of my mentor's route. Even if the Emperor forces the decree, they will find a way to obstruct it."

"You're right!" Zhu Qizhen smiled and said again, "However, I didn't say that I would definitely use the route of Peng Qing's family."

Peng Qing raised his head, his face full of question marks.

You don’t need to draw it, so I still draw an egg?
Zhu Qizhen continued: "I'm making two-handed preparations, otherwise, when things come to light, the information is really wrong, and it will still be too late to plan a new route."

Peng Qiang hurriedly nodded and said, "I understand!"

"I have decreed that all the personnel who participated in the voyages to the West in the past will be reactivated. At present, these people have set off for Quanzhou Shipyard. However, some people are too old and weak to go to sea, especially some eunuchs, who live in Chaoyang Huangzhuang outside the door, when you plan a new route, you can ask them to give you an idea."

"My minister complies with the order, thank the emperor for his guidance!"

The two resigned one after another, and Zhu Qizhen fell into deep thought again.

Wynn brought up a cup of hot tea and said softly, "The emperor has been busy for a long time, and he hasn't even drunk his saliva yet."

Holding the teacup, Zhu Qizhen said thoughtfully, "Wynn, how do you deal with this situation?"

Wynn's expression tightened, and he hurriedly said: "Your servant dare not speak nonsense!"

"You don't have to be so nervous!"

Zhu Qizhen smiled lightly, and said: "I know you are a well-behaved person, and there are no outsiders here, so let's just chat."

Only then did Wynn feel relieved, and then said cautiously: "Does your majesty still remember...Wu Canghai?"

Wu Canghai!
Zhu Qizhen stood up abruptly, how could he forget about this person!

He has a wealth of experience at sea, and he is smuggling, and many ports cannot berth. Compared with the imperial fleet, smuggling ships are more dependent on those unknown overseas islands.

"Isn't there a flying pigeon in Dongchang to send a message, summon Wu Canghai to Beijing to return to his command as quickly as possible!"

"The slaves obey the orders!"

Wynn didn't dare to neglect, so he hurried down to make arrangements.

(End of this chapter)

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