There was a heavy snow last night, which dyed the earth with a layer of silver makeup.

Zhu Qizhen stopped and looked far away, at the end of his eyes, the sky and the earth were connected together, which was quite spectacular.

The cold wind in the morning blew across his face like a knife.

At this moment, he suddenly understood the mood of Emperor Taizong Zhu Di.

Wouldn't it be nostalgic for such a beautiful river and mountain?
"Your Majesty, it's time to leave!"

Yuan Bin waited for a long time, but finally couldn't bear to come forward.

He was terrified after drinking the wine yesterday, but fortunately nothing went wrong, but that Atulu was too enthusiastic, he had to leave quickly, or he would have to stay with the emperor for dinner again!
"Brother Huang, brother Huang!"

Yuan Bin's heart tightened, and when he turned around, he saw Atulu walking quickly.

"What are you doing here in such a cold day?"

Zhu Qizhen turned around and said with a smile, "Look at the scenery!"

"Look at the scenery?"

Artulu looked around, then shook his head and said, "What's so interesting here, let's go, I'll introduce you to some friends!"

Zhu Qizhen asked with interest: "What friend?"

Atulu said: "It's all the herdsmen here. They heard that a Chinese friend with a good drinker came here, and they came here to meet them!"

Zhu Qizhen couldn't help laughing in his heart, it seems that both Mongolian and Han people like to join in the fun.

I drank for a long time yesterday, and everyone knows it this morning.

"Just right, I also want to meet a few more friends!"

Zhu Qizhen did not refuse, and followed Atulu to the tent.

Yuan Bin hurriedly followed, and whispered: "Your Majesty, we still have business to do!"

Zhu Qizhen turned sideways slightly, and replied in a low voice: "What we are doing now is the business."

Yuan Bin was puzzled, but he had no choice but to let it go.

Well, you are the emperor, you are the biggest, you have the final say!

In case something happens, it's a big deal... I'll take the twenty or so guards in brocade clothes to accompany you on the road together!

Back in the tent, I saw three rough men drinking kumiss.

Artulu was very excited, talking with several people in Mongolian, then turned around and pointed at Zhu Qizhen:
"This is Brother Huang, he is very straightforward and drinks a lot!"

He knew that Zhu Qizhen couldn't understand Mongolian, so he changed it to Chinese on purpose.

The Mongols have always admired the strong, and in their view, drinking capacity represents strength.

Atulu's drinking capacity in the local area is also quite good. It must not be easy for him to drink him all down.

Therefore, a few acquaintances rushed over immediately, ready to see if the warrior had three heads and six arms.

However, when they saw Zhu Qizhen, they couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

This person looks ordinary, and even talks and behaves more like a scholar.

Can he really drink Atulu down?
"Brother Huang, let me introduce you. This is Tamur, this is Hulun, and my brother-in-law, Usak. By the way, he also has a Chinese name, Kazakh!"

Zhu Qizhen was stunned. Usak, a Mongolian, gave himself a Han name, Kazakh?

What the hell?

"This ha..."


"Yes, Kazakh, I mean..."

Zhu Qizhen's face was tangled, and he said: "The surname Ha is very rare in the names of Han people. How did you come up with this surname?"

Kazakh immediately said: "Why is it so rare, Ha Ming of Beihaiwei, isn't his surname Ha?"

Zhu Qizhen was quite surprised, he didn't expect that the word Ha Ming was quite popular in Mobei.

"Do you know Harming?"

"I don't know, I've heard of it!"

Zhu Qizhen asked again: "Is this person famous?"

Kazakh's expression became very respectful, and he said, "Who doesn't know about sweeping Mobei and beheading Boyan?"

This person's Chinese is obviously stronger than Atulu's, and it sounds much more fluent.

With a thought in his heart, Zhu Qizhen asked, "Isn't Boyan your Mongolian general?"

"So what?"

Kazakh suddenly frowned, clenched his fists, and said: "This person bullied us a lot, if Haming doesn't kill him, I will kill him myself!"

Zhu Qizhen laughed again: "You have a grudge against Boyan?"

At this time, Arturu's wife brought another large pot of kumiss, lit a charcoal fire, and roasted some lamb legs on the fire. They looked very fresh, as if they had just been slaughtered.

Atulu said: "Everyone stop standing, let's eat and chat!"

Zhu Qizhen followed the crowd and sat around the charcoal fire, thinking in his heart, roasting mutton early in the morning, such a life... really comfortable!
It's windy and snowy outside, eating roast mutton and drinking kumiss in the yurt, the days of this group of people are more nourishing than that of an emperor like me!
Kazakh was the youngest and took the initiative to pour wine for everyone.

However, his face was covered with a layer of melancholy.

"Cows and sheep are our wealth. In the past, we had to take our cattle and sheep with us wherever we went. If there was a snowstorm in winter, the cattle and sheep would freeze to death. Even if we didn't freeze to death, we would starve to death!"

Arturu interrupted him: "Kazakh, what you say and do is a thing of the past!"

"Didn't Brother Huang ask why I changed my surname?"

There was a wry smile on Kazakh's face, and he continued: "There are seven people in my family. I have three older brothers and one older sister. However, my three older brothers were all dragged to the battlefield by Boyan, fighting against you Han people, and killing them. Go, what about the end?"

"My third elder brother was only 15 years old. At that time I was still young, only 12 years old. There was another snowstorm. The cattle and sheep were requisitioned. There was no food at home. My mother left the last piece of dried meat to me and my sister. I was hungry. died……"

"My older sister was also reluctant to eat it and left the jerky to me. If I hadn't met Atulu, my older sister would have died too."

"Later I found out that my three elder brothers were all killed in battle. Even so, Boyan did not let us go, and went to the grassland to catch the strong men. There were no adults left, so he caught the old and the children. I was only 12 years old. , I have to follow him to the battlefield to fight, to fight desperately... for what?"

Kazakh became more and more excited as he spoke, picked up the wine bowl and drank it down.

Zhu Qizhen could clearly see that tears were shining in the corners of his eyes.

Prosperity, the people suffer, death, the people suffer.

The war between the Ming Dynasty and Mongolia lasted for a hundred years, and in the end, only the people at the bottom suffered.

They are no different from the Han people. The Han people work all day and then turn in the grain, while they graze hard and then turn in the cattle and sheep.

Young and strong have to go to the battlefield. They say they are fighting, but in fact they are used as cannon fodder for the main force of others.

It is conceivable what kind of suffering the people at the bottom of the desert have experienced.

They didn't even hate Daming or the Han people at all, but hated those high-ranking officers and generals on the grassland.

Boyan is the second-in-command of Wala, and it stands to reason that he should be respected and worshiped by the Mongols.

Unexpectedly, there is no respect here, no applause, only curses!

Kazakh looked at Zhu Qizhen, and said: "In this world, whoever can make us eat and drink enough, so that my children will no longer be hungry and cold, and no longer have to worry about living, I will regard that person as a hero!"

Zhu Qizhen thought to himself, there is something wrong with your logic.

It was I who led the soldiers to kill Yexian and Boyan, why do you only remember one Ha Ming?
So, with a thought in his mind, he deliberately elongated his tone: "I heard that the emperor's surname is Zhu, why didn't you change your surname to Zhu..."

"The emperor is a god, the immortal!"

Kazakh waved his hands again and again, and said nervously: "We are mortals, how dare we have the same surname as Changshengtian?"

Artulu patted him on the shoulder and said, "Brother Huang is here for business, what are you talking about about those bitter things, come and drink!"

Kazakhs and others raised their wine glasses one after another: "Do it!"

Zhu Qizhen also drank it down, and then asked: "I'm really sorry, I was busy drinking yesterday, and I haven't talked about business yet."

Atulu laughed and said: "It's okay, our cattle and sheep are very good, and we don't have to worry about selling them. I'll take you to see them later, and you can buy them if you like them. It doesn't matter if you don't like them. Several of their families have them. , you can go and see them one by one. Don’t worry, the price is absolutely fair!”

Zhu Qizhen smiled and said, "It's easy to say, easy to say!"

At this time, Hasar said: "In the past, cattle and sheep were mainly slaughtered and eaten, and most of them were taken away by Boyan's people, but now it is different. Merchants from the relevant departments often come here, Buying in large quantities, there is no need to worry about selling.”

Zhu Qizhen knew better than him that the reason why merchants came to buy it was because the demand for cattle and sheep in the pass increased.

Cattle are livestock and are mainly used for farming.

In the past, labor was worthless, and even landlords were reluctant to buy cattle.

Because the money to buy cattle can easily hire a large group of people to work. These people eat less than cattle and do more than cattle, so why spend money on cattle?

The situation is different now. Everyone goes out to work, and labor is getting more and more expensive.

In the past, if a tenant was hired to farm the land, at most [-]% of the income would be paid, but now less than [-]% of the households do not farm at all.

As labor costs continue to rise, farming cattle have become popular.

As for sheep, they are mainly used to eat meat. Now that everyone has money and consumption power has risen, the demand will naturally increase.

Where there is demand, there will be an attack. The inside of the pass needs cattle and sheep, and the Mongols outside the pass raise cattle and sheep. Both sides get what they need, mutual benefit and win-win.

In addition, there are countless mines and workshops outside the pass, and manpower is being recruited everywhere. If you don't want to herd, you can also go out to work.

As long as people are full of food, who has the leisure to fight and kill?

No matter Mongolian or Han, everyone came out of the mother's womb and just wanted to live a good life in peace and stability.

In the past, they had no choice but to rely on robbery, so they would take the risk.

Now it is different, since engaged in production can let oneself have no worries about food and clothing, who would take huge risks to rob?
Zhu Qizhen nodded: "Since we are so close, I will buy all the cattle and sheep in your family, and I will give you a good price."

Artulu pointed at the other party so readily, and immediately smiled: "I will give you a discount, according to the market price, [-]% off!"

There are hundreds of cows and [-] sheep in his family, and they can be sold directly in one litter. This is not a small business!
For this reason, he also showed the greatest sincerity and gave a [-]% discount.

Yuan Bin stared blankly while listening, what are you asking for?
Not to mention what to do with buying these cattle and sheep back, have you brought any money?
Zhu Qizhen didn't seem to care, and said to Yuan Bin: "Go to Erhun City today and get the bank notes!"

Yuan Bin frowned, thinking I'm leaving, you stay here by yourself?
But at this moment, hurried footsteps were heard outside.

Immediately afterwards, the door curtain was lifted, and a Mongolian man hurried in, chattering a few words to Atulu.

After hearing this, Artulu stood up immediately, responded with a few words in Mongolian, then walked to the tent and took down a pair of bows and arrows.

Yuan Bin immediately became nervous and was on guard.

But Kazakh and others also got up one after another, looking for weapons at hand.

Zhu Qizhen was also confused about the situation, so he asked, "Arturu, what are you going to do?"

Artulu turned his head and said, "We're going out to do some errands, you continue to drink and wait for us to come back."

Zhu Qizhen frowned, and couldn't help asking: "What happened?"

Kazakh said angrily: "Damn it, a group of thieves are here to steal sheep again. We are going to hunt them down."

After finishing speaking, several people left in a hurry.

Only Zhu Qizhen and Yuan Bin were left in the tent, as well as the steaming roast leg of lamb.

Zhu Qizhen made it again, cut off a piece with a knife, and looked at Yuan Bin: "Eat some, don't stand there!"

Yuan Bin couldn't be in the mood to eat meat right now, so he hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, you should follow me into the city first!"

Zhu Qizhen ignored it, and asked instead: "Who is the sheep thief they are talking about?"

Yuan Bin thought for a while and said: "After Mobei was included in the Ming Dynasty, not everyone sincerely joined, especially the former noble class, who could not accept the same status as the low-level people like Atulu. Over time, a diaspora formed. , like in the past, they are engaged in the business of robbing houses, presumably these are the people."

Zhu Qizhen ate another piece of lamb leg, chewed it carefully, and asked: "I ask you a question, do you think the barrier between Mongolia and Han can be eliminated?"

Yuan Bin was thoughtful, and then said: "The Mongols are actually the same as the Han people, but because of the harsh conditions, they have become my confidantes, and now it seems that, as Atulu, Kazakhs and others said, they are also I don't want to live the life I used to, I think the barrier between Mongolia and Han will only get smaller and smaller until it completely disappears."

Zhu Qizhen nodded and said: "These two days have been very fruitful, and we should get ready."

Yuan Bin hurriedly asked, "When will the emperor plan to enter the city?"

"There are still two days left in the time agreed with Qiqike, you release the 20 people around you now, I'm going to start planning!"

"Your Majesty, please order!"

"First of all... calculate how many cattle and sheep he has in his family, and bring the money. You can't let other people's pigeons go?"

Yuan Bin frowned, and asked in doubt: "The emperor still wants to buy pigeons?"

"What kind of pigeon to buy!"

Zhu Qizhen shook his head helplessly, and said: "Anyway, go get the money, I have reached an agreement with Atulu, and I want all his cattle and sheep!"

Yuan Bin nodded, and asked again: "The minister will do it now!"

"Okay, next..."

Zhu Qizhen kept giving orders, and a big net was being spread quietly.

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