Chapter 377 Ironclad Attacks

"Idiot, trash!"

Charlemagne yelled at Wells. He was going to harvest the battlefield, but he was beaten to the ground and was in a panic.

"Your Excellency, those Orientals have a very magical weapon in their hands."

"Wells, don't make excuses for your failure. No matter how magical their weapons are, can they compare to our firecrackers?"

"Compared to our guns..."

Will paused for a moment, then said weakly: "It's still... more powerful..."

"how is this possible?"

Charlemagne was furious, and spit on Wales' face.

"It's true, Your Excellency Charlemagne, their firecrackers... It seems that they don't need to be reloaded, they can be fired all the time, and the range is very far, it's incredible!"

"Wells, are you kidding me? The gun doesn't need to be reloaded?"

"Your Excellency Charlemagne, I really didn't lie to you. Their firecrackers are terrifying, like...the devil. Now I understand why the Prussian general died in battle for no apparent reason. Easterners are all devils. They... They're all a bunch of devils..."

"Stop talking, Wells, your cowardice will infect the soldiers. I order you now, no matter what method you use, you must completely wipe out those Orientals, otherwise, you will see God yourself!"

The expression on Wells' face was very painful. He didn't want to face the Ming army, but he had to.

Because... Charlemagne would really send him to God.

However, having seen the fighting power of the Ming army with his own eyes, he no longer dared to attack directly, so he had an idea and started a guerrilla war with the Ming army.

The two sides used the reefs on the island to fight each other for a whole day and night, but there was still no winner.

Because this time, Wells has learned his lesson. First of all, he must choose an area with complex terrain, and he can find a bunker at any time, so that he cannot be used as a target.

Secondly, if you can't fight, run decisively, and never love to fight.

If one position is lost, just fight again in another place.

On the Golden Griffin, Charlemagne was fast asleep.

The Ming army was already besieged on the island, and they were not in a hurry to launch an attack at this time.

Just let Wales hold the man down, and then find a chance to wipe them out in one fell swoop.

Even if this Ming army is a tough nut to crack, it doesn't matter. There is no water source or food on this island, and they will be trapped to death if they are sleepy!

So, Charlemagne slept comfortably.

In his sleep, he seemed to see Queen Docia coming to him with a bouquet of romantic red roses, docile like a kitten...

"Your Excellency, Your Excellency!"

Charlemagne opened his eyes and said dissatisfiedly, "What are you arguing about?"

"Your Excellency, the Flying Shark has reported that enemy ships have been spotted in the north, about 50 nautical miles away, and there are more than [-] ships!"

"Whose ship, have you seen it clearly?"

Charlemagne suddenly became nervous, and he didn't think about the interruption of his dream.

"The Flying Shark is far away, so I can't see it clearly. According to the crew's description, it should be the Ming Fleet."

"Order, the Flying Shark will continue to investigate and pay close attention to the nearby waters!"


Charlemagne put on his armor and came to the deck.

On the surface of the sea, the morning sun gradually rises, and the sea breeze blows on the face, just like Dosia's kiss, which is intoxicating.

"Notify all ships and all soldiers that the time has come for the decisive battle between the Eastern Roman Empire and the Ming Fleet. Get ready for battle, polish your cannons and muskets, hoist your sails, and prepare for battle!"

The order was conveyed quickly, the ships shouted to each other, and all the soldiers got busy.

The Flying Shark has returned to its voyage and brought back accurate information. There was indeed a fleet of fifty to sixty ships on the sea, but they dispersed within fifty nautical miles from here.

Charlemagne smiled again. If facing fifty ships, he might have to consider whether to fight, but the opponent actually separated!
It seems that God is taking care of himself.

"Go and investigate again!"


In less than two hours, the Flying Shark returned again.

This time, they brought back exciting news that a large ship with seven or eight small boats was heading in their direction.

Other ships are relatively far away, and it will take at least an hour to support them.

Charlemagne couldn't help laughing, seven or eight ships, one hour is enough!

However, the Flying Shark also brought back another news, that is, the big ship seemed to be different from ordinary ships.

Charlemagne ignored it, a ship was a ship, even if it was different, it was still a ship.

Just like two people, even if there is a huge difference in strength, it is not easy for the stronger one to kill the weaker one.

Therefore, as long as it is a ship, no matter how advanced it is, it is absolutely impossible to count one as ten and one as hundreds.

What's more, he killed three enemy ships with his own hands, and it was no different at all.

When it comes to the advantages of the Ming army, it is that the firearms are somewhat powerful.

The fortifications that I worked so hard to build were completely destroyed by three medium-sized warships.

Not to mention muskets, Wales fought fiercely with the Ming army with three times its strength, and the winner has not yet been determined.

The place where I am now is equivalent to a natural harbor, and the ships of the Ming army need to turn a corner to see me.

However, when they see themselves, it is their time of death.

The process of waiting for a rabbit was tense and exciting, and I didn't know how long I waited. Finally, a huge mast appeared in the field of vision.

Due to being blocked by the island, he can't see the ships of the Ming army now, but only sees the masts moving slowly.


Charlemagne came down decisively, aiming the artillery at the front of the island.

The gunner lit the fuse, whistling white smoke.

The timing was calculated very precisely. When the artillery was fired, it happened that the ship of the Ming army leaned out from behind the island.

In other words, when the Ming army found itself, the artillery had already arrived.

The Golden Griffin fired first, and dozens of shells flew out like meteors.

At the same time, the ships of the Ming army finally sailed out from behind the island, revealing their true colors.

Big, too big!
This was Charlemagne's first impression of the ship in front of him.

Suddenly, he seemed to sense something was wrong.

It seems that the other party...has no sails?
How did that go forward?
Just when he was wondering, the shell had already hit the target, and then...

Charlemagne's pupils suddenly dilated, because he saw clearly that the shells hit the ships of the Ming army, but there was no reaction at all.

Absolutely impossible!
What was even more incredible was that under the sunlight, the big black ship suddenly began to reflect a dazzling light.

Charlemagne suddenly realized that this was... iron armor...

The huge ship was billowing black smoke, like a steel monster, slowly opening its fangs.

(End of this chapter)

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