Datang: Hiding private money, exposed by Xiao Sizi

Chapter 202: Different Minds!Could it be His Highness the King of Chu?

Chapter 202: Different Minds!Could it be His Highness the King of Chu?

This time, the Turks collapsed.

It also caused the hard-won unified front cooperation among the clans to begin to collapse.

It would take hundreds of years to make up for it.

However, there is no way.

There is no way...
If the Li family of Zhaojun is not pushed out, the five surnames, Qiwang and other aristocratic families, large and small, will probably be uprooted by Li Shimin.

Beijiang's anger had to be let out.


The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi took a deep breath.

His breathing was a little short.

"40 troops, Jieli Khan, are you really all pig brains?!"

"Even if I let the old man fight, there won't be such a result!"

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi thought of this, and still couldn't help but curse out angrily.

The pressure of the family is about to rise.

With the fall of the Li family in Zhaojun, the secular path will be completely changed.

This is one of the five surnames and seven Wangs, an ancient clan! !


Li Shimin must be killed with one blow!

Can't delay!

The Patriarch of the Li family in Longxi knew very well that if it dragged on, their fate would be similar to that of the Li family in Zhaojun in the near future.

But what to do?

His head is going to crack right now.

Cracked! ! ! .
National Supervisor.

Yu Shinan's pace was in a hurry.

Kong Yingda is reading a book.

"Rush far, rush far!"

"It's confirmed, it's confirmed, it's confirmed! Datang won, and Datang really won, hahaha..."

Yu Shinan put the battle report that was transcribed in his hand directly on the desk.

Kong Yingda was puzzled.

He had heard about the news of Datang's victory before, but this result was still accompanied by many doubts, but now...
He narrowed his eyes.

Scan it quickly.


In an instant, there was a long silence.

After a long time, he let out a long breath.

"it is good!!"

He snorted lowly.
Yunzhou City.

Li Jing, Zhang Liang, and Hou Junji's reinforcements have also arrived.

Li Jing headed north directly after starting from Chang'an, and went straight to Yunzhou City without stopping.

But Zhang Liang and Hou Junji took a detour.

Coincidentally, the two arrived at the City Lord's Mansion of Yunzhou City on the same day.

After listening to everyone's report, Li Jing really didn't know what to say.

He originally thought that his journey would be more or less auspicious, and he must break through all the barriers all the way to reach Yunzhou City.

It's just that he didn't expect that the journey along the way was far beyond his expectation.

When they arrived at the place where Qin Qiong, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde were stationed, Li Jing thought they were still there, but he didn't expect to see no one there.

Then I was even more anxious, so I couldn't rest and continued to go north.

When he arrived at Yunzhou City and looked at the countless flags of the Tang Dynasty floating on the city wall, his heart was completely relaxed all at once.

Then, Li Ji and others went out of the city and welcomed them in.

"This... huh... I have to say, God bless me Datang!!"

Li Jing raised his wine glass and couldn't help but drink it down.


He let out a long breath, and continued: "I didn't stop on this journey, and I was really anxious, but I never expected that the final ending would be so... so wonderful!!"

"Okay, okay! Those mysterious troops can't be found, so that's all. They are the benefactors of our Tang Dynasty, and we are really thanks to them!"

"If it weren't for them, this Yunzhou City would really be lost."

"There is also Chang'an in the back, I am afraid that it will also usher in a catastrophe, good! good! good!!"

Li Jing said hello three times.

"Yeah, this time, our Yunzhou City is really lucky, hahaha..."

"Come here, Pharmacist, General Zhang, and General Hou, let's raise our glasses together. This time, I also want to thank everyone for their hard work."

"The Turks were defeated, and I, Tang, can really rest easy!"

Li Ji raised his glass again.

"Yeah, come, come, drink, drink, today, we brothers must drink to the point of darkness!!" Cheng Yaojin yelled.

"That's right, pharmacist, please!" Qin Qiong smiled.

Zhang Liang was extremely excited.

On the dark face, there was a red glow.

He had already drank several large bowls in a row just now, and he was really excited and a little overjoyed.

However, Hou Junji on one side had an uneasy expression on his face, but facing everyone, he could only forcefully smile.

Turkic, lost.

He never imagined it.

This way, I really tried my best to delay my marching distance, otherwise I wouldn't have walked so many days earlier than Li Jing, and finally arrived together.

Even if they took a detour, in fact, this reason is unreasonable.

after all.

Everyone knows the urgency of Yunzhou City. Even if you take a detour and count the days, you have to arrive two or three days ago.

But right now, no one bothers with that much.

When he led the army to Yunzhou City, he had already thought in his heart that he would directly lead the army to the Turks.

When the time comes, we will go south together to take Chang'an and welcome Li Tai to ascend the throne.

He even thought that if Zhang Liang remained stubborn, he would be killed.

The final result made him dumbfounded. To be honest, Hou Junji's mind went blank when he came in and watched the cheers of the Tang people on both sides.

He really couldn't imagine that the 40 Turkic army could not even defeat a small Yunzhou City.

I have already given them the defense map of northern Xinjiang.

There are also all kinds of intelligence information, the Datang Weijun really has no privacy at all, it is like hiding in front of the Turks.

It's all like this, and you still lost so badly?

Even Jieli Khan was captured alive.

What the hell!

Hou Junji couldn't accept it.

Sitting here now, his head is muddled, his heart is extremely rough, and he doesn't know what to do.


He panics!
Really panic! !

If the matter is revealed, then I will really be ruined and ruined.

Hou Junji finished drinking the wine in the bowl.

There is no taste at all.

His heart is not on this at all.

"Pharmacist, Your Majesty's edict from yesterday has arrived, to let our class teacher return to the imperial court and bring all the people like Jieli Khan back to Chang'an, hahaha... I don't know when we will leave."

Li Ji put down the wine bowl in his hand, wiped his mouth happily, and said with a smile.

This decree is far faster than the rush of the army.

Hearing this, Li Jing let out a heavy breath.

He glanced back, looking at the sky beyond the door.

"This... I think the sooner the better, go back to Chang'an, tell His Majesty, and let the people of the world feel at ease."

"However, the soldiers I lead still have to rest for two or three days. I am afraid that the soldiers will not be able to hold on to this journey and go back without rest."

Li Jing said in a deep voice.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's go back to Chang'an in three days! Hahaha..."

Li Ji laughed.

He fills up the wine again.

"Come on, do it!"

In the city lord's mansion, laughter was bright, and everyone was excited and unrestrained.

Outside the city, the common people are also singing and dancing.

Since the end of the war, Yunzhou City has been in a carnival that has not stopped.

However, in Yunzhou City, there are still a few people who are worried.

Hou Junji is one of them.

time flies.

Not to mention carnival days.

The three-day rest day is fleeting.

On this day, inside and outside of Yunzhou city, all the people stood full of people.

One after another, the prisoner dragon carriages holding Jieli Khan, Tuli Khan, and Shiwei Khan drove out of the prison, and slowly left Yunzhou City under heavy suppression.

Goal, Chang'an!
Li Ji, Li Jing, Qin Qiong and the others rode their horses, and they lost all the tension they had before. Some of them were all relaxed and happy.

This time, Datang really eliminated the instability in northern Xinjiang. Even if there is no soldier in Yunzhou City, it is extremely safe.

"This Yunzhou City, Shiji, you are really powerful. In just three years, you have managed to turn a small border town into a giant city guarding the background."

"Admiration, really admiration!"

Looking at the majestic city, Li Jing said sincerely.

Li Ji smiled.

"It all depends on His Majesty, and the cooperation of the Ministry of War over the years. My ability is nothing more than that. Besides, the victory of Yunzhou City this time really has nothing to do with me."

"As long as it is replaced by other people, the result is the same."

"What should be admired is the people here, as well as the soldiers here, and of course the most important thing is the mysterious army."

Li Ji said.

Li Jing chuckled.

"Shiji, what you said...have humbled yourself."

"By the way, is there any news about that mysterious army these days? Could it be that...they really disappeared in the northern border?"

Li Jing asked.

Qin Qiong also let out a sigh of relief from the side, and said: "Yeah, who exactly belonged to that group of troops? We don't know the details of such a force. This... is somewhat threatening to us in Tang Dynasty." .”

Li Ji nodded.

"Second brother Qin, you are right."

"However, I really asked the scouts to search all over, and even Liang Guo searched, but I still didn't find any trace of them."

"However, we do know a secret, that is, this group of troops, before joining the war, has been hiding in Liang Guo. When we went to Liang Guo, Liang Shidu and the others were killed by this group of troops. .”

"Now, the Kingdom of Liang has also been taken over by the Tang Dynasty. Now, with Liangcheng and Yunzhou City, it has become a corner. The form of the northern border of the Tang Dynasty has completely stabilized."

"Huh... No matter how you say it, this time, I really want to thank this group of troops."

"I, Li Ji, will never forget it in this life!"

"When I come back from Chang'an, I will find a place in northern Xinjiang to build a temple for that Highness, erect a monument, and forever town my land of Tang Dynasty!!"

Li Ji straightened his back. He looked at the scorching sun that had just risen in front of him, and his voice was extremely energetic.

Li Jing nodded.

Qin Qiong, Cheng Yaojin and Yuchi Jingde were listening to the words, looked at each other, then at Li Jing, and frowned slightly.

They are still muttering in their hearts.

Not for anything else, just because of the situation I learned from everyone in the past few days.

The clothes that those troops wore were extremely domineering.

And the means of attack are also very special.

They have a secret killer move, which is to attract thunder.

This was confirmed by many soldiers.

It was precisely because of this huge killer move that the 40 Turkic army completely collapsed.

This group of mysterious troops, Qin Qiong and the others really don't know who they are.

But the more they thought about this attack method, the more they felt that it was more like what they saw in the Chu Palace.

This thing was carved out of a mold.

If there is no relationship at all, they really don't believe it.

Li Ji talked with several people, and then rode forward to order various sergeants.

Hou Junji followed around in the cage, his face was very ugly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Zhang Liang followed far behind the team, guarding the rear of the army.

"This mysterious army is really powerful. From what they said, it's like a god descending from the earth."

"Huh... It's a pity that I didn't see it with my own eyes. It's really a pity."

Li Jing sighed.

Qin Qiong and the three of them looked at each other and slowly surrounded them.

"Pharmacist, we've discovered something about this mysterious army. I don't know if you want to listen."

Qin Qiong looked around and saw that there were only four of them here, so she didn't hide it.

After all, the four of them knew about the affair of King Chu's other courtyard.

This is no small matter.

When we arrive in Chang'an, we must personally report to His Majesty.

So, they wanted to tell Li Jing first. After all, Li Jing is the minister of the Ministry of War, with a high position and authority.
This matter is really too heavy.

If it was really the army of the King of Chu, then it would be...
"Huh? Found the mysterious army?!"

Hearing this, Li Jing immediately asked.

Qin Qiong exhaled, and he shook his head.


"However, we feel that this mysterious army may...maybe have something to do with His Royal Highness King Chu."

Qin Qiong lowered his voice and said in a deep voice.

Li Jing:! ! ! ! !
Hearing this, he jerked the rein in his hand, because it was so sudden that the horse's front hooves were raised, and it was directly fixed in place.

Li Jing's eyes widened.

He stared straight at the three of them.

In an instant, his breathing seemed to be sealed.

What the hell? !
He can't believe it!
How did the investigation end up on the head of His Royal Highness the King of Chu? !
No matter what he thought in his mind, this mysterious army couldn't have anything to do with King Chu.

The King of Chu is usually wise and unparalleled, but how old is His Highness the King of Chu?
Some wisdom, some talent, although they are horrified, they can more or less accept it.

However, this mysterious army...
my mother!

Not to mention anything else, how did His Royal Highness the King of Chu train?
These days, he inquired about the past of the battle, and had a long talk with those fortress soldiers.

It can be a little bit of experience that the mysterious army's various abilities are top-notch, completely surpassing the soldiers of Datang.



Horse skills!


Even weapons!
(End of this chapter)

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