Chapter 316 Let's Make a Bet

The problem now is that Zhu Qizhen knows that there is a problem with this bank, but he can't act rashly.

Just imagine, if an order is made to surround the bank and arrest the owner, I am afraid that as soon as the officers and soldiers arrive, countless victims will immediately rush out to fight the officers and soldiers.

Because in their view, it is clear that the imperial court saw other people making money, became jealous, and deliberately framed them.

And among these people, there are not only ordinary people, but also many people like Zhang Yi.

Taking people's money is like killing their parents, isn't that going all out with you?
Seeing Zhang Yi's surprised face, Zhu Qizhen had no choice but to ask, "Don't the Qing family believe it?"

Zhang Yi was speechless, of course he trusted the emperor.

However, from the bottom of my heart, I couldn't believe it.

Is the bank really a liar?

how can that be?

What about my money?
No, they must not be liars, they must have made a mistake, could it be that the emperor saw that they made money, even more popular than the court's stock exchange, so... What prejudices did they have?
Zhang Yi was struggling in his heart, and then, as Zhu Qizhen expected, like all the victims, he began to hypnotize himself.

Well, it must be!
must be……

Zhu Qizhen secretly sighed, in fact, this kind of mood is understandable, not to mention in the Ming Dynasty, even in later generations, many victims, no matter how hard their children and relatives around them tried to persuade them, remained unmoved.

The Ponzi scheme seems simple, but to some extent, it has captured the weakest part of people's hearts.

In the previous life, there were countless examples like this. Even if it was explicitly prohibited, if they changed their names, they would still make a comeback.

At this moment, Zhu Qizhen was pondering and calculating in his heart. Hearing what Zhang Yi said, there are too many people who have been deceived now, and it is definitely not the best policy to use force to encircle and suppress them.

Even if the owner of the bank is arrested, he will bite back, saying that the imperial court deliberately suppressed the bank, which led to the bankruptcy of the bank and the loss of money.

By that time, the deceived people will have lost their minds long ago, and they will definitely be instigated by him, and there may be big troubles...

Zhang Yi hesitated many times, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't know where to start.

It can be seen that he is very distressed. On the one hand, he does not want to believe that Longsheng Bank is a liar, and on the other hand, he feels guilty.

But... what if it is really a liar?

Moreover, the emperor insisted that he was a liar, and if he ordered to seal it up, the consequences would be disastrous...

Zhu Qizhen seemed to see his distress, so he said: "Don't worry, I won't order to seal up this bank, but I want to make a bet with you."

Zhang Yi was taken aback for a moment, unable to react, and asked in bewilderment, "What... bet?"

Zhu Qizhen smiled lightly, and said: "I can guarantee that within ten days... no, within five days, this bank will definitely show its feet!"

Zhang Yi raised his head with a look of astonishment, then turned his head to look.

Cao Nai had been sitting next to the two of them for a long time without speaking. At this moment, he couldn't help but think to himself, "Look what I'm doing, I didn't put money in!"
Zhang Yi said: "I dare not bet with the emperor..."

Zhu Qizhen waved his hands and said, "It's okay, a small bet is fun, but... since it's a bet, it's good to have a bet, Cao Qing's family, don't you think so?"

Cao Nai could only nod his head, but he was puzzled in his heart, it has nothing to do with me!
Zhang Yi had no choice but to try to ask: "What bet does the emperor want?"

Zhu Qizhen already had an idea in his mind, and said: "If there is really a problem with this bank, I don't want you, I just want to plead for someone, how about it?"

Zhang Yi and Cao Nai looked at each other, you are the emperor, you have the final say in this world, and you still need to intercede?
Zhu Qizhen saw that the two of them did not answer, so he continued: "You have all seen the situation today. Although Peng Qing and Beilin are a little impulsive, and the way of doing things is not thoughtful, but... After all, there is a reason for this. ……right?"

The two understood that the emperor was pleading for Peng Qing and Bei Lin.

When the officials of the court fought in front of the gate of Shuntian Mansion and took the lead in group fights, the situation of the two of them was very serious. Regardless of the outcome of this case, if the simple fight was brought to the court by Shuntian Mansion, then the two of them would have Accepted.

Zhang Yi sighed helplessly, and said, "Your Majesty, today's incident has a very bad impact, and it is no longer something I can control. How about... change the bet?"

Zhu Qizhen thought for a while, and then said: "How about this, if Shuntian Mansion doesn't come to file a complaint, you can pretend nothing happened, how about it?"

Zhang Yi frowned and thought for a moment, then said: "Even if the Shuntian Mansion doesn't come, if the imperial history of the Metropolitan Procuratorate writes a letter of impeachment, I'm afraid..."

The profession of censor was born specifically for impeachment.

Their sole function, and greatest authority, is to impeach others.

In particular, Zhu Yuanzhang once set the ancestral precepts that the censor can hear about things, that is, as long as you hear it, regardless of whether it is true or not, you can be impeached.

Zhu Qizhen changed this, and he can be impeached, but he has to produce evidence.

Otherwise, you will be punished as the crime of resignation.

In this way, the Metropolitan Procuratorate stopped a little bit, but it was only restrained. As long as they found real evidence, they would be very willing to impeach.

Because the impeachment is correct and meritorious.

Zhu Qizhen waved his hand and said: "You don't need to worry about the Metropolitan Procuratorate... Or let's put it another way, as long as Shuntian Mansion doesn't report it and no one in the Metropolitan Procuratorate impeaches it, you two just pretend you don't know anything. Is this okay? ?”

Zhang Yi looked at Cao Nai, Cao Nai also looked at Zhang Yi, the two looked at each other, and they only saw blankness in each other's eyes.

As a cabinet scholar, if such a thing happened, I must take care of it.

Otherwise, if everyone disagrees with each other, they will fight, what's the point?
But... the emperor has talked all this, what should I do...

In the end, Zhang Yi had no choice but to listen to the scalp and said: "If the Shuntian Mansion doesn't play the performance, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate doesn't have anyone to impeach it, I wait...just pretend I don't know..."

Feeling guilty, he stole a glance at Cao Nai after he finished speaking.

After all, he is the chief assistant, but now he is the one who bet with the emperor, so he is so entangled...

Seeing that Cao Nai couldn't escape, he had no choice but to say: "I agree!"

Zhu Qizhen smiled and said, "Okay, that's the deal!"

Fan Zhong turned around in his carriage and returned to the palace on a detour. Cao Nai and Zhang Yi retired and continued to return to Wenyuan Pavilion to be on duty.

At this time, Tang Xinggu's identity is different, he is the censor of Zuodu of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and on weekdays, he is no less than the six ministers.

Because he is very clear about his position, that is... whoever the emperor asks me to slander, I will slander whoever he wants!

In the past, Yushi Qingliu sprayed people regardless of their status or occasion, even the emperor when he was in a hurry, euphemistically called outspoken advice.

Some people even caught the emperor spouting for fame.

Doing this is nothing more than two kinds of results. If the emperor is persuaded, then you will become famous in one battle and become famous in the future.

Conversely, if the emperor is annoyed and you are pulled out to beat the court rod, it will be exactly what he wants.

Think about it, I am a small seventh-rank censor, but I am not afraid of power and dare to fight against the emperor, how awesome I am!
Walking on the street in the future, no matter who is not allowed to look at it, give it a thumbs up and give it a thumbs up!

That's what Tang Xinggu did at the beginning, but what he got was not praise, but a big mouth.

That slap seemed to have opened up his two veins of Ren and Du, and then he suddenly changed his style and pointed the finger at his allies. No matter who it was, as long as he was against the emperor, he would shoot, and the firepower was so fierce that ordinary people could not spray.

In this way, instead of rising steadily, in just three years, the official worshiped Zuodu Censor.

Since Tang Xinggu took control of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, these censors have restrained a lot. The main reason is that the atmosphere has changed. They used to compete with each other to fight against the emperor, but now they only follow the emperor's lead. We will do whatever the emperor needs us to do.

We can't do it on the battlefield, but when it comes to verbal warfare, who are we afraid of?
A moment later, Tang Xinggu came in a hurry, kowtowed and saluted.

Zhu Qizhen waved his hand, and then asked straight to the point: "The Metropolitan Procuratorate should already know what happened in Shuntian Mansion, right?"

There is no way to do this, it is really too much trouble, and it is difficult for everyone to know whether the procuratorate wants to know.

Tang Xinggu nodded and said: "Back to the emperor, there is already a censor ready to play."

Zhu Qizhen said in a deep voice: "Go back and tell the people in the Metropolitan Procuratorate that before this case is clarified, no one is allowed to make unreasonable remarks!"

Tang Xinggu hesitated for a moment, then immediately reacted and said, "Yes!"

Zhu Qizhen said again: "I am not blocking the mouths of you and others. The duty of the censor is to advise and act. However, you must seek truth from facts, and you must not act upon hearing the wind, or even exaggerate, and reverse black and white. Do you understand?"

Tang Xinggu saluted: "I understand!"

"Well, if anyone is interested in this case, they can go to Changping. You know, hearing is believing, seeing is believing. You can only find out the truth of the matter by investigating it yourself."

Wenyuan Pavilion.

Zhang Yi was sitting in the public room, holding a teacup in his hand, lost in thought.

The emperor left, but left a terrible message.

That Longsheng Bank... turned out to be a liar!

He frowned, his expression fluctuating, and he really didn't know what to do.

Cao Nai came over and saw his distraught appearance, he couldn't help saying: "Shiqian, what's wrong with you?"

Zhang Yi came back to his senses and said, "It's nothing, I'm just... thinking about today's events..."

Of course Cao Nai knew what he was thinking.

"Didn't the emperor say that the bank will not be sealed up? If you have invested in silver, you can take it out now!"

Zhang Yi nodded and said, "To tell you the truth, Mr. Cao, I have already sent someone to deliver a letter to the house, asking the dog to get back all the money invested in, but I am very puzzled. The owner of the Longsheng Bank, I checked earlier. Clearly, his net worth is very clean, and, before that, he was indeed a very capable businessman with an excellent reputation, everyone praised him, how could he be a liar?"

Cao Nai said: "I also know a thing or two about that Longsheng Bank. It is said that many princes and nobles, including hundreds of officials in the court and countless common people, have invested in silver. If it is really a liar, one or two people will be deceived. , such a large industry does not make sense."

Zhang Yi's mood seemed to be relieved a little, he nodded and said: "So, the emperor made a mistake this time."

Cao Nai thought for a while and said, "Why don't I pass a note to the Shuntian Mansion, asking them to investigate the details of the Longsheng Bank?"

Zhang Yi waved his hand and said: "Let's forget it, Shuntian Mansion is too busy to take care of itself now, besides, if people continue to inquire about other people's details, if others find out, it will definitely have a bad influence on the bank. The emperor will not say it for five days." Well, we will see the outcome at that time. I also want to know now, whether the emperor is predicting things like a god."

Although he said that, he was still a little uneasy.

Because...he really invested money!
Think about it, if you go down to 100 taels of silver, there will be a profit of five taels of silver every month. Now the silver is not as good as the year after year, and it will depreciate in your hands. There are risks in doing business, and such lucrative places, I can't find it even with a lantern.

Even if I put all my wealth and life into it, I am very happy to receive dividends every month.

If this Longsheng Bank is a liar, can he still live?
He is not the only one, those who have invested money, there are [-] if not [-], are they all cheated?
Thinking of this, he couldn't help shaking his head, and said, "Let's talk about the Shuntian Mansion, Mr. Cao, what do you think of this case?"

Cao Nai pondered for a moment, then said: "I was at the scene at the time, and I heard what Wu Zhide said very clearly. Among the dossiers presented by Changping County, there are thirteen witnesses who confessed, so there shouldn't be any mistakes."

Zhang Yi asked suddenly: "What if these witnesses were really coerced and lured into giving false testimony? You know, the plaintiff in this lawsuit is a commoner, and the defendant is a local gentry. It's not impossible! "

Cao Nai replied: "Your question is just a guess. Now we don't have any real evidence. We can only judge based on the existing situation. What is certain now is those confessions."

It's not that he has no doubts about the case, but doubts are doubts, and the case must be based on evidence after all.

It is said that the gentry colluded and bribed the witnesses... These are just speculations, who can confirm it?
Since it is nothing, how can I evaluate it?
Zhang Yi thought for a while, and then said: "What Cao Gong said is very true. Now we can only guess, but we have no way to prove it. How about this, I will go to Wangjiazhuang in Changping in person."

Cao Nai nodded first, and then said: "I'd better go, you hurry up and deal with the family affairs."

That is to say, there is no explicit statement, you hurry up and take out your money, if you are really cheated, how will you live the rest of your life?

"I have my dog ​​to take care of the mundane affairs at home. Mr. Cao is too old to travel long distances, so let me do it!"

Zhang Yi's attitude was very firm. He felt that as a cabinet scholar, he couldn't just sit at home and listen to what others said.

What if the information obtained is wrong?
Take this Changping case, if the crew member was really wronged, from the squire to the county magistrate, then to the magistrate, and then to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, if the case is settled and there is no turning over, who can he turn to to complain about his grievances?
If there is no Peng Qing, then, does he have a dead end?
(End of this chapter)

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